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Boston University

71 Alums took the salary survey

BU Alumni Salary over Time

Boston University Salary over time
BU Salaries
BU Careers

BU Salaries

$48,342Starting Annual Salary
$248,21410 Year Annual Salary

Said that BU contributed

28.17%75-100% to their career success
26.76%50-75% to their career success
14.08%25-50% to their career success
30.99%0-25% to their career success

Had the employment status

12.68%Self Employed
21.13%Top Management
40.85%White Collar workers
1.41%Pink Collar workers
0.00%Blue Collar workers
2.82%Entry Level employees

Life Satisfaction

66.20%Are satisfied with their current job.
76.06%Said things are generally going well.
46.48%Are still in the field they majored in in college.

Reputation & Preparedness

Help from Reputation6.5
Preparedness for Real world6.3
Most Frequently mentioned Graduate Jobs
Manager (16), Sales (9), Director (8), Analyst (7), Software (7),
% went on to Graduate or Professional Ed.
... When I would let an employer know that I too had graduated from Bu, they would laugh or ignore it ...Read full comment
... But I know that Sargent has a great reputation among employers ...Read full comment
... I am interested i pursuing a career in Broadcast Journalism/ therefore going into COM ...Read full comment
... Going into my junior year and having experienced it all at this school, here's the honest truth about BU: You are being prepared for the real wor...Read full comment
... I'm extremely passionate about communications and with a concentration in public relations, I'm really excited to graduate and start my career .....Read full comment
... There is no help in getting an internship and for resume reviews they have fellow students showing you a bunch of sample resumes and telling you ...Read full comment
... The professors don't know you by name and they are very mechanical, all about going by the books and less about trying to apply what we are learn...Read full comment
... Friends also tell me that the BU name is great to have on your resume in the south and in Cali ...Read full comment
... Perhaps I would have been happier at a small liberal arts college, but I believe going to a large research university provided more opportunitie...Read full comment
... To the current students who complain about how difficult and/or seemingly non-sensical the writing requirements are at BU: you will figure it out...Read full comment
... BU students are well prepared for careers and typically brilliant ...Read full comment
... They focus on projects and assignments that combine real world problems and tasks with theory ...Read full comment
... Employers, for whatever reason, seem to think BU is a good school ...Read full comment
... This school just wants you to come here, suck your money our, and show you a door to a low-salary job ...Read full comment
... I don't think there's any employer out there who would scoff at a degree from BU ...Read full comment
... They have a question here about your yearly salary ...Read full comment
... BU was a WONDERFUL school and a great place to start the transition to the real world ...Read full comment
... And BU may be tough academically (grade deflation) but FYI, employers know how hard BU is (#1 hardest grading school in the COUNTRY), so don't fe...Read full comment
... But I'm minoring in Computer Science and despite its comparatively small size it's a well developed up and coming program that a lot of employer...Read full comment
... When asking about a career opportunity and more information my major, my advisor told me to go look it up myself ...Read full comment
... BU will not help prepare you for a job and career, you will have to o that on your own ...Read full comment
... BU is a great school if your going to come here learn a few things graduate and move straight onto your career ...Read full comment
... BU doesn't have the Design classes that will prepare me for a career in design ...Read full comment
... A degree from BU is looked upon quite favorably in the real world and is certainly nothing to scoff at ...Read full comment
... BU is and always has been a "real world" place ...Read full comment
... In addition, the extra CS courses that I took that weren't required have been very helpful, as they've been more about getting a job and program...Read full comment
... And for a management student, this out of class learning is far more palpable in the real world, than is knowing a few more formulas ...Read full comment
... 3, how will that translate to employers looking at less qualified applicants who got an 3 ...Read full comment
... BU teaches you skills for the real world, both in the classroom and in regards to dealing with people from all over the world ...Read full comment
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StudentsReview Advice!

• What is a good school?
• Statistical Significance
• How to choose a Major
• How to choose your Career
• What you make of it?
• How Ivy League Admissions works
• On the Student/Faculty Ratio

• FAFSA: Who is a Parent?
• FAFSA: Parent Contribution
• FAFSA: Dream out of reach

• College Financial Planning
• Survive College and Graduate
• Sniffing Out Commuter Schools
• Preparing for College: A HS Roadmap
• Talking to Your Parents about College.
• Is a top college worth it?
• Why is college hard?
• Why Kids Aren't Happy in Traditional Schools
• Essential College Tips
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• Cost of College Increasing Faster Than Inflation
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• For parents filling out the FAFSA and PROFILE (from a veteran paper slinger)
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• How to choose the right college?
My name is Esteban Correa. I am currently a second year INTERNATIONAL ... more→
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• Personality Type and College Choice
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• A Free Application is a Good Application
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• Choose a Path, Not a Major
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• How to choose a college major
I was not sure what college major to choose. When you are in your late... more→
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• I Don't Know Where to Start (General College Advice)
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• Attitude and Dress Code for an Interview (General College Advice)
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• Starting College (General College Advice)
College is a huge milestone in your life. You?ve seen the castle like ... more→
• Boston Apartment lease: Watch out!

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