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New York University

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Undergraduate/Surveys Related to the Medical School

I couldnt not condemm this school more.BrightPreMed and Medical
I couldnt not condemm this school more. The social situation is absolutely horrendous. My first semester I was absolutely depressing many Friday and Saturday nights were spent alone in my room playing video games. This was especially difficult for me because in high school I would party with friends very often. The crippling loneliness that is present in this school is absolutely mind blowing. Many kids and I emphasize many kids just feel isolated as their is no centralized campus or party scene to really meet people at. Another important thing to address is the fact thay Nyu is in new york city. Many people think that because you are in nee york city there are plenty of things to do, but quit frankly if you are under 21 there is nothing you can do whatsoever. Bars and clubs are extremely strict and even if you do manage to get an A tier id bouncers in nyc know their sh*t and your changes of getting in on a constant bases is near zero. Another problem is the sheer expensiveness of the city. I am lucky to be relatively richi but I had a lot of really cool friends who I wanted to hang out with but they could not afford to come out. This literally led us to growing apart and sort of builds class differences in the school where high income students only hang out with high income students and low income with low income.. this leads to a lot of hatred between the two. Nyu has also been extemely strict on the very slim to non-existsnt greek life. Over the past 20 years they hve convered the frat houses into office buildings and frats are basically just groups of guys who hang out and occasionally rent clubs, only now nyu is attacking even these groups of friends because apparently every straight male is a sexual predator. Being a straight male on campus is actually just a disasterous situation. To sum up it you want to go out it can costs 100s of dollars and if you plan on joining a frat to make friends you will be constantly under attack by the ridiculous administration. The only remotely social thing to do is attempt to blaze in the dorms while trying not to get caught by the RA on duty. If you want any semblance of a social life do not attend this school, the academics are good, but oh god the social life is disastrous. There is a reason 10% of freshman transfer out of the school.
1st Year Male -- Class 1920
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NYU nursing faculty is totally useless. tons of busy work
Male -- Class 2000
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I can't speak for the University in it'sQuite BrightNursing
I can't speak for the University in it's entirety but as far as the accelerated nursing program at NYU--it's absolutely horrendous. Disgustingly corporate and shamelessly money driven. I've gone to several private universities and never felt so disregarded and disposable. NYU does NOT care about you. They will tell you how wonderful they are (and you for being selected) and they'll kiss your ass until they get your check. Then they will "forget" to return calls/emails, they will transfer you a million times but what they won't do is help you. I wish someone would have told me they are not an institution that cares about it's students or academic integrity but just another corporation. My advise is to stay away from NYU college of nursing, stay far, far away.
1st Year Female -- Class 2012
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