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Michigan State University

Survey Results (2)
2.3 (D)
Basic Sciences
3.8 (C-)
Clinical Preparation
7.3 (B)
3.5 (D+)
Knowledge Level
4.2 (C-)
Helping Doctor
3.9 (C-)
Patient Interaction
6.5 (B-)
Job Assistance
2.7 (D)
Overall, how would you rate the quality of your school?
1.9 (D)
Helpful Advising
5.8 (C+)
Level of Burnout
1.5 (D-)
Individual Value
0.8 (F)
Social Life
0.8 (F)
0.8 (F)
Surrounding City
0.8 (F)
Meeting People
0.8 (F)
The students at the Michigan State university college of human medicine are by and large bright, BUT unmotivated, lazy and manipulative.  If they do not get what they want (ie: honors in a certain clerkship) they complain to the attendings, program director and even dean of the college.  They are never interested in learning or acquiring clinical competency.  They are interested in going home, “having a life”, “not taking call”, “not writing notes” and rounding as chief residents.  Quite frankly it makes the rest of us who actually care about our education and reputation look terrible. 

I wish the admissions committee was more cautious when selecting those they will graduate as physicians. 

People are arrogant. 

Undergraduate/Surveys Related to the Medical School

nicole rovig and her whole nasty staff shouldSuper BrilliantPreMed and Medical
nicole rovig and her whole nasty staff should be fired. They are rude, unhelpful and completely inept. After meeting with traci gulick, and being disgusted with her nasty attitude I decided to escalate my situation and had a discussion with dr. Rovig. She is one of the most useless human beings on earth. Msu is a joke, should have chose notre dame in the beginning. Transferring there this fall! i bet she didn't know I bar tend at graduate hotel in ann arbor and was witness to her absolutely disgusting behavior. She was so drunk that she was rubbing her self all over the registrars of the big ten. Absolutely deplorable but wish I took pictures to send her boss.
3rd Year Male -- Class 1920
Preparedness: Reputation:
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I can't say anything bad about MSU.Quite BrightNursing
I can't say anything bad about MSU. The people are so friendly, especially if you're a freshman. Everyone's looking to meet new friends. Living in the dorms your first year helps a lot with making friends. I suggest using Room Sync to find your roommate. That's what I did and she's one of my best friends now. If you put yourself out there, you'll make friends just fine. People that you sit next to in class will become friends, people down your hall, in your building, people who are in the same clubs as you are. I personally didn't do greek life and I met a ton of people so if you want to join a frat or sorority it I'm sure you'd meet even more people.

Classes are extremely difficult but profs are helpful. I suggest going to office hours and actually paying attention in class. I had a few profs who new my name by the end of the semester. You just have to remember that you're paying for their time and to use it! Ask questions, sit in the front, go to office hours.

Most of my profs spoke english but the math department has a lot of profs that are foreign and most of the TAs in math and science are foreign too but just because they have broken english doesn't mean they don't care about you as a student.

I had basketball and football tickets and i suggest everyone do the same even if it's not your thing. Going to the sports games in probably where you feel the most proud to be a spartan. Everything is green and white and everyone comes together. MSU is a great school and anyone who wants to leave probably partied too much and didn't take advantage of the resources MSU has. Don't skip classes and you'll do fine. Take time to study but work hard and play hard!

1st Year Female -- Class 2018
Preparedness: Reputation:
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pros: prestige, social life id great, education isAveragePreMed and Medical
pros: prestige, social life id great, education is great, they also offer a lot of resources and help.cons: if you are black like me, I guarantee you will encounter racism in some way, shape, or form. If you are really naive it is easy to subdue to peer pressure. Also, make sure you have a bike. Things are so far apart.
1st Year Female -- Class 2016
Preparedness: Reputation:
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Michigan State University
Michigan State University
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