StudentsReview - Kettering University - Life at Kettering Copyright 2023 StudentsReview, Ecliptical Technologies, Inc. Life at Kettering - Comments en StudentsReview: Positive Review about Kettering for Industrial Operations Engineering Kettering is a hard school. If you're coming here, you should know that. It's not MSU, it's not parties 24/7. The people that come here and get the most out of their education are people that want to ... Fri, 21 Feb 2020 09:40:40 GMT StudentsReview 677-185997 677-185997 677 19 Industrial Operations Engineering Female Undergraduate Class 1923 2nd Year Positive Kettering is a hard school. If you're coming here, you should know that. It's not MSU, it's not parties 24/7. The people that come here and get the most out of their education are people that want to be here. Your experience in the co-op program is completely up to you, your co-op manager may try to persuade you for the best interest of the university, but ultimately you get what you put in. I've learned more in my two years here than most of high school, I feel this school truly prepares you for the real world, and yes, unfortunately, it's not all rainbows and butterflies. Kettering is not for the weak of heart, but it definitely worth the work. I feel more prepared than all of my friends that have attended different universities. You can choose to complain about every little detail like the broken tiles or lights around the buildings because the education you are getting is so much more and the university is consistently trying to make it a better place (they may have their own agenda behind it - like clout) but down the road, it's all for the students. I'm lazy asf, and Kettering kicks my ass everyday, but there is no place I would rather be. You find your lifelong friends here if you allow yourself to be vulnerable and be involved. Any dweeb who never goes out or joins clubs and who frowns upon greek affiliated people can say "the university sucks" & "don't come here" but maybe they should have tried to meet new people and get the most out of college instead of doing nothing and complaining about it. Fri, 21 Feb 2020 09:40:40 GMT StudentsReview: Positive Review about Kettering for Industrial Operations Engineering When I went to General Motors Institute it was considered by me as the best. Better than a full ride to any Big Ten School. The education was outstanding, the co op program was outstanding and tended ... Tue, 10 Apr 2018 07:51:54 GMT StudentsReview 677-183021 677-183021 677 19 Industrial Operations Engineering Male Undergraduate Alumnus Class 2000 Positive When I went to General Motors Institute it was considered by me as the best. Better than a full ride to any Big Ten School. The education was outstanding, the co op program was outstanding and tended to make you humble. Graduated with no debt. Had every opportunity to go as far as my talent and persistence would take me. Tue, 10 Apr 2018 07:51:54 GMT StudentsReview: Negative Review about Kettering for Mechanical Engineering If you go to orientation they praise the co-op program and tell you that you will continue that hands on education while at school. I've nearly graduated and I have never done anything hands on. They ... Tue, 21 Feb 2017 04:25:20 GMT StudentsReview 677-178922 677-178922 677 24 Mechanical Engineering Male Undergraduate Class 2018 4th Year Negative If you go to orientation they praise the co-op program and tell you that you will continue that hands on education while at school. I've nearly graduated and I have never done anything hands on. They lie to their prospective students to get them to join. Once you've been in school for 2 years you realize that it is nothing but useless theoretical knowledge that is entirely unnaplicable in the workplace. Tue, 21 Feb 2017 04:25:20 GMT StudentsReview: Positive Review about Kettering for Mechanical Engineering This a great school. Lots of greek life and things to do. The only downside is the cost and the surrounding city of Flint.... Wed, 16 Dec 2015 10:38:05 GMT StudentsReview 677-172084 677-172084 677 24 Mechanical Engineering Male Undergraduate Class 2019 2nd Year Positive This a great school. Lots of greek life and things to do. The only downside is the cost and the surrounding city of Flint. Wed, 16 Dec 2015 10:38:05 GMT StudentsReview: Positive Review about Kettering for Mechanical Engineering Great school! Never mind the whiny complainers commenting on this site. Do your work, graduate, and get a great job.... Wed, 14 May 2014 06:15:14 GMT StudentsReview 677-108302 677-108302 677 24 Mechanical Engineering Male Undergraduate Class 2015 5th Year Positive Great school! Never mind the whiny complainers commenting on this site. Do your work, graduate, and get a great job. Wed, 14 May 2014 06:15:14 GMT