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New York University

Total Grad Surveys 49
Females 23
Males 26
Avg years at University 1.6
Research Quality B- (5.9)
Research Availability B- (5.9)
Research Funding C (4.8)
Graduate Politics C+ (5.2)
Not Errand Runners C (4.7)
Degree Completion C (4.5)
Alternative pay [ta/gsi] C+ (5.1)
Sufficient Pay C (4.2)
Competitiveness C (4.5)
Education Quality C+ (5.1)
Faculty Accessibility C (4.8)
Useful Research C (4.7)
"Individual" treatment C- (3.7)
Friendliness C (4.3)
Safety B- (6.2)
Campus Beauty C (4.8)
Campus Maintenance B- (5.9)
University Spending B- (5.9)
Extracurriculars C+ (5.3)
Scholastic Success C+ (5.2)
Surrounding City A- (8.5)
Social Life/ Environment B (6.7)
"Individual" treatmentC-
Surrounding CityA-
Secrets "THEY" do not want you to read!Oct 22 2021Other
Secrets "THEY" do not want you to read!
At N.Y.U School of Professional Studies you will find a very interesting bunch of professors. The information contained within it is my opinion as a former alumni. This school prioritizes the graduation of its FEMALE STUDENTS and the failing of its MALE STUDENTS. It has an overwhelming number of FEMALE GRADUATES a whooping 85%-90%, it is almost guaranteed that you will graduate from this school if you are a female. Here are THE DOZEN professors who are part of this monopoly who have brought a tremendous amount of sorrow and, overall destruction of its male students lives in my opinion.

1: Vera Jelinek (even though she claims to run the school in fact its Carolyn Kissane the one who runs it) Vera tends to fall asleep while reading.

2: Carolyn Kissane
3: Waheguru Pal S Sidhu
4: Christopher P. Ankersen
5: Anne Marie M. Goetz
6: Thomas E. Hill
7: Sylvia G. Maier
8: Mary Beth E Altier
9: Michael F. Oppenheimer
10: Jens Rudbeck
11: John Kane
12: Colette Mazzucelli
After receiving a legal slap on the wrist, by at least one student, who filed civil charges with D.H.R NYS they are on the move again, cherry picking their new batch of male students to push out next.

TO MALE STUDENTS: DoDec 06 2018Other
TO MALE STUDENTS: Do you believe that you have been treated differently or graded lower than your female co-eds? You may file a complaint with the New York State Division of Human Rights if you believe to have been discriminated by this institution due to your gender (MALE).
This school is full of students that areFeb 01 2017Political Science
This school is full of students that are hostile to veterans. They insult those who served and fought even though they are too spineless to serve.

Some are so close-minded and doctrinaire that the 2016 election results were a complete surprise. The only hope I have is that they never work for the U.S. government as they are liberal versions of Donald Trump and will likely be useful as IED magnets or bullet shields.

I have just taken exams at the LawMay 19 2014Other
I have just taken exams at the Law School. I went to a top school before attending NYU Law School and couldn't be more shocked about the way NYU handled my exam period. In my view it was so badly handled as to be detrimental to my academic performance and there is no serious or independent procedure to handle that mismanagement. Sack the people in Academic Services and you might not have a half bad university.
Terrible school (Steinhardt) You're better off going toFeb 27 2014Education
Terrible school (Steinhardt) You're better off going to Teacher's College: Columbia University. NYU Steinhardt is a mediocre program. I think more so the lack of aid in terms of taking unnecessary classes. I think it's quite absurd how much money they make for promoting classes they may not be needed (whether or not it can be differentiated instruction) Also, the condescending tone from Shondel Nero. Sadly, I don't believe she is professional or quite lovely. I had spoken to her at the beginning of the program and she left the WORST taste of all in my mouth. Not only that, She will attack you with her self-righteous tone, and threaten you by saying that no matter what is done, you will still have to take this class, and any e-mails sent to the dean will not make it to the dean. I paid good money to go to this "good school". From what I understand, the dean of the school doesn't care (whether the problem is too little or too big). Even if it's the president of the school. It's really sad that this is more about money rather than quality.
I recently applied for the Masters of ScienceJan 28 2014Other
I recently applied for the Masters of Science program through SCPS in late November with several questions looming. I had also received "welcome aboard" emails insisting that if any questions were to arise, to call the numbers listed in the emails.

