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Pace University Business School

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I have been at Pace for two years.BrightBusiness - Management and Administration
I have been at Pace for two years. I have gained a lot of understand of what kind of school this is and I have a few pointers on whether or not this should be a school you should spend your (or your parents) hard earned money on.

First off, I would like to say that a lot of people agree with me when I say the first semester/year is great, and it gets worse every semester afterward. This school has a HUGE transfer out rate. Half of the people I met my first year were gone after that. It's hard to keep friends here. People either transfer out, or move out of the dorms, or other reasons.

Another thing, I may be an outlier because I am a typical white guy who likes sports and does typical "dude" things, but if you consider yourself a typical "suburb" kid or grew up in the suburbs, this school isn't for you. There are not a lot of "normal" people at this school. Lets be honest, there's a lot of gays, metrosexual men, foreign students, and high maintenance girls. This school is very cliquey. If you do not belong to one of those groups or "clique's" you're going to have a harder time finding people to be friends with. Not saying anything is wrong with any of those mentioned above, thats just the vast majority of the student body. So much for a "University" this school is far from having a diverse crowd. I would say the overall friendliness of the school from 1-10 from 1 being lowest and 10 being highest is probably around a 4-5. Some students are willing to talk, a lot keep to themselves, there are a good amount who are snobby.

When it comes to outside of the campus activities, I mean cmon its NYC so yes there are going to be a lot of things to do, BUT, you must have money to do them. The city is REALLY expensive. If you're "ballin on a budget" you're not going to have a lot of fun because you will be super limited. If you have a lot of money, then you will have the time of your life. The city is what you make of it.

When it comes to the actual campus, i'm not gonna lie this place is a shit hole. It's a really ugly school, its outdated, the cafeteria is basically a closet, its just not a nice looking campus. The dorms are decent though. Beekman is a brand new building and the John street is relatively new. The area around the main campus and dorms is really nice and super safe. One thing I didn't like about dorming is the lack of opportunities to meet students. There aren't alot of common areas where students can go and hang out and socialize. Besides a gym and a few TV rooms thats about it. Dorms are REALLY small, but have their own bathrooms. Proximity of the dorms to the main campus is really close.

When it comes to the professors at this school, it's kind of hard to comment. I've only been here for two years and took mostly business classes so overall I would say the professors i've had were average to a little higher than average. You will have professors who don't speak english, but that's the majority of colleges. A good amount of professors here also teach at other colleges in the city like Baruch, NYU, and other CUNY schools, so whatever courses you're taking here would probably be equivalent to those other schools.

Overall, the best advice I would give to someone who is considering this school is definitely check it out first. If you are looking for that "college experience' literally dodge this college at all costs. You COULD however, try this campus, and switch to the West Chester campus. They're more of a "traditional college". They're both Pace and the transition is easy as just picking where you want your classes, and choosing your dorming. It's that simple. If you fit the mold of one of the clique's here, you'll love it, if not, its going to be tough for you. The campus is horrible but the surround area definitely makes up for it.

2nd Year Male -- Class 2016
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The only good thing "I" can say asQuite BrightFinance
The only good thing "I" can say as an much older student (late 40's) good about this school is that it's located in the immediate area of the companies I wanted to apply to for internships, co-ops and employment. But I must admit I feel like the odd man out at recruiting events with students from Columbia, NYU and Fordham representing Pace but the credentials that got me in the room was my NEU gpa. Beyond that I regret leaving the 42nd ranked university to come to the 173rd ranked university solely on the basis of receiving a scholarship. Would you believe they have the audacity to charge the same tuition cost as the 42nd ranked university! To start, I received my scholarship offer in May, but they said I had to pay a refundable $100 fee to reserve it, ding. The first flag went up. I researched prior to applying to ensure myself that all transferring credits would be accepted, I found their acceptable transfer list of credits from my school and said ok, here's the refundable $100. A month later I received the transcript of transfer credits that they've accepted and 17 3 credit hour classes were reduce to 2 credits. When I called to question this I got a student assistant that didn't know what or how to explain it. In the interim, I'm still waiting for my scholarship letter to sign so my financing can be applied. I didn't get that until Dec 8. While I'm waiting they're sending me dunning letters like its my fault the scholarship letter wasn't signed. This went on for 7 months. Meanwhile, I'm a jr transferring in, but due to the reduction in credits I'm barely a sophomore. I'm sitting in sophomore classes I had already taken, I'm very disinterested and inattentive. I requested to appeal this gross injustice and I'm told there is no formal process to do so, me having done my research, point out that their transfer list states there are exceptions made so how could there not be a formal process if their policy is the provost can make exceptions. While this is going on I have another 10 credits that haven't even been considered since I transferred in in September, which are also on the list as transferable credits. Now this is 26 credits unapplied. To make this story short, I spent one semester at this school and that was enough to know I don't want to represent this school in anyway, shape, form or fashion and I transferred back to NEU. While I was there I heard staff making calls to former graduates stating the school was rescinding their degree because the school made an error in calculating their credits. Make no mistake this is a for profit school. I happened upon their financial statements and that explained why they were using dell computers, antiquated software and still using paper as opposed to being paperless when the push is to reduce carbon footprints nationally. Their endowment shows $137m but they're carrying $153m in debt. Now that explains why they accept 81.6% of their applicants and NEU only takes 34%. It also explains why the wifi is so bad you can barely do homework and that's while sitting in the library on campus. It also explains a great majority of their study body are international students paying annual tuition of $16k versus the $60k they charge US students and about 35% (being generous)national students. Parents, if you want your child to get a quality education and you're footing the bill. I don't care how much they want to be in NYC, if the school isn't Columbia, Cornell, NYU or Fordham, send them to Boston to Northeastern, Suffolk, UMass Boston, Boston U, Boston College, MIT, Harvard. I'm a former executive from JP Morgan who's gone back to school, trust me you don't want to spend your money here for your child's education. You'll regret it when your child is competing against students from the schools I mentioned about or Maryland University, Georgetown, George Washington U, American U, Catholic U, George Mason U or one of your more respected Jr colleges.
1st Year Male -- Class 2016
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The Business program at this school is great,BrightBusiness - Management and Administration
The Business program at this school is great, except for you occasional foreign professor that you cant under stand. But the school its self is awful, unhelpful, and will milk you for ever dollar that you have. When it comes to your financial aid it will go down every year, as tuition goes up, unless you call the office of student accounts 100 times and freak out on them. I have been charged $75 for paint chips on my wall that I was told I would not be fined for, $70 for being in a friends room that smelt like weed (we were not smoking), $50 two times for a lost mail key, and $25 for lost ID card. When in real life this could all be replaced for under $50. Their logic is ridiculous also it does not matter if you have a valid argument against your charges they will charge you anyway. And your always "guilty by association" so if you like to party DONT DO IT IN THE DORMS YOU WILL GET CAUGHT AND FINED. Most of the food here is awful it will give you horrible stomach cramps and the runs, try to keep your meal plan small as possible and buy food at the market. Also the people here suck because its such a broad spectrum majority of students are performing arts or business and those personalities clash so much, dont expect to make any friends out side of your floor in Marias tower freshaman year, and expect to be left with 4 friends by the time your a senior. If I have the luxury, time, and effort to transfer I would in a heart beat. My advice: AVOID THIS SCHOOL.
2nd Year Female -- Class 2016
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