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Bob Jones University

334 Alums took the salary survey

BJU Alumni Salary over Time

Bob Jones University Salary over time
BJU Salaries
BJU Careers

BJU Salaries

$38,322Starting Annual Salary
$86,15110 Year Annual Salary

Said that BJU contributed

40.12%75-100% to their career success
25.45%50-75% to their career success
9.88%25-50% to their career success
24.55%0-25% to their career success

Had the employment status

13.17%Self Employed
12.87%Top Management
44.91%White Collar workers
2.69%Pink Collar workers
4.19%Blue Collar workers
0.30%Entry Level employees

Life Satisfaction

84.43%Are satisfied with their current job.
88.02%Said things are generally going well.
54.79%Are still in the field they majored in in college.

Reputation & Preparedness

Help from Reputation5.5
Preparedness for Real world6.9
Most Frequently mentioned Graduate Jobs
Teacher (106), Manager (50), Assistant (37), Of (33), Director (30),
% went on to Graduate or Professional Ed.
... There are many part time job opportunities available for students to work through college ...Read full comment
... The work ethic that was instilled in me has enabled me to have a successful career, while at the same time afforded me countless opportunities to...Read full comment
... As I said before, nearly all reputable grad schools will not accept BJU degrees, and many employers will also consider the BJU entry on a resume ...Read full comment
... I was told that my experience at BJ was representative of what was in the "real world" ...Read full comment
... Everyone thought I was a crackwhore, because I wanted a career (Gasp- I don't just want to clean a house and make babies) and I had an opinion .....Read full comment
... I personally and professionally grew greatly and have had a 29-year successful career practicing and developing the foundations I received at Bo...Read full comment
... Also, I am highly limited in career advancement in the military, law enforcement, or any government work ...Read full comment
... Some departments are well prepared to train students for a career as a professional musician ...Read full comment
... If you are going into business and graduated prior a few years ago, your degree is worthless for graduate school, or any other career move that r...Read full comment
... i found it to be a great place that really prepared me for the real world ...Read full comment
... I felt like I was forced to go to grad school because no potential employer was familiar with the school ...Read full comment
... To validate the degrees, employers ARE looking at the accreditation ...Read full comment
... Also, while the educational quality is in many ways better than commonly reported, DO NOT come here if you are considering a professional career...Read full comment
... This helped develop many of my classmates into 'Christian robots' who do not function well in the real world ...Read full comment
... The point of the university is to prepare you for life and your career, and hopefully to bring glory to God in all you say and do ...Read full comment
... The work ethic that was instilled in me has enabled me to have a successful career, while at the same time afforded me countless opportunities to...Read full comment
... As a student you will find some Faculty/Staff that will test you and some who seem like they are doing everything they can to hinder you, howeve...Read full comment
... I have sent out over 100 resumes, and I have only had a 4 interviews and no job offers ...Read full comment
... All dating must be done under the direct supervision of the faculty, and in cases of conduct seemingly out of line with university policy (such a...Read full comment
... The university's accreditation (and lack thereof for some programs) can be a tremendous hindrance to future careers ...Read full comment
... I won't tell you that every single day of my college career was perfect, but I wouldn't trade my college experience for anything ...Read full comment
... Once you do graduate and get out into the "real world" you'll have to learn to do these things in life on your own ...Read full comment
... I was treated as if I were going to hell because I wanted to have a career ...Read full comment
... I later saw the other resumes and, IMO, several were more qualified than me ...Read full comment
... I'm working outside my desired career field ...Read full comment
... More detail" Interesting because bob jones is not accredited, which basically means the degre you get from there means absolutely nothing in ...Read full comment
... Employers do not want to even interview me because they think that I will be close minded, anti-diversity, and rude to others with different beli...Read full comment
... I noted that my BJU training helped me in all aspects of both my professional career in music and my continuing education and especially in my m...Read full comment
... My wife and I met there, worked there and earned masters degrees there and we are now embarrassed that BJU's name is on our resume ...Read full comment
... I feel I am well-prepared for my future career as an itinerant evangelist and gas station attendant ...Read full comment
... Even the best of employers has its problems--things must be kept in perspective ...Read full comment
... Lack of accreditation for BJU was never an issue with any of my employers or with any of the grad schools ...Read full comment
... I loved my college years and felt more than prepared for my career and graduate work ...Read full comment
... Even those from the "proper" background would not find there a chance to learn to think for themselves, solidify what they believe by studying i...Read full comment
... It's not a plus to have that name on your resume, especially if you're a journalist ...Read full comment
... The excellent training I received in speaking has been a major asset in my career ...Read full comment
... Year after year employers come to BJU seeking people of Christlike character not those seeking to fit in with the world ...Read full comment
... Your preparation for a career will also be top-notch ...Read full comment
... There aren't many schools you have to bury in your resume, but Bob Jones is one of them--unless, of course, you're applying to another Southern, s...Read full comment
... Anyone interested in growing up and learning how to cope in the "real world" should cross Bob Jones off their list ...Read full comment
... I received an excellent education which I have used in my career, as well as in my service for the Lord ...Read full comment
... The fact that I have BJU on my resume has kept me from getting a number of jobs in my chosen field of art, as they are well known as biggeted and ...Read full comment
... I did not work at the time so I can't make comments in respect to employment ...Read full comment
... So, i was forced to consider a new career or a new school ...Read full comment
... BUT because there are issues with the school and it's reputation, having it on your resume is not exactly something that is revered ...Read full comment
... The discipline at BJU is not for everyone, but it helped mold me into the person I needed to be and it has definitely helped me succeed in my ca...Read full comment
... Even those from the "proper" background would not find there a chance to learn to think for themselves, solidify what they believe by studying it...Read full comment
... leaving them helpless and unable to function in the real world ...Read full comment
... After a year of trying to find education positions and being unrelentingly questioned about my attitudes towards those from other races, I learne...Read full comment
... I feel I received a top-notch education that fully prepared me for my future career while at the same time being strengthened in the teachings o...Read full comment
... He initially told me the article he was working on was unusual careers, since I'm an actor he said my career fit in that description ...Read full comment
... leaving them helpless and unable to function in the real world ...Read full comment
... This college leaves graduates so very unprepared for the real world - no to mention, it's harder finding a job when you graduated from an unaccr...Read full comment
... BJU emphasizes the attitude of students to be good because when you get out you need one to do well in your career and in your everyday life ....Read full comment
... At BJU you will be trained to handle life in the REAL world ...Read full comment
... I have sent out over 100 resumes, and I have only had a 4 interviews and no job offers ...Read full comment
... Never was I refused employment because of my education ...Read full comment
... Even those from the "proper" background would not find there a chance to learn to think for themselves, solidify what they believe by studying it...Read full comment
... The academics are top notch and very challenging, and will prepare you well for your career ...Read full comment
... Ironically, my employers basically have many of the same rules, e ...Read full comment
... Bob Jones University prepared me very well for my career ...Read full comment
... If you're lucky, you will have to explain your attendance to prospective employers ...Read full comment
... lights out by 10pm, although I wish I could continue this one), I believe the rules will make you a better person, both in your career, your fami...Read full comment
Bob Jones University
Bob Jones University
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