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Michigan State University

MSU Campus News

VIDEO: Great Lakes Folk Festival brings cultural celebration to downtown E.L.
Jul 10, 2018
“The MSU Museum's annual Great Lakes Folk Festival made its way to Downtown East Lansing Friday, Aug.”
VIDEO: Violin and Piano duo rock MSU's Botanical Garden
Jul 10, 2018
“Michigan State's W.J. Beal Botanical Garden hosted its third concert of the summer on Friday, Aug 7, when Oleg and Natalia Bezuglova performed a their duet at lunchtime. 
The Bezuglova's are both graduate students here at MSU and their performance is exactly what organizers of the event had in mind when setting up the Music in the Garden program. 
"This is exactly what we were shooting for on this sort of event," Botanical Technician Pete Murray said.”

Week in Review: August 14, 2015
Jul 10, 2018
“Here are the top stories for August 14.
MSU Football held its media day earlier this week, where its goals for the season were discussed.
Despite their recent success, including being ranked No.”

Allen, Harris and Calhoun named 2015 MSU football captains
Jul 10, 2018
“The 2015 captains have been named: senior center Jack Allen, senior defensive end Shilique Calhoun and senior linebacker Darien Harris.
The coaches have no say in the naming of the captains, the captains are named through player voting.
Head coach Mark Dantonio has chosen to stick with a three captain system while incorporating a fourth rotational captain so all of his leaders get the experience.
“I think (the players) did a nice job of picking the three, those guys are all guys that have played a lot of football here and have been in the program for five years," Dantonio said.
After a summer of building chemistry within the team with everything from movie nights to texts letting guys know what to work on, Harris was humbled by his selection.
“It’s a tremendous honor, I told the team after that I’m very thankful, very humbled and honored for this.”

Residential assistants and intercultural aides help students feel at home
Jul 10, 2018
“Being a student on campus can be extremely stressful. There’s so much going on in life and it can be overwhelming.”
For some international students, coming to campus is 13-hour ordeal
Jul 10, 2018
“College is a fresh start and a new beginning for most, but for international students at MSU it can feel like a whole new world.”
VIDEO: MSU Police run test of Spartan Stadium evacuation
Jan 01, 2018
“MSU police ran the evacuation, allowing most of the boy scouts on campus for the 2015 National Order of the Arrow Conference into the stadium and, after a brief exercise, ordered them out in a simulated weather emergency.”
Move-in day has freshmen thinking about their futures, independence
Jan 01, 2018
“For the freshman moving into the dorms, Sunday marked the beginning of a new life.”
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