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Pensacola Christian College

1327 Alums took the salary survey

PCC Alumni Salary over Time

Pensacola Christian College Salary over time
PCC Salaries
PCC Careers

PCC Salaries

$41,584Starting Annual Salary
$62,81110 Year Annual Salary

Said that PCC contributed

42.20%75-100% to their career success
24.19%50-75% to their career success
11.68%25-50% to their career success
21.93%0-25% to their career success

Had the employment status

8.67%Self Employed
7.61%Top Management
41.15%White Collar workers
6.18%Pink Collar workers
10.02%Blue Collar workers
2.19%Entry Level employees

Life Satisfaction

82.14%Are satisfied with their current job.
89.90%Said things are generally going well.
62.47%Are still in the field they majored in in college.

Reputation & Preparedness

Help from Reputation5.9
Preparedness for Real world7.1
Most Frequently mentioned Graduate Jobs
Teacher (407), Manager (197), Assistant (147), Pastor (106), Nurse (82),
% went on to Graduate or Professional Ed.
... It not only prepared me for my career in the future, it also taught me principles to live by that will last me throughout my entire life ...Read full comment
... You either maintain the high "ethical" standard or face a greater temptation when you face the real world ...Read full comment
... ) Anyone can accuse anyone else of just about anything, and you are then presumed guilty unless you can somehow prove your innocence ...Read full comment
... If you want to make industrials for the rest of your career then go ahead and attend ...Read full comment
... My resume looks just like thousands of other people's resume except mine suggest that I went to a "preaching school" ...Read full comment
... I am only undertaking my current employment for approximately three months ...Read full comment
... Many teachers down here have book knowledge, but very few have real world experience ...Read full comment
... If you are going in to the ministry, this is not a problem, but if you plan to seek employment at a public school district, go to graduate school...Read full comment
... I was definately prepared for the "real world" of nursing ...Read full comment
... Very legalistic, not real world environment ...Read full comment
... My wife utterly changed her career due to this problem ...Read full comment
... When you start a career and are working under someone they will tell you how to dress, where to park, how to treat customers, and how to talk, an...Read full comment
... although it has not affected my career very much ...Read full comment
... Now that I am out in the "Real World", I understand what is meant by the expression "you never miss your water 'till your well runs dry ...Read full comment
... Upon graduation I was unable to find employment as an entry level software developer because I had no training in relevant technologies ...Read full comment
... Most students attend PCC not because they have a good idea as to their future career, but because they have certain aspirations as to their fu...Read full comment
... The education that I recieved was very helpful in my career field ...Read full comment
... My college has positively impacted my career extremely ...Read full comment
... After having been here long enough, students are afraid of the real world ...Read full comment
... Looking back it was difficult for me to adjust to the rules but I am thankful for them now that I am in the real world ...Read full comment
... So, did it affect my career ...Read full comment
... Many did not make eye-contact with me which revealed an overall lack of social confidence and stamina that is required in "the real world" when ...Read full comment
... My education at PCC has made the world of difference in where I am today both in career and life goals ...Read full comment
... It definitely provides you with adequate nursing knowledge to function independently and competently as an RN; however, it does not prepare you a...Read full comment
... But if you are career oriented, I recommend to look elsewhere ...Read full comment
... My education has not helped my career ...Read full comment
... I gained great friends and recieved my BA in preperation for my career ...Read full comment
... I don't know what it's like these days, but back then the education I received fully prepared me for my career ...Read full comment
... The nursing program was intense but prepared me very well for the real world of nursing ...Read full comment
... I have since had a successful career in nursing over the past nine years, but to this day, I wish I had gone somewhere else ...Read full comment
... I gained great friends and recieved my BA in preperation for my career ...Read full comment
... The staff are full off power hungry people who can end your college career in the blink of an eye ...Read full comment
... I learned not only what I needed to know for my career, but how to grow stronger in my faith ...Read full comment
... That means, if you begin your college career in one major, then determine that you want to change you major because your interest changed or bec...Read full comment
... This has severely limited my career opportunities ...Read full comment
... I have very good memories of my time there and God used the education that I received to advance me in my career ...Read full comment
... Don't have to worry about a party atmosphere that distracts from your education/career ...Read full comment
... This college prepared me for work in the real world ...Read full comment
