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The Rochester Institute of Technology

49 Alums took the salary survey

Rochester Alumni Salary over Time

The Rochester Institute of Technology Salary over time
Rochester Salaries
Rochester Careers

Rochester Salaries

$61,806Starting Annual Salary
$79,00010 Year Annual Salary

Said that Rochester contributed

28.57%75-100% to their career success
20.41%50-75% to their career success
12.24%25-50% to their career success
38.78%0-25% to their career success

Had the employment status

8.16%Self Employed
4.08%Top Management
48.98%White Collar workers
6.12%Pink Collar workers
2.04%Blue Collar workers
2.04%Entry Level employees

Life Satisfaction

59.18%Are satisfied with their current job.
65.31%Said things are generally going well.
53.06%Are still in the field they majored in in college.

Reputation & Preparedness

Help from Reputation5.6
Preparedness for Real world5.4
Most Frequently mentioned Graduate Jobs
Engineer (18), Software (6), Designer (5), Manager (4), Senior (3),
% went on to Graduate or Professional Ed.
... Thats is why liberal arts majors are a joke, employers frown upon them ...Read full comment
... RIT is all about teaching young students what it well be like in the real world, but this is hard for students who have already worked in the rea...Read full comment
... If you're looking for a great education that will definitely secure you a competitive career when you graduate, it is the school for you ...Read full comment
... is a very good school that provides a quality education that will help students to find a good job and maintain a lucrative career ...Read full comment
... This school is very career-oriented and is mainly for people who know what they want to major in ...Read full comment
... At RIT you're there to get a degree which in the long run will land you with excellent job placement and salary ...Read full comment
... This school is very career-oriented and is mainly for students who know what they want to major in ...Read full comment
... So don't let the haters fool or discourage you; RIT is a very good school with challenging academics, great co-op programs, and excellent ca...Read full comment
... This school is very career-oriented and is mainly for students who know what they want to major in ...Read full comment
... I have yet to see any of my teacher’s work that they have done in their career and this is my fourth year at RIT ...Read full comment
... I trust that I will find a career outside of RIT that suits my needs ...Read full comment
... A few have gone on to grad school, and I can verify that 4 found employment ...Read full comment
... But, since the only classes that addresses it are those with the entire 60-person class -- with the animators, directors, editors, etc, all lump...Read full comment
... Nobody is going to lead you by the hand here, but that better suits you for the real world ...Read full comment
... it was then that i realized how much more rit offers its students in the academic and future career department ...Read full comment
... Do you think he deserves his salary ...Read full comment
... However, it is mostly caucasian Anyway this school will prepare you for the real world and teach you a lot about yourself ...Read full comment
... They dont give you much help at all, either, except on how to write a resume ...Read full comment
... RIT totally prepared myself and my husband for fruitful careers in the sciences ...Read full comment
... Classes are modified and updated every few quarters to make sure students are getting the most up to date information for our future careers ...Read full comment
... RIT was a great college because it prepared me for the "real world" ...Read full comment
... what i think i should have done was that i should have had internships/apprenticeships so i'll see what the world has to offer, as well as build...Read full comment
... They only care about their grades, and they want to do as much extracurricular activities as possible, for the only reason of enlarging their res...Read full comment
... Also, employers seem to really like RIT graduates so you can count on getting a decent job when you graduate ...Read full comment
... The curriculum is very real world friendly ...Read full comment
... The other thing is, for anyone who's tried to find a career related job before, its not that easy without a degree ...Read full comment
... The real world is a challenge, no one pampers you -- and this school certainly tries to live up to that sort of expectation ...Read full comment
... The key to success is that you have to be extremely devoted to your major and future career to make it through the system ...Read full comment
... They do spend money on research (which leads to in school internships), and they'll help you get tons of real world experience before you graduat...Read full comment
... Then i'll try to readjust to the real world ...Read full comment
... The "Career Exploration" program here is very helpful ...Read full comment
... Upon graduation, I took fond memories and career-oriented skills with me ...Read full comment
... My friends are wonderful and my schooling isn't simple facts and dates I have to memorize but rather how the real world works ...Read full comment
... RIT has a very well respected within the corporate world and it shows when employers seek you out for awesome internship/co-op opportunities and ...Read full comment
... This school is to train you to be a reliable leader in any field of work and expect employers to realize that RIT establishes an experienced wor...Read full comment
... You can be sure that if I went to Berkeley or Stanford I would find employment, but no one has heard of RIT so I am stuck ...Read full comment
... From everyone I've spoken with who has graduated-their careers hardly pay back what they spent at this school ...Read full comment
... Cons would be lack of real world application through first two years, student services is often non existent, and no real school spirit ...Read full comment
... I learned a lot and am using what I learned directly toward my career ...Read full comment
... It is filled with arrogant and anti-social students who are absorbed in their education too much to care about the fact that you will actually n...Read full comment
... Obviously, any alumni has a vested interest in prospective employers and everybody else believing that their education was superior, so they wil...Read full comment
... It is career-focused, teaching you things you need to know once you get out of college ...Read full comment
... The upshot of this is that you spend your 4-5 years here gaining skills that are useful in the real world ...Read full comment
... The classes you learn code don't go into the depth you need to know for your career and you're told to "learn that on your own time", when these ...Read full comment
... I am currently 60% through my career at RIT ...Read full comment
... It is filled with arrogant and anti-social students who are absorbed in their education too much to care about the fact that you will actually n...Read full comment
The Rochester Institute of Technology
The Rochester Institute of Technology
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StudentsReview Advice!

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• Statistical Significance
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• On the Student/Faculty Ratio

• FAFSA: Who is a Parent?
• FAFSA: Parent Contribution
• FAFSA: Dream out of reach

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• Survive College and Graduate
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• Why Kids Aren't Happy in Traditional Schools
• Essential College Tips
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