After leaving several messages over the course of two months, I decided to call again to inquire about my eligible veterans benefits. I was transferred 3 times until I was able to confer with a rude woman who indicated to me that her function at the school VA program was ONLY to process paperwork and was not answering any questions. Despite my insisting for additional names and points of contact to call, this rude did not even have enough decency to transfer my call, and was clearly agitated by my simple phone call.

For the reasons that I have listed above, it is clear that NYU-SCPS personnel is arrogant, callous towards new applicants and does not care about veterans.

This allegedly prestigious school is pathetic, with obnoxious workers. I am embarrassed that I actually showed interest in attending this liberal trash can of a school.

Talking about school cultureJan 25 2012Computer Science
Talking about school culture. This school is so desperate for money。 For my department, there are more than 200 MS students, yes not BS students enroll every year. You would know the quality of teaching here. Most of these students are international students who just want to has a study tour in the US, these people do not study. Only thing in their mind is to get laid. This school has no campus. You feel not in school while tons of tourist pass by you . Pretty much the only thing positive about attending here is that the school is in new york city so you can have a lot of fun, but I would not make any friends from NYU.Talking about academic, course works are relatively chill, but I still hear people complaining about the heavy load. Tuition is super expensive, but quality of teaching is below average.CS department do not have enough faculty, so they hire people outside to teach. If you enroll in some courses taught by those people, such as Eran Fishler, be careful. This guy has no respect over students and very stubborn. If you want to report the misbehave of the teachers, you have no hope, Goldberg, the chair tries his best to protest his army. Jennifer Colan, the secretary, is very rude too. Half of the time, she does not even respond your email and pretending she never get them. You need to send email multiple times to draw her attention.
I spent a lot of time looking atOct 09 2011Public Policy
I spent a lot of time looking at reviews such as this website and reaching out to students before considering quiting my job and attending graduate school so i figured Id give back by positing now that I have went through the process. I was accepted to my top 3 school for a health management/finance degree, an MPA program at NYU, MHA at Johns Hopkins, and MS at Georgetown. Although I ended up going to NYU because of the amazing scholarship i received, compared to zero from Georgetown and much less then NYU from JHU, I am truly very happy I went here. Although I didnt think I was ready for NYC, I am soo happy about choosing to go here for the following reasons:

Diversity: this may or may not be important to you but Gtown is a great school but with veryyy little diversity. Even at my admissions interview, everyone was a white person from some suburb - this may be appealing and comforting for some but when I went to NYU, there was spectrum of countries and background represented. Specifically at NYU Wagner I loved the fact that I had class with people that were in other programs such as Nonprofit management and Urban Planning compared to the other schools that would have me take classes only with my cohort of 25-35 students the entire time i am there.

The City: if you are the kind of person that doesn't always want to just stick with being friends with you class, NYC is amazing. I have certainly made friends at school but i have made some great friends outside of school and there are always more and more people to meet every night. I like to go out and see brand new people everytime and be able to go out to brand new places every weekend. It is easy to make some great connections this way. I did go to a big state school for undegrad so I totally appreciate football Saturdays and all that and glad I had that undegrad experience. However, i am now focused more on other things such as building up a better professional network, getting involved in the community, etc. If you are looking for a party school, well NYC can be that, but its certainly not your college town feel.

I am shocked byMar 21 2011Public Policy
I am shocked by how unfriendly the faculty is to international students. They dismiss opinions that might not align with their particular view of the world. very disappointed.
I won't get into specifics but it's aJul 14 2010Political Science
I won't get into specifics but it's a simple fact that NYU and schools like it (i.e. Ivy League and other northeastern, prestigious universities) are the best way to get a head start into whatever field you plan on going into. The cost might seem high, and it is, but it is an investment that can return ten fold, if you use your education right. NYU specifically does have some faults, if you are looking for the green quads and brick towers of Harvard, you won't find them here, even though in my opinion, places like Greenwich Village are a better alternative anyway.When you go to NYU, you meet future Ambassadors to France, to put it simply. You meet the people that you read about in Time magazine. But, if drinking on a Tuesday afternoon at the University of Who Gives A Fuck sounds more appealing to you, then have fun holding your wife's purse in the mall every Saturday in suburban America.
I was admitted to Music Technology program (graduateJun 23 2010Music - Performance
I was admitted to Music Technology program (graduate level) at New York University in 2008, and graduated in 2010. First of all, NYU is an extreme money making institute. There are always some sort of administration fees involved no matter what you do. About music technology program, I simply think that it is not worth going for that much money. They offer so many different curriculum inside of the department, such as tonmeister, Scoring for Film and Multimedia, etc., These sound attractive, but the reality is that there are no faculty members who can guide students for their professional goals. The program is very unorganized, and they do not have right classes that should be taught. If you are serious about music technology, my advice is that you can study and master it yourself. I learned a lot from people I work with in New York and taught myself. Only positive part about Music technology program or NYU in general is the location. There are so much stuff you will learn from this city. Other than that, this program is not worth your hard working money.
I was admitted to NYU Steinhardt for graduateApr 23 2010Education
I was admitted to NYU Steinhardt for graduate studies in the school of Education. I declined my acceptance due to the lack of professionalism I found within the department. Unfortunately, there is a overwhelming sense of inexperience and the program itself isn't as competitive as some of the other colleges at NYU. Overall I was very unimpressed as this particular department seemed to be riding the legacy of the NYU name and not living up to its actual standard. Do not waste your money for the sake of a name.
Feb 06 2009Business - Management and Administration
I have been impressed with the collaborative atmosphere--something I was not expecting in a top tier business school.
Dec 19 2008Business - Management and Administration
1st year MBA
I attended NYU for undergrad and am nowAug 23 2008Economics
I attended NYU for undergrad and am now there for grad in Gallatin, which allows you to design your own MA using the classes offered in all of the other graduate schools and departments at NYU. So far I have taken classes in the Economics Dept in GSAS, Gallatin core classes, and a class in finance at Stern. Next year I'll be taking classes in the Law School and Wagner. My focus is in Development Econ.