... The teachers are pretty good but out of touch with the real world ...Read full comment
... I had to switch my current career path in order to support myself ...Read full comment
... Mostly the rules just caused me to feel rather frightened at emerging in the "real world" after graduation ...Read full comment
... Accreditation turns out to be a HUGE deal in the real world, as many of us who graduated have learned the hard way ...Read full comment
... I just wish the program could have been more customized to what I wanted to do in my career ...Read full comment
... This helped me even in a none religious job setting when I didn't like the rules my employers had for me ...Read full comment
... But many majors have instructors who became teachers immediately after graduation and have no experience working in the real world (and they have...Read full comment
... Because PCC is not accredited, I ran into employment issues ...Read full comment
... I came out of school prepared for life and my career, but felt that I could have done better if I had been treated with more respect as an adult ...Read full comment
... I have interacted with many fellow nurses and nursing students and feel that PCC gave me an excellent base for practicing nursing in the real wor...Read full comment
... In my career as a nurse, there are also many hospital regulations which must be followed ...Read full comment
... But to try to move elsewhere in my career is next to impossible ...Read full comment
... Because of PCC's excellence in my academic training, I was able to earn "Who's Who Among America's Teachers" the the first four years of my teach...Read full comment
... I do not think PCC will help a career oriented person who wants to be successful ...Read full comment
... Now that I have graduated and see what the real world is like, there is no way that I could go back in any form Masters, Undergrad or teacher ...Read full comment
... The real world does not put up with some of the things that you might want to do ...Read full comment
... My employer is currently seeking other PCC alumni for vacancies in the department ...Read full comment
... PCC well prepared me for my future career ...Read full comment
... If I had just followed my career path along with the principles taught to me in college, I would be much better off now ...Read full comment
... If I were asked to recommened this school, I would have to say that yes, it is a beautiful, cheap school; the teachers are there for you; you rec...Read full comment
... PCC gave me a good education, not well-rounded as it did not prepare me for the real world of professionalism, but it was a good level of educatio...Read full comment
... Even though an art school does not teach from a Christian perspective, You will get better training in your field and you will have more credibil...Read full comment
... Prospective students need to evaluate their own personal and career goals before deciding to attend PCC ...Read full comment
... I noticed that you will go through things like this in the real world, but you should not go through this at a Christian college ...Read full comment
... Oh and Dean Adam Scrotum is a bastard with no life, have fun if you decide to get out of the bubble, i'm guessing you won't be able to cut it in...Read full comment
... (I did not enter my salary simply because any teacher that is dedicated can tell you that it is not about the money ...Read full comment
... PCC's non-accredited status is a stumbling block to those seeking a professional career, or to those seeking to transfer to a graduate-level inst...Read full comment
... I was ready to jump right into my career without apprehension ...Read full comment
... The education is excellent unless you are pursuing a career that will require undergraduate accreditation ...Read full comment
... Employers do take into consideration your alma mater ...Read full comment
... Is it to prepare yourself educationally and spiritually for the real world ...Read full comment
... They are very strict academically and with clinical which did turn out to be helpful in the real world ...Read full comment
... I had instructors who had been out in the business world and were able to actually teach application alongside theory (except when it came to wri...Read full comment
... One was in the Secret Service for over 20 years and on 5 Details, one was a LTC in the Military Police, one was te top investigator for the Michi...Read full comment
... It is definitely not the PCC I came to know and love over the first few years of my college career ...Read full comment
... I felt my education was very practical and prepared me well for going into the real world ...Read full comment
... You are taught not to question any of the reasoning for the rules (complete opposite of the "real world") and the heavy-handed administration le...Read full comment
... I am part of a wonderful family, church, and career ...Read full comment
... In addition, most of the writing teachers were not qualified to teach and had little or no real world experience in their field ...Read full comment
... My advice is that the Lord is not concerned about a school's clout or resume appeal ...Read full comment
... In comparison to friends who attended public college, I was much more prepared for the real world ...Read full comment
... I was surprised when I entered the "real world" and found out how nice everyone was ...Read full comment
