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Iona College

Total Grad Surveys 9
Females 3
Males 6
Avg years at University 2.4
Research Quality B (7.2)
Research Availability B+ (7.6)
Research Funding B (6.8)
Graduate Politics B (6.8)
Not Errand Runners B (7.2)
Degree Completion B (7.1)
Alternative pay [ta/gsi] B- (6.4)
Sufficient Pay C+ (5.6)
Competitiveness B (7.0)
Education Quality B (6.7)
Faculty Accessibility B- (6.5)
Useful Research B (6.9)
"Individual" treatment B- (6.1)
Friendliness B+ (7.5)
Safety A- (8.5)
Campus Beauty A (8.8)
Campus Maintenance B+ (8.0)
University Spending B- (6.3)
Extracurriculars B- (6.0)
Scholastic Success B (7.2)
Surrounding City B- (6.5)
Social Life/ Environment C- (4.1)
Social Life/ EnvironmentC-
Campus BeautyA
Iona CollegeAug 30 2017Finance
Iona College... THE GOOD: Accounting. If you plan on studying business I would highly advise you to double major with accounting. You will have a job if you do this because all of the big four take plenty of Iona students. The campus: It is charming in the fall.

The BAD: Students: Iona's acceptance rate is a pulse. If you consider yourself intelligent your feelings will be hurt when you go to class because 80% of your classmates will be on their phones or just be really dumb. There is no academic spirit in Iona, when a professor asks a question you will have silence because no one cares

Buildings: Most of the buildings on campus are old and falling apart. If a student is paying $50,000 to attend this university you would expect better infrastructure. However, if you don't get a scholarship or aid I would recommend you avoid coming here. It is not worth it. The new dorms are large and spacious. Also, the school's wifi is not that great.

Support: Iona's career services will respond and work with you. However, as others have said it isn't great. Not many large companies come to Iona's career fairs. Again speaking as a business student you will find Pepsi and IBM coming to campus. Which aren't bad, but no large banks come. The exit outcomes aren't great. Iona is not a brand name and if it wasn't a 30 min train ride into NYC or Stamford it would have gone under by now. ME: To be transparent, I was a commuter student. I didn't want to be there, I didn't make an effort to get involved. However, a lot of other students who commuted felt the same way. I found a job after graduation, but that was through looking on my own.

My advice to all high school students, applyingMar 23 2016Other
My advice to all high school students, applying to Iona Collegge, or considering enrolling at Iona College, is to attend Iona's job fairs - walk around - their internship fair and full-time job fair - then you will get first-hand knowledge about the companies that Iona partners with. As another poster wrote, the Fortune 50 and Fortune 500 companies that attend the fair are few and far between.

I stayed at Iona because I needed to commute - I had to stay close to home for personal reasons - but if I had my choice, I never would have attended Iona. Iona's ratings are so low - and I guess that's why the Big-Fortune 500 company's don't sign up to recruit Iona students. There are a few - if you're an Accountant major, and a few Finance corporations, but you are really on your own.

Iona sure won't be "Moving the Financial, Pharma, Healthcare World" What World will Iona be moving. How can Iona graduates "Move the World, when Iona Administrators really don't care about Iona students once they graduate. Iona is a sports college- they care about Basketball, and that's great, if that's your interest. I love Sports, but when I spend over $30,000 a year to attend a private college - just commuting, not living on-campus, you expect results.

Before you enroll, attend the Job fairs - talk to the Corporate Representative, get a list of the jobs they are hiring for, get statistical information of hiring, where? salaries, etc. I know you want to have a fun college life, but at the end of the day, you need to get a job - a job you like and a job that will help you pay back your big Iona College loans. So, as an Iona Alum, I'm advising you, to visit all the main offices on campus - spend a day, ask questions - observe, ask for data, call Alums, facebook alums, ask if they got a good job after graduating.

The people are nice, and that's important, but that won't pay your bills. When you graduate from Iona, all Iona wants is more money. You get letters asking for donations to fundraisers. Iona should be more concerned with getting their Alums jobs, if their slogan is Iona students will "Move The World". Those words mean nothing, if Iona Administrators don't strategically implement some changes. Iona sure isn't run like a successful business. I read, somewhere, recently that Iona accepts over 90 percent of applicants. I think the actual percent was close to 93 percent. That's not competitive - that's just wanting your money.

