Listing of all Universities in Massachusetts
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American Career Institute - Braintree (Braintree)
American Career Institute - Cambridge (Cambridge)
American Career Institute - Framingham (Framingham)
American Career Institute - Springfield (Springfield)
American Career Institute - Woburn (Woburn)
Atlantic Union College (South Lancaster)
Baystate Medical Center Midwifery Education Prog (Springfield)
Blaine the Beauty Career School - Waltham (Waltham)
Bradford College (Haverhill)
Brio Academy of Cosmetology - Northampton (Northampton)
Empire Beauty School - Boston (Boston)
Empire Beauty School - Malden (Malden)
Forsyth Institute (Boston)
Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering (Needham)
Kaplan Career Institute - Boston (Boston)
National Graduate School of Quality Management ()
North Adams State College (North Adams)
Saint Hyacinth College and Seminary (Granby)
Salter School - Cambridge (Cambridge)
Sea Education Association (Falmouth)
Southern New England School of Law (North Dartmouth)
University of Phoenix-Central Massachusetts Campus (Westborough)
Western Maryland College (Westminster)
Whittier Regional Vocational Technical High School (Haverhill)
Ailano School of Cosmetology (Brockton)
Alexander Academy (Fitchburg)
American International College (Springfield)
Amherst College (Amherst)
Andover Newton Theological School (Newton Centre)
Anna Maria College (Paxton)
Assabet Valley Regional Technical School (Marlborough)
Assumption College (Worcester)
Babson College (Wellesley)
Bancroft School of Massage Therapy (Worcester)
Bard College Simon's Rock (Great Barrington)
Bay Path College (Longmeadow)
Bay State College (Boston)
Bay State School of Technology (Canton)
Becker College (Worcester)
Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology (Boston)
Bentley University (Waltham)
Berklee College of Music (Boston)
Berkshire Community College (Pittsfield)
Blackstone Valley Vocational Regional School District (Upton)
Blessed John XXIII National Seminary (Weston)
Blue Hills Regional Technical School (Canton)
Boston Architectural College (Boston)
Boston Baptist College (Boston)
Boston College (Chestnut Hill)
Boston Conservatory (Boston)
Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis (Brookline)
Boston University (Boston)
Brandeis University (Waltham)
Bridgewater State University (Bridgewater)
Bristol Community College (Fall River)
Bunker Hill Community College (Boston)
Cambridge College (Cambridge)
Cape Cod Community College (West Barnstable)
Catherine Hinds Institute of Esthetics (Woburn)
Central Mass School of Massage and Therapy (Spencer)
Charles H McCann Technical School (North Adams)
Clark University (Worcester)
College of Our Lady of the Elms (Chicopee)
College of the Holy Cross (Worcester)
Conway School of Landscape Design (Conway)
Cortiva Institute Boston (Watertown)
Curry College (Milton)
Dean College (Franklin)
DiGrigoli School of Cosmetology (West Springfield)
Diman Regional Technical Institute (Fall River)
Eastern Nazarene College (Quincy)
EINE (Tewksbury)
Elizabeth Grady School of Esthetics and Massage Therapy (Medford)
Emerson College (Boston)
Emmanuel College (Boston)
Empire Beauty School - Boston (Boston)
Empire Beauty School - Framingham (Framingham)
Empire Beauty School - Hyannis (Hyannis)
Empire Beauty School - Lowell (Lowell)
Empire Beauty School - Malden (Malden)
Endicott College (Beverly)
Episcopal Divinity School (Cambridge)
Everest Institute - Brighton (Brighton)
Everest Institute - Chelsea (Chelsea)
FINE Mortuary College (Norwood)
Fisher College (Boston)
Fitchburg State University (Fitchburg)
Framingham State University (Framingham)
Franklin W Olin College of Engineering (Needham)
Gordon College (Wenham)
Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary (South Hamilton)
Greater Lowell Technical School (Tyngsboro)
Greenfield Community College (Greenfield)
Hallmark Institute of Photography (Turners Falls)
Hampshire College (Amherst)
Harvard University (Cambridge)
Hebrew College (Newton Centre)
Hellenic College Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (Brookline)
Henris School of Hair Design (Fitchburg)
Holyoke Community College (Holyoke)
Hult International Business School (Cambridge)
ITT Technical Institute - Norwood (Norwood)
ITT Technical Institute - Wilmington (Wilmington)
Jolie Hair and Beauty Academy - Ludlow (Ludlow)
Kaplan Career Institute - Charlestown (Charlestown)
Kay Harvey Academy of Hair Design (West Springfield)
La Baron Hairdressing Academy - Brockton (Brockton)
