StudentsReview - Pensacola Christian College - Life at PCC Copyright 2023 StudentsReview, Ecliptical Technologies, Inc. Life at PCC - Comments en StudentsReview: Negative Review about PCC for Business - Management and Administration I graduated from PCC with a degree in Business Management. More than 10 years later, I can't honestly say that I learned anything in college that was of any practical value. Here's the TLDR: go somewh... Mon, 20 Dec 2021 12:17:18 GMT StudentsReview 294-187507 294-187507 294 7 Business - Management and Administration Male Undergraduate Class 2011 4th Year Negative I graduated from PCC with a degree in Business Management. More than 10 years later, I can't honestly say that I learned anything in college that was of any practical value. Here's the TLDR: go somewhere else; you get what you pay for.

Pensacola Christian claims to have high academic standards. This is an absolute joke. For reference, I was an B+ to A student, and I accomplished this without studying. I could have received a better education for free at my local library and on Youtube. If I'm going to show up to a class, I want more than the teacher regurgitating the textbook. Very few of the teachers at PCC had any real world experience in their field. I'm sorry, a doctorate degree from PCC isn't worth the paper that it's printed on. I just looked at my college transcript, and I graduated with 129 college credits. Of those 129 credits, I only found six of those credits to actually be academically challenging. Unfortunately, those two classes didn't have any real world application. The sheer number of useless classes will blow your mind; mandatory Bible classes, speech, literature, the list goes on and on. At least half of the credits required to graduate will be spent in a class that was created to give someone who majored in something useless a job. I can't speak for all departments, but during my time there, the business department was an absolute joke. Supposedly PCC is now accredited, but word on the street says that their accreditation isn't accepted anywhere. Good luck trying to transfer credits.

One thing that PCC is known for is the rules. Having grown up in an overly controlling and conservative family, I had no trouble adjusting in this area. Most of the students hated the stupid rules, so being oppressed by the rules helped build camraderie. I have heard that the administration has loosened up considerably, and that's a good thing. Once you figure out who is cool and who isn't, life becomes bearable. My biggest piece of advice for the poor souls who end up in this college is keep your mouth shut. Most people got in trouble for talking about their exploits. I would say that 25% of the student body did drugs and drank on a regular basis. The vast majority of the student body was s3xually frustrated. This made for some interesting situations. I'd estimate that 95% of the student body was having s3x with their boyfriend/girlfriend, looking at p0rn, or was a h0m0s3xual. It was absolutely embarrassing to see a super sheltered homeschooled freshman be given the whole American Pie series of movies and subsequently spend the next 4 hours locked in the bathroom. Just because people claim to be Christians doesn't mean that your hormones stop working, but the administration can't seem to grasp that concept.

When I went to PCC, I considered myself to be a very devout Christian. Today, I no longer consider myself to be a Christian. At PCC, you are in some sort of religious service every day but saturday. Unfortunately, the services are nothing more than a show. Most of the students just go through the motions: show up, pretend to not hate it, fall asleep, wake up, leave. I knew countless students who looked the part, but would get drunk, go to strip clubs, use prostitutes, etc. The only thing that matters was your appearance and keeping your nose brown. Towards the end of my time at PCC, I figured out how to skip church and not get caught. I'd skip church and go somewhere to hang out where I thought I wouldn't get caught, only to find a resident assistant or staff member there as well. Once I was off campus with a member of the opposite sex and ran into a residence assistant with their significant other. At that point, you just come to the realization that the rules are there just for show and for suckers. I knew several people who would go to the Crowne Center for church, but get up to use the bathroom during the service. They would coordinate with the ushers to leave certain doors and rooms unlocked where their girlfriend would be hiding. Needless to say, laying some pipe beats listening to someone drone on and on about how the KJV Bible is infallible. Once, I got to church late, only to find a couple getting it on in the stairwell of the Crowne Center. I think I gave them a heart attack; thankfully for them, I could have cared less at that point.