... we have policies and guidelines that must be adhered to at my current employer ...Read full comment
... Many teachers down here have book knowledge, but very few have real world experience ...Read full comment
... As someone who graduated from there and experience a year of employment there in the demerit office, I can tell you that it is NOT a good place ...Read full comment
... Career Services has also been quite unhelpful, spamming me with endless "job opportunities" working for the college or directing me to jobs that ...Read full comment
... However, I still had an extremely difficult time getting accepted into graduate school, simply because my undergraduate degree was not acredited,...Read full comment
... The job placements even better prepared me for future careers ...Read full comment
... My college experience prepared me well for work in the real world ...Read full comment
... As far as the rest of the real world, PCC did not prepare me for any of it ...Read full comment
... I was pushed to excel and my teachers and supervisory teachers prepared me well for my future career ...Read full comment
... While not accredited, This school provides real world knowledge you can use in whatever career you pursue ...Read full comment
... Most of the Deans in Student Life are absolute idiots, and wouldn't know what to do if they were forced to go out into the real world and get a r...Read full comment
... My years at Pensacola Christian College definitely prepared me for a career in the field of education ...Read full comment
... I also remember Scott Spencer offering me a 3-year contract at $12,000/year under the average salary for that position in Pensacola ...Read full comment
... However, my career did not rely on accreditation ...Read full comment
... White glove cleaning, required events, and dress codes didn't hurt me one bit; in fact I feel better prepared to act professionally in the real ...Read full comment
... One would think that even having a degree on a resume would help ...Read full comment
... PCC has prepared me well for a career in the Criminal Justice field and for completing my Masters Degree ...Read full comment
... A solid biblical worldview is taught with baseline principles useful in making decisions in the real world outside ...Read full comment
... I was a "Pre-Law" major and planned on a career in the judiciary ...Read full comment
... I amprepared forthe "real world" through my job ...Read full comment
... PCC not only trains you in the field that you desire to master but if you are willing it will mold you to the kind of employee that every employ...Read full comment
... You may know what you're doing at the end, but you won't be able to prove to a prospective employer that you know what you're doing ...Read full comment
... The faculty are down-to-earth people, and are ready to help; the administration is a little out of touch with life in the real world ...Read full comment
... I felt my education was very practical and prepared me well for going into the real world ...Read full comment
... PCC prepared me well for a career in the Criminal Justice field ...Read full comment
... Very few of the teachers at PCC had any real world experience in their field ...Read full comment
... I was ready to jump right into my career without apprehension ...Read full comment
... When I tried to apply into two other colleges to continue my nursing career elsewhere, I was told that because my two years of college credits c...Read full comment
... I could be in the secular field making several times my current salary, but life is not about money ...Read full comment
... I believe at PCC they were training me for a job, however at Temple, they are training me for a career ...Read full comment
... I was so excited to start my college career ...Read full comment
... PCC had the most positive influence upon my life and teaching career ...Read full comment
... Now, 19 years later with a career in business and banking I am unable to pursue a MBA ...Read full comment
... I feel as though kids coming out of there are not prepared emotionally for the real world (not all, but most) ...Read full comment
... You may believe that PCC is a safe campus to send your kids to, but in the end, it may shelter them too much, and it won't teach them anything ab...Read full comment
... Also, there is limited help for business students in terms of out of state career placement ...Read full comment
... PCC is a good school, but the "real world" priciples do not really apply in the classroom ...Read full comment
... I have now served as a missionary in West Africa for 12 years and feel that I was as well prepared as possible for that career ...Read full comment
... I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND PENSACOLA to any student who wishes to excel academically and pursue a teaching career ...Read full comment
... I felt that my experience at PPC really prepared me for my career as a professional and for higher education ...Read full comment
... The main thing is, get good grades and build your resume ...Read full comment
... PCC set forth an excellent foundation for my career in business ...Read full comment
... The fact that my undergrad degree was unaccredited SERIOUSLY hampered me in my career ...Read full comment
... My employers were extremely pleased as were all my students parents ...Read full comment
... Having been out in the real world for a couple of years since Pensacola, I have to admit that Pensacola does nothing to prepare its students for...Read full comment
