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Cornell University

Total Grad Surveys 14
Females 5
Males 9
Avg years at University 2.1
Research Quality B- (6.2)
Research Availability B (7.2)
Research Funding A- (8.5)
Graduate Politics B- (6.0)
Not Errand Runners B (7.0)
Degree Completion B (6.8)
Alternative pay [ta/gsi] B (7.0)
Sufficient Pay B+ (8.0)
Competitiveness B+ (7.4)
Education Quality B- (6.3)
Faculty Accessibility C+ (5.6)
Useful Research B+ (7.8)
"Individual" treatment B- (6.4)
Friendliness B (6.5)
Safety A (9.0)
Campus Beauty A- (8.7)
Campus Maintenance A (8.9)
University Spending B (6.9)
Extracurriculars A- (8.4)
Scholastic Success B (6.9)
Surrounding City B- (5.8)
Social Life/ Environment B (6.7)
Faculty AccessibilityC+
Grad school is something of a personal experienceFeb 21 2011Aerospace Engineering
Grad school is something of a personal experience. Not every school works for everyone. In general the faculty at the Mech & Aerospace (MAE) are nice, helpful and friendly. But there are some of those rare academic birds who really treat you like slave labor. Beware of faculty who sit far away from rest of the department (that's a clue)! I believe its owing to the fact that faculty themselves do not get any social life outside university. Any civilization is 4 hrs from Ithaca. So if you join in, be ready to slog without timings/life.

A lot of faculty seem to get free labor in terms of M.Eng students. They see very accustomed to getting free labor. I feel its highly unethical/immoral to make a graduate student work in one's research group for free. So beware of that!

Some faculty seriously have problems with funding. When I stayed there, there was additional political drama unfolding. The TAM (Theoretical and applied mechanics) had been merged with the MAE. This was done against the wishes of the TAM faculty. As a protest, TAM faculty would vote a blanket no to any decision taken by the MAE. Probably as to retort, the TAM students who had advisors not affiliated with MAE had their funding down from 2010. Many students were planning to take a year of leave of absence.But considering that a TAM member has become the Director now, things should be better hopefully.

Cornell has an amazingly high suicide rate forJan 06 2007Architecture & Urban Planning Department
Cornell has an amazingly high suicide rate for a reason. I completed my master's degree and throughout had the sense that not a single faculty member cared if I ever finished. There are good faculty members to be found at Cornell, but in general, I found the majority to be self-important, condescending, and servely outdated in their research.I am generally a positive person, but there is very little good that I can say about Cornell. I went because of the name and financial aid package, but were I to do it over, I would go into debt to have gone to a far less well known school and had a good experience. Largely due to the negative experience I had at Cornell, after earning my degree I left the field altogether.
ALL ASIANS are requiredDec 09 2006Computer Science
ALL ASIANS are required to have 50 Points HIGHER (GRE and SATs) than other admitted candidates, for both Undergrad and Grad school. BEWARE!! Cornell will never admit this, but work study friends in Admission's Office confirmed.
Now teaching, I can safely say Cornell wasSep 28 2006Communications
Now teaching, I can safely say Cornell was the worst of my four institutions. Not only was my department hostile towards basic principles of quality education, the graduate school - supposedly your safety net in grievance - was a great source of sympathy, but little else.

I'm likely not to receive a PhD, even though my dissertation's been written and on people's desks for over a year now without serious review (in 2005 alone, they've completely screwed up the feedback cycle twice, and passed me off to an associate - who did do his job - only to reject the associate's findings.) The Graduate School, charged with grievances, did nothing about this, even though they had two years advance notice of the whole problem boiling to a head.

A complete disaster. Avoid at all costs, unless you have an absolute guarantee your special committee is God's gift to the universe - they control everything you do, and if they're incompetent or suddenly become hostile, you're screwed, because your arranged appeal process will simply back them up.

Frankly, it's not worth the risk. Go anywhere else. You deserve better.

For many, they might feel that an IvyOct 03 2005Other
For many, they might feel that an Ivy degree entitles them to lucrative job offers later on. In fact, the university does little to help students with jobs. Many non-technical and social science people are sitting in temp firms in NYC, Phil., Boston, and D.C. The ones with nice jobs are those who got admitted as LEGACY, which meant they did not have to meet the same academic standards as everyone else others. This same LEGACY group secured nice jobs afterwards-- IF they could cut it in tech areas-- by parents making calls across the East coast, contacting personal friends who'd hire their children. I say apply here if you're a LEGACY, since the going is 100% smoothe all the way. Nearly 20%of the openings are specifically RESERVED for Legacy. Sweet deal!
Oct 21 2003Communications
Cornell is great for pro-active students. If you take your own intiative, you will be greatly rewarded.
Mar 18 2003Electrical Engineering
Cornell is very demanding. Have to be well prepared before coming here.
Cornell University
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