StudentsReview - Boston University - Life at BU Copyright 2023 StudentsReview, Ecliptical Technologies, Inc. Life at BU - Comments en StudentsReview: Negative Review about BU for Other The gastronomy program here sounds like a dream come true for anyone who wants to become a restaurant owner, food business owner, food writer/editor, or media creator. Unfortunately, the support just ... Fri, 29 Mar 2019 10:46:54 GMT StudentsReview 566-184416 566-184416 566 53 Other Male Undergraduate Alumnus Class 2000 Negative The gastronomy program here sounds like a dream come true for anyone who wants to become a restaurant owner, food business owner, food writer/editor, or media creator. Unfortunately, the support just isn't there.
This is a master's program, however there's a lot of inequality at work here. They assume that just because you're in a masters program- you know everything there is to know about getting things done within the field. If that were the case, none of us would be in the program- we'd already be out working. As undergrads, not everyone had the means to overachieve like some of the masters students in this program, either financially or privilege-wise. If students come to the administration, for guidance, they may get a one or two sentence reply without any additional assistance or information. Forget about getting a mentor. Forget about people sharing their own experiences through graduate school.
The program is open to pretty much everyone with any sort of background. There are many students who, without much or very old college experience, transfer over from the culinary program. It is assumed that they know how to write papers right out of the gate, and are already thinking about the concepts presented in the program. This is such an exclusionary practice.
Speaking of which, the program heavily teaches liberal concepts (which is fine). What happens is you have a giant group of white women talking about oppression and privilege, pointing out other people's lack of awareness on these topics, all while their parents pay their way and while they don't advocate for POC in the program or external. This program isn't very diverse, and carry's with it a large echo-chamber of out-of-touch ideas. Yelling and debating about how every single practice within the field is racist, while doing nothing to change it, is really tacky. The administration contributes and clings to those students who behave in that way, rewarding them with special attention and opportunities. I had found out from my classmate who is a WOC that she had run into some admin members after graduation and they didn't even know she had graduated. There aren't that many students to not know that one of their paying students had been out of the program for a year.

I'm thankful for what I had learned, but I should have gone to NYU or Italy.
Fri, 29 Mar 2019 10:46:54 GMT
StudentsReview: Negative Review about BU for Accounting Just had a lot of super negative experiences. My parents went to BU and its nowhere near the quality it was at back then. BU has been going downhill the last few years and I would not recommend attend... Thu, 22 Mar 2018 05:13:57 GMT StudentsReview 566-182944 566-182944 566 1 Accounting Female Undergraduate Class 1922 2nd Year Negative Just had a lot of super negative experiences. My parents went to BU and its nowhere near the quality it was at back then. BU has been going downhill the last few years and I would not recommend attending. Thu, 22 Mar 2018 05:13:57 GMT StudentsReview: Neutral Review about BU for Computer Science fucking piece of shit school.... Sun, 17 Sep 2017 07:54:42 GMT StudentsReview 566-181071 566-181071 566 12 Computer Science Male Undergraduate Class 2000 Neutral fucking piece of shit school. Sun, 17 Sep 2017 07:54:42 GMT StudentsReview: Positive Review about BU for Unknown Absolutely no grade inflation going on @ BU. You work for every mark and as a bonus I really feel as if I learning helpful information that will stand the test of time.... Sun, 23 Jul 2017 08:52:12 GMT StudentsReview 566-180596 566-180596 566 0 Unknown Male Undergraduate Class 1921 3rd Year Positive Absolutely no grade inflation going on @ BU. You work for every mark and as a bonus I really feel as if I learning helpful information that will stand the test of time. Sun, 23 Jul 2017 08:52:12 GMT StudentsReview: Positive Review about BU for Other BU is a large friendly place with lots to teach you about life and the world. Large numbers of international students attend and the professors and alumni network is exceptional. BU has lots of kids t... Sun, 23 Jul 2017 04:27:11 GMT StudentsReview 566-180593 566-180593 566 53 Other Male Undergraduate Alumnus Class 2000 Positive BU is a large friendly place with lots to teach you about life and the world. Large numbers of international students attend and the professors and alumni network is exceptional. BU has lots of kids that are qualified to attend any of the extremely selective schools anywhere on the planet. I would attend again if given the option. Sun, 23 Jul 2017 04:27:11 GMT