... The teachers at PCC care for their students, and they are concerned that you are prepared for the "real world ...Read full comment
... College in general is suppose to prepare you for the "real world" ...Read full comment
... Very legalistic and out of touch with reality and the real world ...Read full comment
... If you are interested in working in the real world ...Read full comment
... If rules bother you, if you want to party through your college years, if you're not interested in hearing about the KJV Bible every year of your...Read full comment
... I chose to attend a school with accrediation and planned a lucrative career for myself ...Read full comment
... As far as my degree, it helped me very much with my job and career ...Read full comment
... The on campus employment will teach you ministry ...Read full comment
... When i finally got a reply they merely directed me to career services ...Read full comment
... If you are comtemplating any sort of career path requiring advanced certification this should be a serious consideration ...Read full comment
... It is definitely not the PCC I came to know and love over the first few years of my college career ...Read full comment
... PCC is not the place for everyone, especially they don't train you well to cope with the real world ...Read full comment
... However, it did not help me career wise- only to realize what I do not want to do ...Read full comment
... PCC had the most positive influence upon my life and teaching career ...Read full comment
... One of the best things is that the student body interacts with each other on a daily basis so you're not limited in the people you can meet, act...Read full comment
... I was 100% prepared for any number of exciting job opportunities when I graduated ...Read full comment
... It is a dangerous place that can seriously hold you back in your career ...Read full comment
... PCC provided me with an excellent foundation from which to build a rewarding career and a happy life ...Read full comment
... ), to begin my career ...Read full comment
... While the college does offer quality academics in some majors, others are staffed with recent graduates who have no real world experience ...Read full comment
... The philosophies and teaching methods I learned at PCC were very practical and helpful as I began a career in Christian education ...Read full comment
... My career has been very successful and the monetary reward has been great, but be aware that I am not at all involved with any job remotely asso...Read full comment
... Yes, it was very hard and demanding, but so is the real world ...Read full comment
... the real world ...Read full comment
... ) However, I feel as though some of the values instilled in me, and ones reinforced by my attendance, have proven beneficial, in my current emplo...Read full comment
... I would point out that my pedagogy classes and education electives have definitely benefited my current career choice, which is being a home edu...Read full comment
... I feel I am moderately successful in my career ...Read full comment
... But to try to move elsewhere in my career is next to impossible ...Read full comment
... I believe, based one employers reactions, that the good reputation of my College went before me ...Read full comment
... I recieved an excellent education that has prepared me well in my career field of education ...Read full comment
... This has affected and will effect the trajectory of many a career ...Read full comment
... We may not always agree with every rule and regulation an employer may have, but we must accept it and respect our authority ...Read full comment
... PCC was a positive infulence in my life and helped to prepare me for my career ...Read full comment
... If you can't handle the rules at the college you chose to attend, how can you expect to handle rules in the real world ...Read full comment
... There is so much one can learn and so much one can do to have fun during these preparation years before starting a career ...Read full comment
... I have a wonderful job that pays a very good salary ...Read full comment
... Make goals concerning your college career 5 ...Read full comment
... Not practical in the real world ...Read full comment
... Furthermore you should know that accreditation does matter to other educational institutions and to some employers ...Read full comment
... The other programs are NOT ACCREDITED and often workplaces want an accreditied college on your resume ...Read full comment
... To respect my employer and the customer ...Read full comment
... PCC has greatly prepared me for my career ...Read full comment
... The college's reputation hasn't really helped much as most people I have encountered in my career haven't heard of the college ...Read full comment
... Employers are not looking for laid back employees they are looking for people who can do what is expected, when it is expected, the way they exp...Read full comment
... That being said, it prepared me very well for a career in finance and I would recomment it today ...Read full comment
... Don't tell a prospective employer about how weird your alma mater is because they'll assume you went to some cultish Bible school where you learn...Read full comment
... Graduating from this unaccredited religious extremist college has hurt my career and education endeavors ...Read full comment
... As for preparation for the real world, I am prepared ...Read full comment