I was looking to advance my knowledge inMay 02 2012Accounting
I was looking to advance my knowledge in the acct field by pursuing a MBA in ACCT at Iona College. What I came out with is what I went in with, nothing. I can not tell you 3 things that I was taught that will help me advance my career. To top it off I now owe 70k in student loans and for what. I tried several times to talk to the Dean about my concerns and he took weeks to return my phone calls and when I did see him he completley brushed me off. The courses are not difficult, you could sleep walk through the assignments and get a B+. I would not advise anyone to attend this school. Something needs to be done, our voices need to be heard. How do you fight something that is so much bigger than one person. Very sad.. Best of luck to all.
Nov 29 2010Business - Management and Administration
Good Bus rep. Hooks into NYC
Since I was a kid, the old jokeNov 03 2010History/Histories (art history/etc.)
Since I was a kid, the old joke about IONA was that it stands for Idiots of North Avenue. Having attended the school, I see where the joke comes from. I feel that IONA goes above and beyond the call of duty in keeping the joke?s truth alive. I feel this way and point to the following conclusions I made through my experience as evidence. IONA?s administration rivals a 1970s New York City DMV in bureaucratic inefficiency. This alone should make the school worthy of the infamous alternate contents of the IONA acronym. Alas, there is more! They have a roster of teachers who create more problems in the classroom than BP did in the Gulf of Mexico. The environment is about as friendly to intellectuals as a Jersey Shore House Party hosted by Mike ?The Situation.?

I find the overall atmosphere extremely unwelcoming. It feels like you walk in a stranger and walk out a stranger. I make tons of friends everywhere I go but I did not at IONA. Not one person. Students seem to coalesce into established cliques and act real smarmy and condescending or just plain cold towards outsiders. I remember one time I was early for a first class and there was another student in the room. I said hello and introduced myself. He ignored me as if no one was in the room. He even did this after I told him ?F___ you? as a response to his behavior. Like I said, I find the overall atmosphere extremely unwelcoming. I would describe the social scene at IONA as embarrassingly bad. The main social outlet seems to be mindless barhopping practiced by the cliquey student body. The college reeks of a putrid culture of alcoholic jocks with narrow-minded ?Father Knows Best? sensibilities. I also find the student body to be rabidly anti-intellectual. I see a severe lack of education in philosophy, economics, and political thought among the history students. The university is very right wing and you can find yourself the subject of contempt from many students for expressing views outside the Fox News mindset. I find that the teachers are often unreasonable and dealing with them can be a major nuisance. Even though some are friendly, they usually have quirks and lousy teaching abilities that destroy any redeeming quality that may bring. I have even heard teachers make mistakes on basic facts that I knew in High School. If I had all the thumbs in the world, I would arch them all towards the floor in a tidal wave of ?thumbs down? for IONA University.

I took two classes as a visiting studentNov 03 2010History/Histories (art history/etc.)
I took two classes as a visiting student. the first class i had was awful. I did not head the warnings i had a terrible time the professor was GOD AWFUL. got a mediocre grade. tried to appeal it but the professor shot me down when i tried to appeal it on academic grounds bad professor bad class. Second class i took was with a much better professor who is approachable and friendly. however i am NOT going to complete my masters at IONA. My first class made me realize that this was not the school for me and i was also informed that the history masters program was geared towards school teachers, not some one like me who was wanting to possibly teach college part time in addition to my primary masters which was in library science which i have just about finished. this school was awful i do not recommend ANYONE going to this school.
I'm a graduate of Iona, a very brightJan 28 2009Business - Management and Administration
I'm a graduate of Iona, a very bright individual, and I feel that I got a great education at Iona in comparison to some of the colleges my co-workers went to.

I seem to be more knowledgable and more prepared than many of the others who just graduated. I praise Iona for that.The area is suburban and very nice (a wealthy area.) The places to eat in the food plan are endless. Not very diverse though. Mostly Italian and Irish students.

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