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Pensacola Christian College

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Relevant quotes pertaining to sports
... Although the rules are sometimes difficult to deal with, PCC offers so many opportunities to play sports, meet new people, and grow as a person ...Read full comment
... I once got ordered out the cafeteria for wearing tennis shoes to dinner ...Read full comment
... Stiff dress code (no jeans, no tennis shoes, no tee shirts with writing/pictures) Basically if you want to stay you have to give up your fre...Read full comment
... However, I never felt I missed it because I was so busy of doing homework, sport activities, and shopping :-P on the weekends ...Read full comment
... Men have to wear ties and sport coats nearly every day, and women have to wear hose and make sure that their clothes are not too tight or low cu...Read full comment
... A friendly campus with lots of cultural, service, sports activities ...Read full comment
... I loved all the intermural sports and the collegian competition ...Read full comment
... You can't shake a girls hand, you can't watch a football game on campus ...Read full comment
... Men have to wear ties and sport coats nearly every day, and women have to wear hose and make sure that their clothes are not too tight or low cu...Read full comment
... PCC provides excellent facilities (bowling, ice skating, basketball, tennis, swimming, etc) that can be enjoyed without having to leave campus ....Read full comment
... I also had quite the social life as I played every sport and was involved in tons of off campus activities sponsored through the college ...Read full comment
... The Sportscenter is available and the beach and sailboats etc ...Read full comment
... Once I went with my friends to the sports center ...Read full comment
... We have a good sports team, (basketball), and we will have a soccer team assembled next year ...Read full comment
... they dont have medical personnel on hand for sports games, like last night when a soccer player broke his leg ...Read full comment
... Men have to wear ties and sport coats nearly every day, and women have to wear hose and make sure that their clothes are not too tight or low cu...Read full comment
... There are numerous benefits of becoming a student there - good food (for a college), proximity to Pensacola Beach, first class facilities, low tu...Read full comment
... If ur looking for a great campus (the sports center is THE recreational facility of all colleges), a great education (despite that any major be...Read full comment
... Some stuff, like not being able to wear the Hollister and Abercrombie + Fitch logos, no jeans or sandals, no t-shirts for guys, but the girls can...Read full comment
... I played collegian soccer and got a ton of demerits for getting a yellow card when the other player was cursing me out the whole game, and I deci...Read full comment
... We were tennis buddies and he hated the school too ...Read full comment
... If you happen to be there during an Olympic year, you won't get to watch the women's ice skating or women's gymnastics ...Read full comment
... Although it may be easy, don't slack off and go to the Sports Center every night ...Read full comment
... As I cried, she was perusing my dorm room telling my roomates to take down the Nerf basketball hoop that was hanging on the window by those litt...Read full comment
... It is a beautiful and up to date campus offering bowling, swimming, ice skating, indoor track, basketball courts, tennis courts, modern dorms wit...Read full comment
... Men have to wear ties and sport coats nearly every day, and women have to wear hose and make sure that their clothes are not too tight or low cu...Read full comment
... I have hypertension and must have my blood pressure checked at least once a day because I was playing sports and the coaches wanted me to keep tr...Read full comment
... The academics are wonderful, classes are appropriately difficult for your scholastic year, there is an indoor water park, a bowling ally, an ice ...Read full comment
... You cannot watch TV or movies, except for the nightly news and some sporting events ...Read full comment
... We also loved the basketball games ...Read full comment
... The experience of Pensacola Christian College, the basketball team, "GO EAGLES" and the family that I still have today sixteen years ago since ...Read full comment
... If ur looking for a great campus (the sports center is THE recreational facility of all colleges), a great education (despite that any major be...Read full comment
... Many sports opportunities ...Read full comment
... There is also a waterpark, ice skating, giant climbing rockwall, bowling, sports complex ...Read full comment
... Men have to wear ties and sport coats nearly every day, and women have to wear hose and make sure that their clothes are not too tight or low cu...Read full comment
... When I told them, that should they dismiss me I would not be able to arrange transportation home in 24 hours, they told me point blank that that...Read full comment
... I was very involved student -- I was president of my collegian(required fraternity minus the alcohol, parties, and house), a 'straight A' student...Read full comment
... If one is into sports there is every sport imaginable ...Read full comment
... There were plenty of ways to get involved, such as collegian sports and other activities, church activities, and volunteer opportunities ...Read full comment
... Boredom will not be a problem either if you apply yourself to your classes and get involved in the activities on campus such as Collegiate Sport...Read full comment
... I also would suggest that you dress like a PCC student and do not wear your guest badge as you walk around campus (only pull it out for entrance ...Read full comment
... My second semester was preety much the same, I made tons of friends played sports for my collegian even though more things seemed to "get to me" ...Read full comment
... There were plenty of opportunities to play sports, exercise, and hang out ...Read full comment
... There are plenty of extracurricular activities if you enjoy sports and making friends in the commons and in the sports center ...Read full comment
... 1) I needed to earn enough money to get a vehicle to transport me to an occupation in my field, and 2) I have a friend who needed extra help due ...Read full comment
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