... Students, in my opinion, are presumed guilty should they get themselves into any trouble ...Read full comment
... The philosophies and teaching methods I learned at PCC were very practical and helpful as I began a career in Christian education ...Read full comment
... The rules did not bother me too much, but they did get very old and stifling by the time my college career ended ...Read full comment
... Some majors may have been better, but if you are planning for a serious career in any science field, consider another Christian school as many of ...Read full comment
... I felt very well prepared for my field, and the fact that PCC was on my resume was a huge plus when prospective schools were looking to hire teac...Read full comment
... Pensacola Christian College has helped me in many ways with my career ...Read full comment
... Academically the college is sound and has great background for their students in preparing them for a career ...Read full comment
... The career placement department is also non-existant - unless you are a preacher boy or a teacher ...Read full comment
... However, they've been so sheltered from the "real world" that their knowledge is lacking ...Read full comment
... I had many professors who had many "real world" experiences such as Mr ...Read full comment
... The lessons I learnt in class an outside the academic realm were fundamental in preparing me for work in the "real world" ...Read full comment
... They do not prepare you for the real world unless you want to work at and be totally immersed in a strict, judgmental and very dogmatic church fo...Read full comment
... PCC is a good school, but the "real world" priciples do not really apply in the classroom ...Read full comment
... or a criminal justice degree (although CJ teachers are just as biased, but you can actually learn relevant things in their classes; and your GPA ...Read full comment
... Had a very good experience and learned some good things to assist in my career ...Read full comment
... I was fully equipped to go into the world and start my career ...Read full comment
... I thought I was prepared to go out into the real world, but I wasn't ...Read full comment
... Let me begin by saying that PCC is non-accredited, which means that most employers WILL NOT HIRE YOU if you have a degree from PCC ...Read full comment
... If unsure of career direction head for a more broad area of schooling ...Read full comment
... So I think it's a great preparation for the "real world ...Read full comment
... The faculty and administration truly care and are there for you throughout you college career ...Read full comment
... The best thing you can do for your career is to get an internship with an accounting firm to gain some experience ...Read full comment
... Two weeks after I graduated my wife left me, and that was the end of my pastoral career/ministry ...Read full comment
... If you really wants a Nursing Career getting a MSN, MBA or a Doctorate in Nursing this place will do nothing for you ...Read full comment
... PCC doesn't engage the alumni as a network, and this can leave you disadvantaged in building your career as you have to build your network post...Read full comment
... I am doing well career-wise now, but I have done it all on my own ...Read full comment
... You can't skip work, or fudge a deadline in the real world, neither should you do so in your preparation for the real world ...Read full comment
... Many teachers down here have book knowledge, but very few have real world experience ...Read full comment
... Employers are not looking for laid back employees they are looking for people who can do what is expected, when it is expected, the way they exp...Read full comment
... there are rules everywhere if you have trouble following them there what makes you think that you would do better in "the real world" ...Read full comment
... My salary doubled in less than three years ...Read full comment
... The curriculum was on par with any other Engineering school and trust me you are not totatly prepared for the real world coming out of any of th...Read full comment
... My education at PCC has made the world of difference in where I am today both in career and life goals ...Read full comment
... I live in the real world, not some make believe world and I know that in real life you will have contact with the opposite sex, you will ride on ...Read full comment
... God bless you in your college career ...Read full comment
... No employer will knowingly accept a degree from an unaccredited school, it's actually ILLEGAL to in some states (I ...Read full comment
... I had no problem following little rules that my employer set out, because I had to follow so many at college ...Read full comment
... PCC's nursing program helped me to feel totally prepared to start my career as a nurse ...Read full comment
... I loved how they took it upon them selves to limit my opprotunities in regards to my career possibiities ...Read full comment
... My college experience has tremendously helped me in my career field ...Read full comment
... Why pay more for an education when the standards are high at PCC and most employers only care that you receive a four year degree ...Read full comment
... If you should acquire employment on campus, you will make some of the best friends you will ever have with your fellow students ...Read full comment
... It is a good teaching in self-discipline and when you graduate, boy is it going to be a breath of fresh air to get out in the real world ...Read full comment
