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Iona College

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Not all but some of the professor IHistory/Histories (art history/etc.)
Not all but some of the professor I had were self righteous and opinionated.They always responded you are wrong. I have disproved with the books that blew them out.

My classmates were juvenile mean and hurtful.
I was harassed because I wore a beard.One professor didn't like me for that.
One professor who is now dead was Dr. Guidorizzi who basically spent the class time speaking his political views and constantly bashing President Kennedy.Kennedy had more brains in his toe than Guidorizzi had in his head.

Alumnus Male -- Class 2000
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I came to Iona College with not manyQuite BrightBusiness - Management and Administration
I came to Iona College with not many expectations because well, there really weren't any, to begin with. I'm an international student, and my first year at Iona College has been a waste, to say the least (at least in my opinion). For starters, if you're living on campus good luck because you don't know what any of the rooms look like until move-in day. They say you can't bring any pots and pans to cook your own food because they want you to buy food from one of the dining halls, but in the dorms, they have a full kitchen that's just there for show and tell. Also, if you choose to live on campus, there's a high chance that your roommates would be from around the area and leave on the weekends. Another thing about Iona is it's just like high school or even worse at times. If you're not on a team, or in a frat or sorority or in some clique it's hard to make friends, and if you do make a friend there's a high chance that they're a commuter and you won't see them outside of class. Also, there's no nightlife around the campus. Once you're done with the classes you either go home or go to your dorm, unless you know someone with a car or are willing to pay for an expensive uber or take a train to the city which adds up. However, one thing I can say is that most professors I had are willing to help you with whatever problems you may have. With this in mind, most students show 0 respect for the professors here - whether it's showing up right before class is about to end or constantly on their phones while the professor is talking or talking while they're trying to do their job. Many people here I believe still have this high school mentality. If you're an international student like me, then chances are you're not able to go back home for every break like most people here are able to. But don't worry, they close the whole school down including the dorms and dining halls and you're either stuck in the dorms doing nothing and having to eat off campus every day during the break or you can go back home or go home with a friend. If you don't get permission to stay in the dorms they try to kick you to the curb and you won't be able to get back in the dorms. This even happened when I had permission to stay and was stuck out in the freezing cold until I called for help from the campus security to let me back in but I still wasn't able to get back in if I left. To add if you're an international student, chances are you have to do about 4 days of orientation when you first get here where they tell you the same things repeatedly over those 4 days. You have to go to international student orientation, 2 days of regular orientation, and then welcome day which is basically another orientation. There are many other things I can go on about this school but this review would be much longer than it already is. If you know what's best for you, take time and look around at other schools, because the campus may seem pretty and nice but the grass isn't greener on the other side. There are many other schools you can go to for a fraction of the cost probably and have a better time there and create better memories.
1st Year Male -- Class 1922
Campus Aesthetics: A-, Social Life: F
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When I visited the school for open toursQuite BrightUndecided
When I visited the school for open tours and accepted students day, the faculty and upper classmen made this school seem awesome and lively. The truth is, everyone leaves on the weekends and everything on campus is closed all day. Honestly this was a huge mistake to make because there are only very cliquey groups of like ten people and you basically can't hangout with anyone but your roommate. You'll find yourself doing absolutely nothing every weekend and week night after classes. The people who work here hate it, and the people who go here are mostly only here because they commute and its cheap, or they have a full ride or are on a sports team. Theres no parties or events on weekends, and you only have friends if you are on a team or if you are snobby and cliquey, just dont waste your time on this school.
1st Year Female -- Class 1922
Collaboration/Competitive: B, Education Quality: F
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