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Okay, i went to this school for twoQuite BrightPreLaw and Legal
Okay, i went to this school for two years, and left as soon as i could. Seriously, it was the worst experience of my whole entire life. Freshman year i partied far too much, and did terribly in school. Now, that is no one's fault but my own, but if you are planning on going here, make sure you are aware of the draw of the nightlife. The bronx is terrifying. My freshman year, an off-campus student was raped and beaten with a metal pipe. Sophomore year, a homeless man wandered into my building (O'Hare) and tried to open dorm rooms. FINALLY security found him. The school is wildly unsafe. They also are insanely strict. Freshman year, i was GHBed at a bar in the bronx (i told you the neighborhood is the pits) and instead of helping me, i was written up and received a citation for campus drunkeness. I then had to attend an alcoholic awareness meeting, although i was victim of some sicko local. The freshman religion courses are stupid. A bunch of the teachers (esp in CBA) are FOB Asians who don't speak English. The core is so stupid and pointless. The freshman dean isn't the most arrogant, pompous idiot at the whole school. He seems so friendly and helpful at first, but try to find him once in a while. I lived in North from 05-06, and the janitors were terrible. We had vomit sitting in the middle of our floor for a whole weekend because they don't clean up during that time. Kinda stupid, considering the weekend is when everything gets the messiest. We also had vomit COOKING on the radiator at the end of the hall from October to the day we left in may. It was a DELICIOUS smell when the winter came and the heat was on full blast. OHare is a great place to live. The staff is friendly in the grill, and the whole building is new and quiet with awesome AC. It was the only highlight of going to Fordham. Leaving there was hands down the best decision i ever made. If you want to associate yourself with a homogeneous mix of white, rich, snobby people, then fordham is your place. But, as a white, financially comfortable person myself, the arrogant attitudes of everyone you encounter will start to wear you down. Just look at the kids on facebook and their guido-esque pics, and you will understand. Dont let your fantastic orientation trip sway you, this school sucks shit.
2nd Year Female -- Class 2013
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This school S-U-C-K-S.Not so brightPreLaw and Legal
This school S-U-C-K-S. Want to pay mucho bucks for a scary educational experience, then come here. My friend returned to school early to find an intruder lived in their apt over break. There are bums and straggly people off campus. The students here for the most part are pretencious and obnoxious. I hate it here and want to get out.
2nd Year Female -- Class 2012
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Quite BrightPreLaw and Legal
Fordham University is an AMAZING place to be. Fordham College At Lincoln Center is the best choice i have ever made!! APPLY NOW
1st Year Male -- Class 2008
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