Listing of all Universities in Rhode Island
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Naval War College ()
Sawyer School (Pawtucket)
Brown University (Providence)
Bryant University (Smithfield)
Community College of Rhode Island (Warwick)
Empire Beauty School - Providence (Providence)
Empire Beauty School - Warwick (Warwick)
International Yacht Restoration School (Newport)
Johnson & Wales University - Providence (Providence)
Lincoln Technical Institute Lincoln (Lincoln)
MotoRing Technical Training Institute (East Providence)
New England Institute of Technology (East Greenwich)
New England Tractor Trailer Training School of Rhode Island (Pawtucket)
Newport School of Hairdressing (Pawtucket)
Paul Mitchell the School Rhode Island (Cranston)
Providence College (Providence)
Rhode Island College (Providence)
Rhode Island School of Design (Providence)
Roger Williams University (Bristol)
Roger Williams University School of Law (Bristol)
Salve Regina University (Newport)
Sanford Brown Institute - Cranston (Cranston)
St Joseph School of Nursing (North Providence)
Toni & Guy Hairdressing Academy - Cranston (Cranston)
University of Rhode Island (Kingston)