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Liberty University

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I decided to stay and graduate, I pulledQuite BrightAccounting
I decided to stay and graduate, I pulled myself through some tough times during the Lebanon Israeli war in 2006 when a friend in Lebanon barely got out alive. He ended up leaving by boat on a dreary night with fighter jets threatening the skies. I told some students about his situation thinking someone may understand, none did, they didn't care , in fact they were thinking this was endtimes and wanted Beirut obliterated as a sign to go up in Rapture , there was absolutely no concern for my friend nor my concern. Everything was about political views and Rapture

Socially was okay with my few friends of three. we were alone while others were in large groups. They were fake polite to us but very friendly among themselves all because I didn't agree about that war.

I had a busy major that took up my time , otherwise I would have become insane from the lack of thoughtful communication and compassion. I'm against war and they hated antiwar .

I graduated December 2006, left on a chilly night quietly.Every class was steeped in teligion.

3rd Year Female -- Class 2006
Campus Aesthetics: A-, Friendliness: D-
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I've had a few great adjunct professors.BrightEducation
I've had a few great adjunct professors. The rest were a joke, as they would/could not assist with any discrepancies in quizzes or tests because "I am sorry but I did not write the course and therefore I cannot change anything". The time allotted to complete online testing varies from course to course, regardless of the length of the test- number of questions. It is so random. And you have NO way of knowing what the correct answer was for any missed, so there is NO MASTERY of the subject, just grades. THAT is NOT education. I have 10 years of classroom teaching experience in private schools. I do know a bit about what true education should look like. The "Advisors" are also a joke. They are uniformed and most often follow a script which is not helpful to the student. Blackboard is more like "swallow the prescribed information and spit it out another way but not too differently or your score will be docked." Black- BORED. Students do not truly interract. I couldn't believe the half-"baked" comments. They sounded like robots. I honestly learned more in my hands on classroom years than I did in any course. I learned only a few new terms, but NO new precepts.
1st Year Female -- Class 1920
Campus Aesthetics: B, Education Quality: F
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I transferred to Liberty University from Virginia TechQuite Bright
I transferred to Liberty University from Virginia Tech for the positive Christian atmosphere. It was the worst decision I've ever made.

1) Academics. Depending on the major, the academics here are a joke. They will over Christianize every single subject.

2) People. Do not even get me started. I was so depressed I almost killed myself because I had no friends because I swore/ did not believe the exact same things other people believed. My roommates were assholes who would play music loudly till midnight and had no consideration for other humans besides themselves. I have never felt more depressed or alone in my life.

3) The college experience. THERE IS NOTHING TO DO IN LYNCHBURG. STAY AWAY OR YOU WILL DIE OF BOREDOM. Literally my roommates would drive to Roanoke for donuts. That was the fun thing to do on the weekend.

4) DO NOT COME TO THIS SCHOOL UNLESS YOU HAVE A CAR. Need I emphasize again, THERE IS NOTHING TO DO ON CAMPUS ON THE WEEKENDS. LU empties out on the weekends. People escape to other universities.

5) Advising. ADVISERS HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT. I was so depressed that I was failing all of my classes. I decided to withdraw from all but one because I did not want my transcript affected. My advisor said that it was fine to keep my one credit class and that I could keep my housing. Turns out, she was wrong. You have to be in 3 credits in order to keep your housing. I got evicted and had to commute to lynchburg from Northern Virginia for 2 months in order to finish the therapy I started. I also had to live out of my car for several days.

They do not know what they are talking about and will screw you over. STAY AWAY.

3rd Year Female -- Class 2018
Perceived Campus Safety: A+, Useful Schoolwork: F
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