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Boston University

Total Grad Surveys 17
Females 7
Males 10
Avg years at University 1.9
Research Quality B (6.9)
Research Availability B- (5.9)
Research Funding C+ (5.7)
Graduate Politics B- (6.0)
Not Errand Runners B- (6.3)
Degree Completion B (6.9)
Alternative pay [ta/gsi] C+ (5.7)
Sufficient Pay C+ (5.7)
Competitiveness C+ (5.7)
Education Quality C+ (5.1)
Faculty Accessibility C+ (5.3)
Useful Research B (7.2)
"Individual" treatment C (4.4)
Friendliness C+ (5.2)
Safety B (6.8)
Campus Beauty C+ (5.0)
Campus Maintenance B (6.6)
University Spending B (6.9)
Extracurriculars B- (6.0)
Scholastic Success C+ (5.2)
Surrounding City B (7.1)
Social Life/ Environment B- (6.2)
"Individual" treatmentC
Useful ResearchB
I am a 2nd year graduate student hereFeb 23 2017Physics
I am a 2nd year graduate student here at BU. Over half of my year are leaving at the end of the semester, as did half of the previous year. Some of us have been forced out by the department, others, like myself, are leaving due to a toxic environment.

BU offers a highly challenging program of study. Don't expect to have a 4.0 GPA. That is probably the strongest feature of the department; you will learn a lot. There is also some really great research here, and they are bringing in new faculty, so now may be a great time to join the department.

However, much of the faculty, particularly the theorists, are elitist and condescending. You are judged heavily on how you score on various exams. That is what matters, not your ability to do research. You will be hard-pressed to start research before you complete the comprehensive exams (the comps), which are used as a tool to kick people out of the department that don't meet the theorists standards, even if you are an experimentalist. There is no system in place to help you find research. You just have to go knocking on professors' doors and asking if they have money. All in all, you will probably not really start research until your 3rd year.

The comprehensive exams (the comps) are a huge deal here. In my year, 3/15 people were kicked out for failing to high-pass the comps. We know nothing about how they're graded, or how the decision is made, except for rumors. From what we know, the decisions are made somewhat arbitrarily by a mysterious exam committee, whose members we also don't know.That said, the comps are passable. I passed them, but I'm leaving anyways. I do feel my time here was of value, but I also wish I had explored more options and considered going somewhere else. You can make a lot out of a PhD at BU, but I strongly caution you to have a backup plan, and to be entirely content with the very real possibility that you will leave the program. Also, expect to be hazed in your first semester. They pile you with an absurd workload, but it gets better after that.

The school is too concerned about metrics thanSep 11 2013Biology
The school is too concerned about metrics than the students I found the faculty (except for my advisor, who was great) to be unapproachable, condescending, and unhelpful. The program and grad school is poorly designed, and bureaucratic. They were just after my money and don't really care for the students. I wish I had done more research about graduate schools. I just assumed people would be competent, but they are not. I don't know if it was this school or if all grad programs are this underfunded, amateurish, bureaucratic, political, and have lack of academic interest. I found most of the students to be independently wealthy (somehow) so the huge costs and low pay of grad school didn't effect them. I worked full time while in my PhD program and the program and the faculty (except for my advisor, he was great), and the faculty is so far removed from realty that they didn't understand the need, except none had funding to support any students. I would never repeat this program. Wish I had gone to a different school for PhD, one which actually cares about its students and just doesn't put in their marketing material.
aBSOLUTELY HORRIBLE SCAM ! I work for aJul 08 2013Social Work
aBSOLUTELY HORRIBLE SCAM ! I work for a small agency and make 11.00 an hour. I graduated with a 3.75 average with my BS. They didnt accept me and didnt give me a reason. I have to work a DAY to make 70.00 and the whoole thing was a HUGE pain in the ass to apply, and then a huge pain in the ass to get a response. It took them over 2 months to " review" my application. In addition, one woman told me I sounded like I had an anxiety disorder when I called 3 x in one week because they kept giving me deadlines for a decision and completely blowing their own deadlines. VERY unprofessional , VERY VERY expensive ( 800.00 per credit hour plus expenses ) non- responsive ...and when I was denied admission, they couldnt GIVE ME A REASON.
This is a schoolJul 03 2012Art & Design Department
This is a school for rich kids; programs are hurriedly constructed and faculty are very distracted (most teach 2-3 other places). Often Administrative Personnel and Faculty do not work for common goals in cooperation.
My experience with BU was mostly positiveOct 03 2010Computer Science
My experience with BU was mostly positive. I found the course material for the graduate level computer science program to be very challenging and relevant. I'm unsure about some of the negative reviews on this site, but everyone is intitled to their own opinion. I would recommend BU for anyone who wants a good learning experience. The only concern I have is the cost.
Based on over a year here, I wouldJun 26 2010Business - Management and Administration
Based on over a year here, I would strongly urge any potential students to go elsewhere. BU is very expensive, you can get the same or better quality elsewhere, they will deflate/destroy your GPA (hurts you for other grad schools or employment, type in grade deflation online to learn more about BU's policies), and it is a very large, bureaucratic, unfriendly organization that could care less about your success or failure.If you are considering the school, feel free to email me with questions and I will provide honest feedback. Again, I would strongly encourage you to look at other schools.
Jan 09 2009Business - Management and Administration
In the MBA program you are treated less than a member of a community let alone as a paying customer. Those supposedly there to help are too busy passing off work to others in the beaurocracy to be worried about the student's academic progress or professional success. This fact caused me great headaches, actual money, and was a huge hinderance to my education. I regret ever applying to this program.
I'm in the online MSCIS program and theDec 24 2007Computer Science
I'm in the online MSCIS program and the courses are superb! I couldn't ask for better professor's and facilitators to help through the learning process. The bill is a little steep, but well worth it. Some would say that online education is a second rate degree, but at BU..that is so far from the truth. A+ overall.
Studies are extremely hardJun 18 2006Computer Science
Studies are extremely hard. Considering that professors are too busy with research, or teaching a class of 50+ students, basically the teachers give lectures - and TA handles everything else including grading of exams. Teachers are very busy with research, and always assign projects in advanced levels to assist in their research - which could run into unexpected trouble at times. General computer labs had slow computers, which I avoided and used Computer Science lab instead. Don't expect much help finding jobs as I doubt employers relationship with university in Computer Science department is that spectacular. If you are planning on becomming a teacher or have already a position as a reasearcher in government or a private company, only then would I recommend this university. Plan to spend sleepless nights in your homeworks, and projects.
Boston University is almost completely focused on researchMar 30 2005Psychology
Boston University is almost completely focused on research. Since promotion and tenure are dependent on research do not expect professors to provide a quality education. Professors are rarely available to students and always bogged down with research. I would strongly discourage attending Boston University.
BU School of Theology and the Elie WieselFeb 12 2005Religion/Religious
BU School of Theology and the Elie Wiesel Center for Judaic Studies are wonderful places to study. Professors and staff are all there to help you in any way they can. They frequently go the extra mile to make sure you are well acomodated. I received home like welcome and extremely generous financial support. Professors are world famous experts, yet approachable and genuinely interested in you, your research, career plans and goals. Wonderful mix of cosy atmosphere and superb academics!!!
Research Topic(s): Hekhalot Literature and the Dead Sea Scrolls
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