StudentsReview - The University of Houston - Life at UHouston Copyright 2023 StudentsReview, Ecliptical Technologies, Inc. Life at UHouston - Comments en StudentsReview: Negative Review about UHouston for Economics Economics department is terrible- faculty couldn't get a job anywhere else and don't care about teaching. They don't understand the difference between something being busy work and something being har... Thu, 24 Mar 2022 12:36:24 GMT StudentsReview 1367-187798 1367-187798 1367 57 Economics Female Undergraduate Class 1925 2nd Year Negative Economics department is terrible- faculty couldn't get a job anywhere else and don't care about teaching. They don't understand the difference between something being busy work and something being hard. Also, completely out of touch with the real world or what motivates people. The department operates in a shell that has no interaction with the other departments on campus. Racist, sexist and ageist beliefs were openly expressed by several faculty, and there was a great deal of victim shaming and inappropriate sharing/boundaries regarding students. Administrative staff throughout UH is on the whole atrocious- you're just a number, and most seem annoyed that they have to interact with you at all. No one is looking out for you, and there is no way to resolve any issues with finances/pay or poor treatment. In dealing with the parking office, I don't think I've ever met more self-absorbed, people hating employees. Also, the school only cares about sports, the engineering department and the business school. If you are not directly involved in any of these programs- GO TO ANY OTHER SCHOOL IN HOUSTON/TEXAS/ANYWHERE! Thu, 24 Mar 2022 12:36:24 GMT StudentsReview: Neutral Review about UHouston for Language - French/Spanish/etc. The university of Houston is highly corrupt. The regular non-academic staff is only interested in doing very little and getting paid a decent salary. They discriminate against hispanics in everything ... Thu, 24 Oct 2019 11:34:56 GMT StudentsReview 1367-185683 1367-185683 1367 22 Language - French/Spanish/etc. Male Undergraduate Class 1923 1st Year Neutral The university of Houston is highly corrupt. The regular non-academic staff is only interested in doing very little and getting paid a decent salary. They discriminate against hispanics in everything ranging from assistance in small things to scholarships and employment. The black and white administrators act like they care about hispanics but hate them with a passion....

They hired a hispanic investigator whose job is not to help hispanics but to help certify that the university does not discriminate against hispanics.
Thu, 24 Oct 2019 11:34:56 GMT
StudentsReview: Negative Review about UHouston for Other Really hard to get by when you have tons of professors in the science/engineering classes who don't speak English well. Resources offered by UH are great but this school still has a long way to go. I'... Mon, 19 Aug 2019 08:55:21 GMT StudentsReview 1367-185497 1367-185497 1367 53 Other Male Undergraduate Class 1920 3rd Year Negative Really hard to get by when you have tons of professors in the science/engineering classes who don't speak English well. Resources offered by UH are great but this school still has a long way to go. I'm only here because it's close to my home. If anything I would've attended UT. Mon, 19 Aug 2019 08:55:21 GMT StudentsReview: Neutral Review about UHouston for Biology Don't come here if you want to study biology or chemistry. Unless you're a pre-med, you won't get much from studying at UH.... Mon, 04 Mar 2019 12:48:26 GMT StudentsReview 1367-184340 1367-184340 1367 6 Biology Male Undergraduate Class 1922 1st Year Neutral Don't come here if you want to study biology or chemistry. Unless you're a pre-med, you won't get much from studying at UH. Mon, 04 Mar 2019 12:48:26 GMT StudentsReview: Negative Review about UHouston for Other The good: UH is still accredited so you can get a degree. The math department is better than most of the other NSM departments, at least for the first two years of math. Higher level math courses have... Sun, 21 Oct 2018 04:17:55 GMT StudentsReview 1367-183829 1367-183829 1367 53 Other Male Undergraduate Class 1920 2nd Year Negative The good: UH is still accredited so you can get a degree. The math department is better than most of the other NSM departments, at least for the first two years of math. Higher level math courses have problems with consistency, and with quality instructors.

The bad: The University does not make any effort to provide a quality education to the students. Course evaluations are not part of a quality improvement or assurance program. Course evaluations are only viewed by the professor.

A few professors are so unprofessional they should not be permitted to speak to any students.

Many professors are engaged in research and are not interested in teaching. In these cases they rely heavily on student teaching assistants. TA's will create and grade assignments and tests without oversight from the professor, or the department. A third of you class time can be spent with a TA that may not even speak to the class for more than five minutes. TA that could not teach a class on tying your shoes outside of the university are inappropriately teach a university level course that awards credit.

Most professors, including the few that make a sincere effort to teach, are simply not prepared to teach a course. Most have never taught in an environment that is designed to develop their ability to teach, or to develop and improve a specific curriculum. The departments do not observe the professors, therefore corrective action of any form is impossible. The departments do not support faculty in any meaningful way, and do not make an effort to improve the courses of instruction. Therefore you can have an instructor that has been teaching for several years, but is no better at teaching than they were when they taught their first course ever. That said I ave had two courses taught by an an instructor that had just finished a Masters, and is teaching a university level course, but has never had even the most basic introduction to teaching, to developing a lesson plan, and they are not given guidance from the university.

Often computer science courses, that require the use of a computer during the class time, are placed in rooms without computers, without power outlets and without desks. TAs write assignments that are not proofread before they are given, so they contain many errors. When you write a program, it may work on 13 of 15 hidden bench tests, so it is impossible to know if the test case had errors, if it being graded correctly, or what if anything you did wrong. So there is no way to learn because you do not know what you did wrong or what the test even was. UH policy actually requires that the student be given the opportunity to view their graded coursework and see the test, but the TA refuses largely because they do not know any better, and the professor is there to do research, and not to teach.

Most professors are approachable with respect to their demeanor, but they are simply not good at teaching and do not have the support needed to to help them become good at teaching.
Sun, 21 Oct 2018 04:17:55 GMT