La Baron Hairdressing Academy - New Bedford (New Bedford)
Laboure College (Milton)
Lasell College (Newton)
Lawrence Memorial Hospital School of Nursing (Medford)
Lesley University (Cambridge)
Lincoln Technical Institute - Brockton (Brockton)
Lincoln Technical Institute - Lowell (Lowell)
Lincoln Technical Institute - Somerville (Somerville)
Longy School of Music of Bard College (Cambridge)
Lowell Academy Hairstyling Institute (Lowell)
Mansfield Beauty Schools - Quincy (Quincy)
Mansfield Beauty Schools - Springfield (Springfield)
Marian Court College (Swampscott)
Massachusetts Bay Community College (Wellesley Hills)
Massachusetts College of Art and Design (Boston)
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (North Adams)
Massachusetts General Hospital Dietetic Internship (Boston)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge)
Massachusetts Maritime Academy (Buzzards Bay)
Massachusetts School of Barbering (Quincy)
Massachusetts School of Law (Andover)
Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology (Newton)
Massasoit Community College (Brockton)
MCPHS University (Boston)
Medical Professional Institute (Malden)
Merrimack College (North Andover)
MGH Institute of Health Professions (Boston)
Middlesex Community College (Bedford)
Mildred Elley - Pittsfield (Pittsfield)
Millennium Training Institute (Woburn)
Montserrat College of Art (Beverly)
Monty Tech (Fitchburg)
Motoring Technical Training Institute (Seekonk)
Mount Holyoke College (South Hadley)
Mount Ida College (Newton)
Mount Wachusett Community College (Gardner)
National Aviation Academy of New England (Bedford)
National Graduate School of Quality Management (Falmouth)
New England College of Business and Finance (Boston)
New England College of Optometry (Boston)
New England Conservatory of Music (Boston)
New England Hair Academy (Malden)
New England Institute of Art (Brookline)
New England School of Acupuncture (Newton)
New England School of Law (Boston)
New England School of Photography (Boston)
New England Tractor Trailer Training School of Massachusetts (North Andover)
Newbury College (Brookline)
Nichols College (Dudley)
North Bennet Street School (Boston)
North Shore Community College (Danvers)
Northeastern University (Boston)
Northeastern University Global Network (Boston)
Northern Essex Community College (Haverhill)
Northpoint Bible College (Haverhill)
Pine Manor College (Chestnut Hill)
Quincy College (Quincy)
Quinsigamond Community College (Worcester)
Regis College (Weston)
Rob Roy Academy - Fall River (Fall River)
Rob Roy Academy - New Bedford (New Bedford)
Rob Roy Academy - Taunton (Taunton)
Rob Roy Academy - Worcester (Worcester)
Roxbury Community College (Roxbury Crossing)
Saint John's Seminary (Brighton)
Salem State University (Salem)
Salter College - Chicopee (Chicopee)
Salter College - West Boylston (West Boylston)
Salter School - Fall River (Fall River)
Salter School - Malden (Malden)
Salter School - New Bedford (New Bedford)
Salter School - Tewksbury (Tewksbury)
Sanford Brown College - Boston (Boston)
School of the Museum of Fine Arts - Boston (Boston)
Shawsheen Valley Regional Vocational Technical School (Billerica)
Signature Healthcare Brockton Hospital School of Nursing (Brockton)
Simmons College (Boston)
Smith College (Northampton)
Southeastern Technical Institute (South Easton)
Southern Worcester County Regional Voc School District (Charlton)
Spa Tech Institute - Ipswich (Ipswich)
Spa Tech Institute - Plymouth (Plymouth)
Spa Tech Institute - Westboro (Westboro)
Springfield College (Springfield)
Springfield College School of Human Services (Springfield)
Springfield Technical Community College (Springfield)
Stonehill College (Easton)
Suffolk University (Boston)
Sullivan and Cogliano Training Center (Brockton)
Toni & Guy Hairdressing Academy - Worcester (Worcester)
Tri County Regional Vocational Technical High School (Franklin)
Tufts University (Medford)
Universal Technical Institute of Massachusetts (Norwood)
University of Massachusetts - Amherst (Amherst)
University of Massachusetts Central Office (Boston)
University of Phoenix Boston Campus (Braintree)
Upper Cape Cod Regional Technical School (Bourne)
Urban College of Boston (Boston)
Wellesley College (Wellesley)
Wentworth Institute of Technology (Boston)
Western New England University (Springfield)
Westfield State University (Westfield)
Wheaton College (Norton)
Wheelock College (Boston)
Williams College (Williamstown)
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Worcester)
Worcester State University (Worcester)