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New York University

68 Alums took the salary survey

NYU Alumni Salary over Time

New York University Salary over time
NYU Salaries
NYU Careers

NYU Salaries

$50,940Starting Annual Salary
$155,30010 Year Annual Salary

Said that NYU contributed

19.12%75-100% to their career success
26.47%50-75% to their career success
22.06%25-50% to their career success
32.35%0-25% to their career success

Had the employment status

26.47%Self Employed
7.35%Top Management
35.29%White Collar workers
2.94%Pink Collar workers
7.35%Blue Collar workers
0.00%Entry Level employees

Life Satisfaction

70.59%Are satisfied with their current job.
76.47%Said things are generally going well.
51.47%Are still in the field they majored in in college.

Reputation & Preparedness

Help from Reputation6.4
Preparedness for Real world6.1
Most Frequently mentioned Graduate Jobs
Manager (20), Director (13), Analyst (10), Research (9), Assistant (8),
% went on to Graduate or Professional Ed.
... It only makes sense when you think about it: If you have enough presence of mind to take the money and education over the "big-name" big-buck s...Read full comment
... Employers are starting to catch onto the fact that where you graduate from no longer relates to how smart you are or how good of a worker you are...Read full comment
... So does the real world ...Read full comment
... No one ever asked me what my career goals were ...Read full comment
... From what I've noticed working with corporate employers and in academia, most tend to see NYU grads as intelligent and the school has a really...Read full comment
... The employment support services for Alumni are sparce, and the services that they do provide are not very helpful and they charge a lot of money...Read full comment
... The employer was depending on my, profiting from my long days sweating over her phones and files, not paying me, and not allowing me to take lun...Read full comment
... If you're ready to start working on your career, if you want a killer internship, if you're extremely independent, and if you hate nature, then N...Read full comment
... NYU will thrust you into the real world, and only the fittest can survive ...Read full comment
... Creativity was stressed with critical thinking skills and plenty of real world examples ...Read full comment
... Reputation of school has given me respect from employers ...Read full comment
... This school gives you real world competition and those whom cannot handle it get weeded out early and quickly ...Read full comment
... It took me a good semester to realize it, but once you step in here, you are basically starting your career, WHICH if you are serious about it a...Read full comment
... Reputation of school has given me respect from employers ...Read full comment
... Graduating from NYU will look impressive on your resume and will open doors for you in certain fields such as media and entertainment where your ...Read full comment
... There's no better place to go for your undergrad career if you want to live in a vibrant and cultured city and, to be blunt, grow up ...Read full comment
... My MBA experience at NYU Stern was clearly one of the defining moments in my life and my career ...Read full comment
... Reputation of school has given me respect from employers ...Read full comment
... In NYU-speak, Beauty equals unreality; Compassion and Taking a Personal Interest equal delusion; Seeking the Heart of the Matter equals not living...Read full comment
... The art school's career counseling programs really blow ...Read full comment
... NYU was pretty useless in terms of my professional career ...Read full comment
... Reputation of school has given me respect from employers ...Read full comment
... have fun before you enter the hell of the real world ...Read full comment
... The university can truly make one into a successful adult who is well prepared for the challenges of the real world ...Read full comment
... but guess what, this is the start of the real world ...Read full comment
... I have been working for Morgan Stanley for the past two years and I started off with a 150,000 a year salary and it was a dream come true ...Read full comment
... Going to NYU forces you to find yourself and to grow up, and no other school prepares you better for the real world ...Read full comment
... NYU-ers will constantly brag about how NYU is part of "the real world" ...Read full comment
... I transferred to NYU from a big public state University (University of Michigan) because I didn't feel I would receive strong job opportunities .....Read full comment
... If you come to NYU you will not be a college student--you will be an adult with real responsibilities living in a very real world situation ...Read full comment
... While I understand, as many of the previous commentors have stated, that NYU is the REAL WORLD, it is still a SCHOOL and we are all still STUDENT...Read full comment
... In addition, I was also considering a career in entertainment law, and NYU is proving to be the perfect place to pursue that, as it is home to t...Read full comment
... This is the school to be if you want real world experience ...Read full comment
... New York City (and the real world for that matter) is a competitive, cut-throat place ...Read full comment
... I think this is not only character building but it's also a reflection of the real world that we can apply to our post-graduate life ...Read full comment
... NYU was pretty useless in terms of my professional career ...Read full comment
... There are lots of honors programs and ways to beef up your resume/diploma/application for grad school ...Read full comment
... Lastly NYU helps you to mature quickly since you are not closed off to the real world with the city ...Read full comment
... Internship and career opportunities at NYU are virtually unmatched anywhere ...Read full comment
... They have job experience, internships and most importantly they know how to operate in the REAL WORLD ...Read full comment
... Therefore, I'd say the only other school I'd possibly consider attending is Wharton, but even still, it wouldn't have offered me any more access ...Read full comment
... If you're a freshman hope that you'll get a dorm near the cluster of classroom buildings near Washington Square, as this is where you'll pro...Read full comment
... Steinhardt: good school, but be realistic; if you're going into education your salary is probably not going to help you pay off loans; only go...Read full comment
... I think this is not only character building but it's also a reflection of the real world that we can apply to our post-graduate life ...Read full comment
... There are some at NYU who complain about the high tuition, but they are usually morons who don't understand the concept of caveat emptor, I'v...Read full comment
... students have wayyy more interaction with the 'real world' so its easy for them to get experience with internships and get jobs, good jobs, after...Read full comment
... Sure, you may get great job opportunities coming out of college and maybe NYU does attract a certain type of student ...Read full comment
... The best career center I could ask for ...Read full comment
... It is promoted as a complete program with numerous and diverse career opportunities ...Read full comment
... The employer was depending on my, profiting from my long days sweating over her phones and files, not paying me, and not allowing me to take lun...Read full comment
... NEW YORK UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF THE ARTS is in my subjective opinion as a union writer director producer who has had 30 million dollars approximatel...Read full comment
... NYU, because there is no campus and massive student body, is in the "real world," that is it's make or break ...Read full comment
... Great place to go to school especially for careers on Wall Street ...Read full comment
... The employer was depending on my, profiting from my long days sweating over her phones and files, not paying me, and not allowing me to take lun...Read full comment
... From what I've noticed working with corporate employers and in academia, most tend to see NYU grads as intelligent and the school has a really...Read full comment
... Graduating from NYU will look impressive on your resume and will open doors for you in certain fields such as media and entertainment where your ...Read full comment
... Reputation of school has given me respect from employers ...Read full comment
... If you graduate with the NYU name on your diploma, that's great I guess, but not a whole lot of employers will turn you down just because of the ...Read full comment
... This is your preparation for a career, and chances are you'll be spending big bucks doing so ...Read full comment
... I'm a month and a half into my first semester, and so far I haven't learned ANYTHING that I would be able to apply to a future career ...Read full comment
New York University
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StudentsReview Advice!

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• Statistical Significance
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• On the Student/Faculty Ratio

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• FAFSA: Parent Contribution
• FAFSA: Dream out of reach

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• Talking to Your Parents about College.
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