Obviously, it's impossible to cram four years of college into a review that anyone will read. If you are a high school student considering applying, don't do it. If you are a current student, leave. Take it from a graduate, this place is a joke. I spent almost four years of my life being gaslit and treated like a child. I have nothing positive to say about this place. The people are fake, the academics are a joke, the environment is toxic; you can do better. If you are a student who can't afford to go anywhere else or your parents forced you to attend, my advice to you is to get an off campus job. Your work pass will allow you to live a somewhat normal life and to miss Wednesday church services. To Dr. Howell, you were the only teacher that challenged me on an intellectual level and forced me to apply myself, thank you. There are a few good people at PCC, but collectively, that place is a dumpster fire.
Mon, 20 Dec 2021 12:17:18 GMT
StudentsReview: Positive Review about PCC for History/Histories (art history/etc.) PCC is a solidly conservative institution. The campus is located about a 20 minute drive from gorgeous Pensacola Beach. The faculty was always helpful and accommodating during my time at the college. ... Mon, 17 Aug 2020 03:06:41 GMT StudentsReview 294-186460 294-186460 294 41 History/Histories (art history/etc.) Male Undergraduate Alumnus Class 2000 Positive PCC is a solidly conservative institution. The campus is located about a 20 minute drive from gorgeous Pensacola Beach. The faculty was always helpful and accommodating during my time at the college. The residence halls and on-campus dining options are excellent, in my view.
The student will have the opportunity to learn and grow in a positive Christian environment. Understanding that this environment is not what every student is looking for, I can?t recommend PCC enough to Christian students that are concerned with their spiritual, social, and professional future. It?s a fantastic place and I?ll always be thankful that I?m an alumnus of Pensacola Christian College.
Mon, 17 Aug 2020 03:06:41 GMT
StudentsReview: Negative Review about PCC for Other I cannot honestly recommend Pensacola Christian College to anyone. I do not find the course work challenging and the general education classes such as "College Algebra 1," "College Algebra 2," "Histor... Tue, 21 May 2019 03:56:58 GMT StudentsReview 294-184884 294-184884 294 53 Other Female Undergraduate Class 1921 2nd Year Negative I cannot honestly recommend Pensacola Christian College to anyone. I do not find the course work challenging and the general education classes such as "College Algebra 1," "College Algebra 2," "History of Civilization 1&2," "American Literature," "Biological Science," are high school level at best. And the College Algebra 1 is more like middle-school level math.

Also, if you plan on attending PCC, I hope you enjoy deep cleaning and attending a lot of church services. I don't mind the daily room jobs like cleaning the toilet, taking out the trash, and cleaning the sinks. However, their standards for cleaning the shower is ridiculous. They literally expect the shower to be 100% dry, no mold, no powdery residue from cleaning chemicals, and it must "squeak" when you rub your finger against the tile. It takes forever to clean the showers to that level.

And the thing that bothers me the most about Pensacola is that you do not have the freedom to choose to go to a different church. You are forced to go to their church services on Sunday. And chapel is a required daily activity as well. I highly advise not going to this college if you are a Christian of a denomination other than Conservative Baptist.

Pensacola is a bad experience overall. It has poor academics, excessive rules, and excessive control over your personal/spiritual life.
Tue, 21 May 2019 03:56:58 GMT
StudentsReview: Neutral Review about PCC for Nursing This nursing program is very outdated. Many of the school projects are just busy work and the school tends to favor paper projects as opposed to computer projects. The faculty is mostly recent grads a... Sun, 22 Jul 2018 12:59:34 GMT StudentsReview 294-183449 294-183449 294 30 Nursing Male Undergraduate Class 2000 Neutral This nursing program is very outdated. Many of the school projects are just busy work and the school tends to favor paper projects as opposed to computer projects. The faculty is mostly recent grads and several very old professors and not many of them have any actual bedside nursing experience. The clinicals are very awkward with an instructor literally standing over you whenever you provide any patient care such as passing meds and starting IVs. The faculty micromanages the entire clinical time and when I graduated in 2015 we were still doing handwritten assessment notes on our patients. A huge emphasis is put on "critical errors" which you can earn from clinicals for things that the faculty deemed horrible mistakes that you made. These errors ranged from not foaming in and out to giving meds more than 30 minutes late to writing your clinical note after 10am. If you recieve more than 5 or 6 critical errors in a semester then you failed the class even if you were getting an A in the actual class. Finally the culture of PCC is grossly opposed to learning. For example, multiple times the instructors would tell us that this college is better than the other colleges in Pensacola because "we are a Christian college." Most of the emphasis was placed on how we looked to everyone else rather than updating our academics or nursing labs. Instead of providing educational experiences in the hospital we were given multiple clinical days in the nursing lab where we learned and practiced inserting NG tubes on old diparwipe boxes decorated to look like a face. During one of the finals senior year the teacher Mrs. Yoder wrote up half the class for skirts shorter than the knee but never had the integrity to say anything to us directly.
My experience at PCC is that of subpar education, poor clinical experiences, and very poor preparation for the NCLEX and real nursing.
Sun, 22 Jul 2018 12:59:34 GMT