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James Madison University Business School

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Quality of teaching
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By Concentration

Economics & Financial Engineering
Finance & Accounting
Industrial Operations & Manufacturing
Information Systems
Real Estate & Planning
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Meeting People

Undergraduate/Surveys Related to Business School

Quite BrightBusiness - Management and Administration
JMU does an excellent job of offering big school resources with an intimate small school feel.
4th Year Male -- Class 1994
Preparedness: Reputation:
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JMU is an interesting place, to be sure.Quite BrightBusiness - Management and Administration
JMU is an interesting place, to be sure. i see it as a microcosm of everything one can hope to expect from a public university. You will meet every conceivable type of person here, staff and students. You may sit between the trust-funded Fraternity brother from Northern Virginia on the left and the artsy-introverted girl from Massachusetts on your right. The odd thing about JMU, you could wind up getting along wonderfully with both. Friendliness is key and you get what you give. Professors, like students run the gamut from the ones that will move heaven and earth to see their students pass, to the ones that will merciless crush your dreams with a smile (ratemyprfessor is going to be your best friend). I came in knowing i wanted to be in marketing and the program is phenomenal, i am definitely being challenged and the career resources are competitive but certainly abundant. Housing is only guaranteed for freshman year but off-campus townhomes, houses, and apartments are affordable and varied (its a buyers market and rent goes from about $300 up to $600 monthly). Food is everything they say it is, delicious and available in amazing variety; we have at least 7 different places to eat not including coffee shops and snack bars. The social life is what you make of it. There are plenty of parties most weekends and a bus system to get you to and from them. joining Greek life isn't necessary but if you find an organization that likes you and you can afford it, there is no reason not to. On a final note, the traffic and parking situation are definite problems, all upper class-men bring their vehicles and there aren't nearly enough spots
3rd Year Male -- Class 2015
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Cops love arresting students, even when they areQuite BrightBusiness - Management and Administration
Cops love arresting students, even when they are on-campus not doing anything wrong. School is for ya-ya kids and not so much if you are more reserved. Gen-Eds are hard, time consuming, and boring as all hell. JMU wants to be a top school like UVA but they aren't. Virginia students who go here either failed to get into UVA or are borderline retarded. A lot of the northerners are rich douche bags who came to JMU to party.
2nd Year Male -- Class 2016
Preparedness: Reputation:
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