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The Savannah College of Art and Design

53 Alums took the salary survey

SCAD/SAD Alumni Salary over Time

The Savannah College of Art and Design Salary over time
SCAD/SAD Salaries
SCAD/SAD Careers

SCAD/SAD Salaries

$48,525Starting Annual Salary
$68,64910 Year Annual Salary

Said that SCAD/SAD contributed

20.75%75-100% to their career success
28.30%50-75% to their career success
11.32%25-50% to their career success
39.62%0-25% to their career success

Had the employment status

13.21%Self Employed
11.32%Top Management
33.96%White Collar workers
3.77%Pink Collar workers
9.43%Blue Collar workers
1.89%Entry Level employees

Life Satisfaction

56.60%Are satisfied with their current job.
71.70%Said things are generally going well.
60.38%Are still in the field they majored in in college.

Reputation & Preparedness

Help from Reputation5.2
Preparedness for Real world5.9
Most Frequently mentioned Graduate Jobs
Designer (21), Manager (11), Graphic (7), Director (6), Production (6),
% went on to Graduate or Professional Ed.
... Sequential Art is only for people who want to pursue a COMICS career ...Read full comment
... If you like your tuition paying for pointless flat panel televisions scattered throughout their numerous building bragging about the school, a co...Read full comment
... Couldn't get reliable information and I almost always get screwed in some way with them; for example, I went to a career adviser for scheduling a...Read full comment
... At the end of it all, i have to say it was a good time and a decent learning experience, but i dont feel that i am prepared or even supported by ...Read full comment
... Speaking from experience, every single person I know that has been here for the four years has experienced some sort of crime, or felt unsafe at...Read full comment
... SCAD doesn't prepare you for outside in the real world, especially not computer majors ...Read full comment
... The professors all were practicing architects and switched to teaching, so that tells you something is wrong with this career ...Read full comment
... Secondly, they call themselves "the university of creative careers" while the career adviser may never even see you during your whole time of st...Read full comment
... The salary they offered me is a joke, I could make 25% more at any community college ...Read full comment
... They are more concerned with their own careers and would rather not waste the time trying to actually teach ...Read full comment
... Unlike my major my minor didn't really let me put a dark flair in my work because the teachers complained that it wouldn't work in the real world...Read full comment
... I auditioned, submitted letters of recommendation, personal references, photos of performances and technical work, and a professional resume that...Read full comment
... Their job board is a joke, especially for a boy from the North (most of their employment opportunities are in GA and FL ...Read full comment
... My final comment(s)/advice about SCAD is in reference to job searching and career services ...Read full comment
... Sequential Art is only for people who want to pursue a COMICS career ...Read full comment
... The Savannah College of Art and Design is a university for students who are seeking creative careers ...Read full comment
... This is an arts school catered towards BUILDING a career - not simply getting a job ...Read full comment
... The resources available are amazing, the job opportunities are great, and they try really hard to make an active campus life possible ...Read full comment
... As for employers specifically disregarding SCAD graduates, I've never run into that ...Read full comment
... It is an amazing opportunity to have employers come to you and if you work hard enough you can get interviews with them while they are there ...Read full comment
... Here is SCAD's "outstanding repuatation" from employers points of view: SCAD is not a real art school, it is merely a time waster and money machi...Read full comment
... If you want to go for a more specialized creative career such as animation, urban design, fashion , etc then SCAD is a worthwhile education if yo...Read full comment
... Most teachers have real world experience and are willing to provide personalized help with your portfolio, though there are many classes you'll ...Read full comment
... When presented with a hard working student each professor would dedicate any extra time necessary to improve that students portfolio, which in ou...Read full comment
... I gave up a very lucrative career to go back to school and after carrying a 4 ...Read full comment
... As far as film/television goes, they really don't have many industry connections and their idea of 'job opportunities' are local videography job...Read full comment
... SCAD’s whole mission statement is to prepare students for careers in the arts ...Read full comment
... Finishing a degree in performing arts was a condition for higher levels of employment ...Read full comment
... They tend to have a reputation for being a more career driven school, which is true ...Read full comment
... This was one of the best career decisions I have ever made ...Read full comment
... Sequential Art is only for people who want to pursue a COMICS career ...Read full comment
... You get out what you put in, and I am working my hardest to ensure I have a job when I graduate and SCAD's Career Services department does all t...Read full comment
... Having Andre Leon Tally as your sponsor isn't really all that impressive on your resume, compared to ...Read full comment
... I don't trust SCAD's career advising, so I've done all my internship applications and such on my own, and have better luck than I feel I would ha...Read full comment
... I was really looking forward to getting away from all of that and experiencing the real world and i figured art school was the perfect place to d...Read full comment
... The classes are rigorous and work as if you are producing work for the real world with the added benefit of one on one tuition ...Read full comment
... I regret not getting an internship, although I was lucky enough to land a salary job somewhat related to my degree less than a year after graduat...Read full comment
... (the ocean representing the "real world") ...Read full comment
... As bad as it looks, they're only doing what a school needs to do to build a good reputation and open up career opportunities to its students ...Read full comment
... I've read a lot of reviews saying "SCAD didn't help me find employment after school ...Read full comment
... The "employment rate" they boast is fabricated and I guarantee you most graduates get temp jobs or part-time internships that end and they are le...Read full comment
... My degree provided me with the means to change careers successfully ...Read full comment
... After all, you are going to college to get a JOB - presumably that's why you are investing so much money - and they teach their students not only...Read full comment
... My teachers are extremely friendly, helpful, and willing to talk to me about anything I might have questions about - my faculty advisor and I ...Read full comment
... I regret not getting an internship, although I was lucky enough to land a salary job somewhat related to my degree less than a year after graduat...Read full comment
... The classes are rigorous and work as if you are producing work for the real world with the added benefit of one on one tuition ...Read full comment
... She makes a 2million dollar salary, which is more than any college president makes currently in the U ...Read full comment
... Expect break downs, and ALOT of all nighters, but in the end i think it makes you more prepaired for a career in the arts ...Read full comment
... Scad did little to help my career ...Read full comment
... Now, SCAD is way different than it was two or three years ago: new professors (highly qualified, most have staggering resumes) are all over t...Read full comment
... I mean, I have thought about transferring a few times to be closer to home (I'm from the West Coast), but the reasons I haven't mostly have to d...Read full comment
... SCAD is a decent school for art and design, and many employers have strong ties here ...Read full comment
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