... Employers were not concerned that I graduated from a Christian College instead of a public university ...Read full comment
... PCC teaches that in the "real world" you will be following someone's rules ...Read full comment
... I do appreciate how complying with the college's rules has helped me learn to comply with the rules of various employers ...Read full comment
... I am successfull in my career and display my degree so that I may warn all who ask not to go, not to send their children, and not to recommend i...Read full comment
... Many teachers down here have book knowledge, but very few have real world experience ...Read full comment
... According to most employers, she has no college education ...Read full comment
... However, if future students do their research and go in open minded, they will have a positive and rewarding college career ...Read full comment
... I met many great friends and teachers and my education was top notch, however being it was unaccredited it has completely hindered me both in a c...Read full comment
... Now that I have graduated and see what the real world is like, there is no way that I could go back in any form Masters, Undergrad or teacher ...Read full comment
... Accreditation turns out to be a HUGE deal in the real world, as many of us who graduated have learned the hard way ...Read full comment
... My employers have all commented on my abilities and skills which are things I would not have had without my education at PCC ...Read full comment
... They are very strict academically and with clinical which did turn out to be helpful in the real world ...Read full comment
... Those going in to PCC, especially as an education major need to consider these facts before they attend all four years and not be able to get ah...Read full comment
... There are so many resources available to the student and so much hands-on experience given that you feel confident in pursuing your career ...Read full comment
... I thoroughly enjoyed PCC and believe it was the best choice I could have made for a nursing career ...Read full comment
... No, but that is what my employer has set up and I knew the rules before I worked there ...Read full comment
... Many teachers down here have book knowledge, but very few have real world experience ...Read full comment
... I graduated 11 years ago and have a successful career in science and medicine now ...Read full comment
... I thought maybe the school's standards weren't high enough academically to prepare me for the real world ...Read full comment
... Now that I am out in the field I have found that my college has hurt me in more ways because many jobs, especialy government jobs, refuse my resum...Read full comment
... I do not know that it really matters to many employers which school you earn a degree from, however it is important to get the degree if you wan...Read full comment
... Most rules were helpful in getting used to the real world ...Read full comment
... The teachers at PCC care for their students, and they are concerned that you are prepared for the "real world ...Read full comment
... PCC has many degree offerings that are helpful in establishing yourself in a career field ...Read full comment
... I no longer put PCC on my resume ...Read full comment
... If you want to be very well prepared for your career, come to PCC ...Read full comment
... i went there to get a better Biblical foundation so i could handle the REAL world while attend a state school ...Read full comment
... Potential employers are generally impressed more by a candidate with personal initiative than they are by a candidate with no work experience fr...Read full comment
... Business majors think about that when you place PCC on your resume ...Read full comment
... The music program is good if your career goals are to work in a very conservative church or Christian school ...Read full comment
... PCC was great both in terms of preparing me for further studies in graduate school and a career in teaching (I'm now a tenured professor at a medi...Read full comment
... I have constantly used things learned in my classes at PCC in my career as a teacher ...Read full comment
... They care more about the student's career and future beyond just the spiritual ...Read full comment
... All of them were seasoned veterans of the field they were teaching, not people who had spent their entire criminal justice career writing a thesi...Read full comment
... If you're going to work in the real world, outside of a christian organization ...Read full comment
... If you are interested in seeking a professional career and higher education, I do not recommend PCC ...Read full comment
... The Bible teaching and preaching along with the character building boundaries will prepare you for whatever you future employer expects from dre...Read full comment
... The reason for the negative comment is the fact that I had a hard time finding employment after leaving Pensacola ...Read full comment
... I have heard about computer science students graduating to find out that their education was too obsolete to get them into any respectful career ...Read full comment
... It does a great job of preparing you for your future career ...Read full comment
... God was faithful throughout all my college career, and I got so much closer to Him ...Read full comment
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Pensacola Christian College
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• FAFSA: Dream out of reach

