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The Georgia Institute of Technology

67 Alums took the salary survey

GIT Alumni Salary over Time

The Georgia Institute of Technology Salary over time
GIT Salaries
GIT Careers

GIT Salaries

$58,498Starting Annual Salary
$149,07010 Year Annual Salary

Said that GIT contributed

29.85%75-100% to their career success
23.88%50-75% to their career success
11.94%25-50% to their career success
34.33%0-25% to their career success

Had the employment status

2.99%Self Employed
13.43%Top Management
50.75%White Collar workers
1.49%Pink Collar workers
2.99%Blue Collar workers
2.99%Entry Level employees

Life Satisfaction

65.67%Are satisfied with their current job.
68.66%Said things are generally going well.
47.76%Are still in the field they majored in in college.

Reputation & Preparedness

Help from Reputation6.3
Preparedness for Real world6
Most Frequently mentioned Graduate Jobs
Engineer (31), Manager (13), Research (8), Software (8), Assistant (7),
% went on to Graduate or Professional Ed.
... Tech is a very hard school, but if you put a lot of work into it you find that you learn more than you ever have before and you are extremely prep...Read full comment
... Georgia Tech sets one up for an excellent career after graduation ...Read full comment
... At every turn they will make your life more difficult, in the thought that eventually you’ll come out knowing you can accomplish anything and ...Read full comment
... In short, don't waste money here unless you get it for free, in which case, there might be a point for having such a name (and a mere hollow n...Read full comment
... I know many seniors, who study and have high GPAs, but have absolutely no social skills and are having a difficult time finding employment ...Read full comment
... Georgia Tech has a diverse setting which promotes success in the real world ...Read full comment
... On the other hand, there may very well be a day in my tech years that I get to upper level classes and say "hey, this is kind of fun and inter...Read full comment
... Tech will prepare you for the real world work place in the sense that when you graduate I doubt anything that is assigned to you your first year ...Read full comment
... In other words, if you are a career-oriented person, do not pursue a Math degree at Tech ...Read full comment
... if you want to explore all kinds of careers ...Read full comment
... The GT experience definitely prepared me for a career in engineering as well of graduate school ...Read full comment
... My only regret is not taking more liberal arts classes - I was so in tune with 'getting out' that I failed to see how great it really was unti...Read full comment
... If you truly like your major, you can excel and your interests/enthusiasm will be apparent to potential employers ...Read full comment
... Once you get out to the real world, you'll soon realize that the education received at GaTech is far superior to most other universities; howeve...Read full comment
... I can't say how much it will help with jobs because I haven't been able to show my Tech degree to employers yet, but from what I hear, Georgia Te...Read full comment
... My experience at Georgia Tech prepared me very well for my professiona career ...Read full comment
... This quality gives Tech a great reputation and makes it easy to find employment- even in bad economic conditions ...Read full comment
... Co-oping gives real world experience that is important to young engineers and Tech will HELP set that up for you ...Read full comment
... Granted this institution prepares you well for the real world, but it's almost not worth it ...Read full comment
... I was at a career fair in northern California, and one of the not-so-bright-looking recruiters at the expo asked me, "Georgia Tech ...Read full comment
... However, for those with an entrepreneurial side, or for those who are highly ambitious in their careers, the theoretical understanding can pay h...Read full comment
... Fortunately for me this opened up a career path into areas which I could excel and prosper in the growing software/IT industry ...Read full comment
... When getting a job, "Georgia Tech" on your resume is invaluable, especially if you're in the Southeast, as it is the regions best technical scho...Read full comment
... Georgia Tech is a sink or swim school, but it teaches you about the real world ...Read full comment
... Focus on the end game - your career ...Read full comment
... What Tech does is teach you to be blindly obedient, to make you willing to do any sort of masochistic act if it will further your career ...Read full comment
... Sure your first potential employer will be impressed with where you graduated, but five years down the road nobody gives a damn where you went to...Read full comment
... Yeah, its a good school & the name gives a resume a better look but the hell Tech gives a student is not worth it ...Read full comment
... I came to Tech thinking that its name on my resume would help me reach my goals ...Read full comment
... (you can always goto a lower ranked school i get the message) to do a homework assignment takes 9 hours on average unless you wanna barely pass w...Read full comment
... It'll give you priceless real world experience ...Read full comment
... It will help to prepare you for the real world, while at the same time provide you with a good social life in Atlanta, or on campus ...Read full comment
... 2) There are no job opportunities for international students after Bachelors ...Read full comment
... ) You will take so many hard classes at Tech that by the time you get out, you won't bat an eye at anything difficult an employer or interviewer w...Read full comment
... Tech is like the real world ...Read full comment
... I feel prepared to take on the Real World, but if I had a choice, I wish I could have gone elsewhere ...Read full comment
... What Tech does is teach you to be blindly obedient, to make you willing to do any sort of masochistic act if it will further your career ...Read full comment
... They are simply there for the salary so they can continue their research in whatever field they may be researching ...Read full comment
... But, when four, five, or six years are up, you are more marketable for employment than students at just about any other Technical Institute ...Read full comment
... Oh, despite what everyone tells you, it gets harder and not easier as you go up, you'll reach that breaking point after a few years too, when the...Read full comment
... This was devastating to my employment ...Read full comment
... If you have the right attitude, Georgia Tech prepares you for a successful career in a dog-eat-dog world ...Read full comment
... Lastly, while I do think Tech is still an engineering school and doesn't even attempt to masquerade as anything else, with an engineering degree...Read full comment
... This institution is true preparation for the real world, and I absolutely loved it ...Read full comment
... Frankly, if you are getting a degree without working hard, I would suggest you ask yourself, "What good will this degree do for my career ...Read full comment
... I made no friends there and yet have many enemies who have attacked my career and made my life miserable ...Read full comment
... You are betting that even though you work your ass off and get a sub-par GPA that when you graduate companies will see "georgia tech" on your res...Read full comment
... Fortunately for me this opened up a career path into areas which I could excel and prosper in the growing software/IT industry ...Read full comment
... The first is that upon completion of your degree, you will be in line to make a handsome starting salary at a respectable company ...Read full comment
... No employer anywhere compensates for Ga Tech low GPA's, this is one of many common lies ...Read full comment
... Tech is like the real world, and perhaps is the best college, er, institute to prepare you for the real world ...Read full comment
... After taking course loads in excess of 20 hours/semester for most of my career here, I am full of love for that which is efficient and expedien...Read full comment
... Tech will prepare you for the real world, but it will also make you prematurely bitter and cynical ...Read full comment
... The only good thing about Georgia Tech is that you will make a handsome salary after graduation ...Read full comment
... Tech prepares students well for a professional career by incorporating technology into all subjects, and a campus body full of top-preforming stu...Read full comment
... You will be trapped here by your low GPA (no chance to transfer anywhere decent) and funneled into a career there is a good chance you will hate ...Read full comment
... Ma Tech is a school that will prepare you for the real world, but it's kind of hard to see that when you're here ...Read full comment
... The quality of the education and preparation is pretty good, and so I hear, prepares you well for the real world ...Read full comment
... I can honestly say that a great deal of what I studied was directly applicable to my career ...Read full comment
... If you get a job (something I do suggest as it looks good on a resume and keeps you rooted in the 'real world'), make sure it will help you later...Read full comment
... I will be far better prepared for my career than many graduates of other schools ...Read full comment
... Here at Tech, grades are insignificant letters that just mean a low GPA so that when you graduate, employers will only notice you went to Tech an...Read full comment
The Georgia Institute of Technology
The Georgia Institute of Technology
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StudentsReview Advice!

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