Although NYU is not cheap, the classes are amazing and the departments are ranked through the roof. The other students are bright and have a strong undergrad background. In the core class I just finished a couple of months ago in Gallatin, there were five of us in the class conducting field work. One went to undergrad at UCLA, one at Harvard, and three of us from NYU. The prof was very nice, intelligent and helpful and the students in the class will be friends of mine for life.

Another bonus: New York City. It is an amazing place to conduct research, especially in the social sciences. The inspiration I gain from simply walking around campus and the surrounding neighborhoods is indescribable. Yes, NYU does have a campus. No there are not iron walls surrounding it, but NYU's campus is Washington Square Park. It is beautiful during the summer and quant during the winter. They just began a massive multi million dollar renovation on the park which will be done in a couple of years.I hope this helps and good luck everyone!

Other than the professional schools such as LawMay 18 2008Music Education
Other than the professional schools such as Law or Medicine, NYU is overrated. I have degrees from three other public institutions of learning. My worst academic experience by far was at NYU. The faculty I met were not particularly bright, very arrogant, self-absorbed and dismissive of student needs. I would not recommend NYU to any student interested in getting a real education or finding an academic mentor.I am a college professor at a public institution.
Your NYU experience is absolutely based on yourFeb 25 2008English
Your NYU experience is absolutely based on your ability to make it worth your time and money. I wish someone had told me that my graduate experience at this school would not be about personal edification in a community of scholars, but rather a few years of navigating through gaggles of pretentious PhD students whose feelings of success are a function of how incompetent they can make you feel in class. Most classes here are conducted by professors more interested in pushing their own areas of study on you than broadening your understanding of the subject or aiding you in your own research. In defense of some really excellent teachers, though, I have taken two extraordinary classes. If nothing else, being a graduate student at NYU will literally force you to become a well-read individual, albeit highstrung and prone to nervous breakdowns, and if you sift through the pretentious ofal of the student body you will meet some great people. Before accepting an invitation of admission from NYU, I absolutely recommend meeting with a professor or two and seeing if you can sit it on some classes before really, truly deciding you want to spend 2+ years feeling like you're being churned out of a vortex of despair.
I am first year grad student of realDec 29 2007Other
I am first year grad student of real estate program.
NYU is a huge institution and every process takes time due to procedural problems. However, the staff is professional enough to track any delays and sort it out in time.

I see the students here are a combination of street smartness and cutting edge academic competence. Thats partly due to NYU being in the heart of New York city. This city is not for the faint hearted! It demands ur 100% efforts. Just like NYC, the strength of NYU and its reputation is realized slowly. NYU courses are more practical and global in nature. The real estate is extremely influential in the world real estate market, which is evident by the patronage NYU boasts of!

For the more money minded, NYU might be costly but it pays heavily in the long run. None of the ivy leagues can match NYU's job placement track record. This a large, influential, dynamic, smart, private university. It is aggressive enough to launch a ruthless publicity campaign to attract talent(students & facultuy alike)from across the globe, and sensitive enough to handle its vast student population.NYU rocks!