• College Financial Planning
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• Sniffing Out Commuter Schools
• Preparing for College: A HS Roadmap
• Talking to Your Parents about College.
• Is a top college worth it?
• Why is college hard?
• Why Kids Aren't Happy in Traditional Schools
• Essential College Tips
Ah, college. Considered by many to be the time of a young person's lif... more→
• Cost of College Increasing Faster Than Inflation
According to NPR, the cost of college... more→
• For parents filling out the FAFSA and PROFILE (from a veteran paper slinger)
Just so you know, filling out these forms is a lot more than penciling... more→
• How to choose the right college?
My name is Esteban Correa. I am currently a second year INTERNATIONAL ... more→
• Create The Right Career Habits Now
Getting ahead in your career can be easier if you make the choice to b... more→

• Senior Year (Tips and experience)
It's the end of junior year and everyone is anticipating the arrival o... more→
• Informational Overload! What Should I Look For in a College or University?
We are in an instant information age, where you can find almost anythi... more→
• Personality Type and College Choice
Personality type is something very important to consider when deciding... more→
• A Free Application is a Good Application
As a senior finishing her scholastic year, I feel that it is my duty ... more→

• College Academic Survival Guide
The leap from high school to college academics is not an insignificant... more→
• Getting Involved: The Key to College Happiness
As a tour guide, the absolute, most frequently asked question I got wa... more→
• Choose a Path, Not a Major
Unless you're one of the fortunate souls who's already found their cal... more→
• The Scoop on State Schools
A recent college graduate, I vividly remember touring campuses as a p... more→

• The Purpose of a Higher Education
You are one of the millions of people this year applying for admission... more→
• The Importance of Choosing the Right College Major (2012)
One of the most important academic choices you'll make while in colleg... more→
• How to choose a college major
I was not sure what college major to choose. When you are in your late... more→
• How to guarantee your acceptance to many colleges
Are your grades are not what you think they should be from high school... more→

• Nailing the College Application Process
College applications seem to always be put on top of students procrast... more→
• What to do for a Successful Interview
Interviews seem to become more commonplace in every facet of life as o... more→
• I Don't Know Where to Start (General College Advice)
Preparing for college is a difficult time for every student and it?s o... more→
• Attitude and Dress Code for an Interview (General College Advice)
An interview is something we all have to go through when we get a job... more→

• Starting College (General College Advice)
College is a huge milestone in your life. You?ve seen the castle like ... more→
• Boston Apartment lease: Watch out!

Are you a student and about to sign the very first lease in your li... more→

• What college is right for you?
When thinking about their choices for colleges, many students and pare... more→