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The University of California - Berkeley

70 Alums took the salary survey

UC-Berkeley Alumni Salary over Time

The University of California - Berkeley Salary over time
UC-Berkeley Salaries
UC-Berkeley Careers

UC-Berkeley Salaries

$46,138Starting Annual Salary
$117,93510 Year Annual Salary

Said that UC-Berkeley contributed

31.43%75-100% to their career success
18.57%50-75% to their career success
21.43%25-50% to their career success
28.57%0-25% to their career success

Had the employment status

4.29%Self Employed
8.57%Top Management
45.71%White Collar workers
5.71%Pink Collar workers
1.43%Blue Collar workers
5.71%Entry Level employees

Life Satisfaction

62.86%Are satisfied with their current job.
70.00%Said things are generally going well.
54.29%Are still in the field they majored in in college.

Reputation & Preparedness

Help from Reputation6.1
Preparedness for Real world5.5
Most Frequently mentioned Graduate Jobs
Engineer (14), Assistant (8), Software (8), Manager (7), For (6),
% went on to Graduate or Professional Ed.
... When employers from Silicon Valley want capable engineers who can get their hands dirty and get the job done, they don't go to big theory schools...Read full comment
... On the other hand, I definitely learned how to think and figure things out, and that is something that employers look for ...Read full comment
... Going to Berkeley certainly has helped me in my career ...Read full comment
... Take advantage of the career center, calcorps, all of the volunteer and research opportunities ...Read full comment
... there were a few exceptions, John Ohala had a sense of the real world, Leanne Hinton did hands on work with "rescue lingustics" ...Read full comment
... When employers from Silicon Valley want capable engineers who can get their hands dirty and get the job done, they don't go to big theory schools ...Read full comment
... The staff is bureaucratic but friendly (by and large) and you have to manage this part of your academic career (stay on top of the fees, money, ...Read full comment
... The "real world" is often full of unwritten rules and regulations that keep people "in their place", and college should be a place to experience...Read full comment
... Real help for preparing for grad school or a career is almost nonexistent ...Read full comment
... After joining many clubs, I've met nothing but mostly bubble heads or conceited, self-involved jerks only interested in improving their own resu...Read full comment
... Most can't function in the real world ...Read full comment
... Summary: 1) Name value is great for jobs 2) Not hard to get good GPA for grad school(Unless you are in engineering or chemistry) 3) Barren of ...Read full comment
... Everyone cares so much about their own achievements and their resume ...Read full comment
... I guess this is why Berkeley prepare you for real world so well, it instill into its graduates a sense of self sufficiency and good work ethics ....Read full comment
... The university is so massive that it is easy to get lost in the crowd, no one will hold your hand and they may not always tell you tell you which...Read full comment
... We were just numbers and were absolutely no help with career placement ...Read full comment
... Graduating with a Cal degree and relatively debt free will give you more choices with regards to graduate school and careers ...Read full comment
... STAY AWAY from the Career Center ...Read full comment
... While you probably waste the fun aspect of the "best" years of your life -- you will be far better prepared to tackle the real world than your pe...Read full comment
... They have worse job placemnt assistance than ITT tech and the minute you graduate you have to pay 110$ to use their website or go to career fair...Read full comment
... My guess is that most MCB undergraduates perform research in a lab at some point in their career here, and I feel very lucky to have been involv...Read full comment
... The rigorous experience also trains you to be able to handle insane workloads with aplomb, and Cal grads have a good rep out in the real world ....Read full comment
... Everyone cares so much about their own achievements and their resume ...Read full comment
... Another 5 would be considered average in the real world, 3 would be in the ok to cute range, and the rest (that is, 2) would rank 7 ...Read full comment
... If you feel that you are willing to accept the downsides of a public university, which are real, and are willing to devote yourself to your stud...Read full comment
... I trully feel that some of the Berkeley Career Center counseling staff and L&S advisors and major staff (the entire bureaucracy) trully enjoy ...Read full comment
... Here is a real world example of what I am talking about ...Read full comment
... I think that as good an experience as I had at UC Berkeley there was no concern placed on transitioning out immediately into the "real world"...Read full comment
... You have to somehow learn how to interview and write resumes and cover letters ...Read full comment
... Not everything comes so easily in the real world ...Read full comment
... They tend to judge you on your appearance and if you put any effort in the mornings into your appearance, they presume that you are an imbecile ....Read full comment
... The curricula are rigorous and relevant, career paths are well delineated based on a student's background, and opportunities to excel abound ...Read full comment
The University of California - Berkeley
The University of California - Berkeley
The University of California - Berkeley
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• How to choose a Major
• How to choose your Career
• What you make of it?
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• FAFSA: Parent Contribution
• FAFSA: Dream out of reach

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