Sep 24 2007Business - Management and Administration
i graduated from ebonyi state university Nigeria but no sophisticated scientifi eqipments and no enough books in library.
Research Topic(s): business management
The cirriculum is designedJan 15 2007Computer Science
The cirriculum is designed for full time students. If you are working while going to school, I recommend NYU's School of Continuing and Professional Studies. SCPS also has Master's degree, and a lot of hands-on things.
NYU School of Social work is the mostJul 05 2006Social Work
NYU School of Social work is the most expensive drive up window in the world. There is no concern for the individual student one they exit the Bursar's office. As an older student with alot of expeience in the helping fields, you are patronized and ecouraged to play down your knowledge and experience. The field placements on the other hand are all too ready tocapitalize onthe free labor and offer the minimal amount of education in return. Mentorship is beyond this institutions comprehension. As a socialwork school, NYU does not feel the need to interview so the entire student body is accepted as entities on paper and stays that way. There are close too thirty students in each class and if you thought that graduate level learning meant that you could ask more in depth questions of learned academics and professionals, think again. At NYU the adjunct faculty are only paid an amount equivalent to 1 students tuition in each of those classes of thirty students so they do not hold office hours, discussions, or tutorials of any kind.

Despite giving lip service to advocacy, this institution thinks nothing of completely overiding any complaint or concern for the students. They are basically capitalizing on the desire of well meaning individuals to be better at serving the community. Many students are leaving feeling disgusted, enraged and ripped off. The NYU students in Social work are completely disenfranchised wiht n the school and one almost gets the feeling that the school thinks that that is an okay way to teach. If you are interested in clinical work go to Columbia or Yeshiva. NYU is coasting and creating a lot of bittereness as it capitalizes on the previous experience of the students that it claims to educate.

WOW!!!NYU is a great schoolApr 05 2006Biology
WOW!!!NYU is a great school.Before joining this school i read few reviews about NYU and felt scared.But NYU is an excellent school and i am so happy with it.The professors are really nice and helpful.some of them are ssooooooo nice TRUST Me!!!The TA s are particularly so helpful and kind enough to make you understand the subject. The students are freindly except for some Blonde girls who show off their attitudes.Some of the courses are really great and betcha!!you will enjoy your education here and will cherish it as a memory forever.
This school is badJan 28 2006Cultures/Civilization
This school is bad for people in the graduate school of arts and sciences, particularly the humanities and the social sciences. Avoid this school like the plague if you're in this category.
Jun 22 2005Music - Performance
Steinhardt is a great school and would recommend it for anyone who is interested in researching music technology.
Absolutely excellent school - the best there isFeb 10 2005Other
Absolutely excellent school - the best there is to be found. Do not listen to anyone who says that this place offers nothing or that the people are unfriendly - the students and faculty are friendly, warm and caring, the university has amazing resources and academic facilities, and you get the opportunity to learn and interact with world-reknowned faculty and some of the smartest students in the country. NYU is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity - yes, New York City is not for the faint of heart, and yes, you will have to wipe your own ass at NYU, but the place is just one hell of an educational experience - both academically and amongst peers - that it is not to be missed. If you get in, come here. You will not regret it.
NYU is an excellent school to do yourJan 17 2003Public Policy
NYU is an excellent school to do your graduate studies. The Wagner School provides you with very solid skills you will need to do policy work and research. Faculty is generally quite strong and accomplished. Students are smart, very diverse and involved. It's a big school and takes a little initiative, but once you break the barrier (which isn't difficult) you will find it easy to meet others and feel connected.

Required intro classes are a bit too large for my tastes, but knowledgeable faculty make up for it. Facilites are well maintained but cramped, especially considering that the policy school doesn't have its own building and we take classes in the undergraduate buildings. Other grad schools on campus have it better, especially business and law. This should be changing somewhat, however, with the pending announcement that we will soon have our own space in a landmark building.What can be said about NYC that hasn't been said before?There are opportunities for any type of work you might want to pursue here, and the well-connected faculty (and students)can open some doors to make that happen. Expensive? Yes. Hectic? Yes. But it is a part of your education as well.

i find that thoseNov 28 2002Business - Management and Administration
i find that those that are critics of NYU are those that were not accepted there... I find NYU to be very good in academics... In the grand scheme of things I know once I graduate I will be making more money and be a lot more successful than those of "so called competitive" schools.
NYU is very competiveSep 05 2002Accounting
NYU is very competive and challenging. I turned down Columbia University not because of price but because NYU made me feel more at home and like I place I would like to be associated with.
New York University
Compare NYUSave NYU

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