FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: StudentsReview, the largest free provider of student opinion has released its FIRST OFFICIAL College Rankings. Cambridge, MA, Jan 9th, 2005 - StudentsReview, described by the Washington Post as “full of youthful insider advice” (Using the Pessimist's Paradigm in College Selection - Tuesday, November 26, 2002), today released its OFFICIAL college rankings, based entirely on what the students themselves have to say about their schools. After four years and with nearly 25,000 in-depth surveys covering 2,500 schools, StudentsReview found that Dartmouth and the University of Chicago best fulfill its students expectations academically said Beracah Yankama, MIT affiliate and founding director of StudentsReview. US NEWS weighs college presidents opinion heavily. Our rankings do not care what the college presidents think — or even what we personally think. Our rankings are based on student opinion, and only on student opinion. Students did not place Harvard in the Top 50 list for best education, despite its #1 position of largest reputation. Brown University and Vassar College were rated the best colleges for creative students. StudentsReview describes its rankings methodology in-depth and openly. We are accountable to the students who have surveyed — it is our responsibility to preserve their trust, and analyze their opinions with integrity. A surprising number of schools put their business interests ahead of their academic charter, and an information disconnect allows university marketing to operate without accountability, said Beracah. Some have even threatened legal means to have valid data altered or removed from StudentsReview. We refused. StudentsReview is the first to solve the REAL problem that students face. By bringing in-depth opinion directly to prospective students, StudentsReview informs students, turning them into educated consumers. Even if readers find the comments controversial, after reading just a few, they quickly learn to ask those questions “students wish they had known to ask”, and make more confident decisions. Contrary to opinion, StudentsReview finds that it is the positive students who are the most willing to rate their school and offer comments.
For additional information, contact: Beracah Yankama StudentsReview guides prospective college students by providing answers to the questions students wish they had known to ask. StudentsReview was founded in March of 2000, and has collected nearly 25,000 uncensored college reviews. StudentsReview maintains a non-editing policy to preserve the intent and content of student experiences.