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Kettering University

Total Grad Surveys 7
Females 2
Males 5
Avg years at University 2.7
Research Quality A- (8.1)
Research Availability A (9.0)
Research Funding A (9.2)
Graduate Politics A+ (9.8)
Not Errand Runners A- (8.7)
Degree Completion F (0.8)
Alternative pay [ta/gsi] A- (8.6)
Sufficient Pay A (9.1)
Competitiveness A (8.9)
Education Quality A (9.4)
Faculty Accessibility A+ (9.8)
Useful Research A (9.6)
"Individual" treatment A (9.1)
Friendliness A+ (9.7)
Safety B- (6.5)
Campus Beauty B (7.0)
Campus Maintenance B+ (8.0)
University Spending A (9.1)
Extracurriculars A (9.2)
Scholastic Success A (9.0)
Surrounding City C+ (5.2)
Social Life/ Environment B- (5.9)
Degree CompletionF
Graduate PoliticsA+
Graduate Mechanical Engineering studentDec 13 2014Mechanical Engineering
Graduate Mechanical Engineering student. Worst decision I have made in my life and I will regret this for the rest of my life. They advertise on their website about co-op programs but no one tells you that its not available for Masters students, I got here and then they say "we are working on it". There are really good professors but there are also equal number of professors who are good for nothing. I did not learn much in my masters degree, waste of time and money.The masters program is just growing and its not established properly as yet. Social life is down the drains. Most students are to themselves, no one interacts much, only option for social life is to drive down to East Lansing.
Nov 15 2010Archaeology
niggers everywhere its horrible!
Research Topic(s): why they blow me so much
I got my undergraduate degree here and nowAug 23 2010Mechanical Engineering
I got my undergraduate degree here and now have almost completed my Masters while not paying a dime for it and getting valuable research.

As far as profs go, after you have been here a while you should know who to take and who not to take. We have some great profs, but for every great one, there is a terrible one. with a bunch of OK profs.Overall, good school would and do recommend to other people.

I can't say enough good about my experienceDec 12 2009Unknown
I can't say enough good about my experience at Kettering. I am in the Masters in IT program and about to take my final class. This is a real world school with real world programs. I did A LOT of searching for the right grad school to do my Masters in IT degree and after looking at many many schools, all top tier schools, I decided on Kettering because of several reasons. They have a good reputation, their tuition cost is not unreasonable (plus it includes books), THE DISTANCE DELIVERY FORMAT IS THE BEST OFFERED BY ANY UNIVERSITY. Seriously, every school should be looking to this format for the future with their distance learning programs. For a working professional it is perfect!! I have never had an unfriendly experience with anyone from the application process, all the way to graduation, financial assistance, faculty, everyone has been nice and helpful at every turn. Every professor I had was always responsive and helpful, they care about the students, and they put effort into their classes. I'm glad I chose this school and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a distance grad program while being in the real world working. Also, thanks to this grad program, I'm going in to a great PhD program at a top school. Don't go to any school looking just for money and milking the distance thing and the typical distance program, there is quality distance education out there and Kettering has it.
This university offers great Masters programs and theirMay 30 2009Unknown
This university offers great Masters programs and their method for distance learning is great. I'm doing the Masters in IT through distance learning and I love it. It is challenging. I am working in the real world and everything is applicable. The prices are fine, they aren't about making money they care about the quality of education and students learning the material. After two years of being in the program and only half a year left, I've never felt like I was doing an "online" program because the format is so good. They video the class, mail it to you, many exams are proctored, even group projects work well. Books are included with tuition, no hidden costs, and everyone both professors and those in administration are ALWAYS happy and helpful. This was a great choice for a quality grad school for a working professional.
The master's program at Kettering is excellentJan 17 2009Business - Management and Administration
The master's program at Kettering is excellent. I would definitely do it again if I have the time and opportunity in my life. I've been in the MSIT program and it's been a wonderful experience. The professors actually do care about you and will have you whenever you ask for help.

Kettering has 2 methods of taking courses, distance learning and on-campus learning. I decided on distance learning due to the convenience of receiving DVDs and watching them at my leisure. This is a great program working people to better themselves and I couldn't recommend this program more. My own negative item to point out is that the MBA program came while I was nearing my completion of the MSIT program and I probably would of taken that if it was around when I first started.

Kettering is a one-of-a-kind institutionJan 13 2009Business - Management and Administration
Kettering is a one-of-a-kind institution. I wish my undergraduate university had more practical application of subject matter. The undergrads here have a great opportunity to really learn engineering - not just study engineering theory. And Flint isn't as bad as some students think. There is a cultural center and amazing parks system - most students never venture far from campus or the frat party scene and have no idea what is available.
Kettering University
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