StudentsReview - Pace University - New York - Life at Pace-New York Copyright 2024 StudentsReview, Ecliptical Technologies, Inc. Life at Pace-New York - Comments en StudentsReview: Positive Review about Pace-New York for Business - Management and Administration It?s honestly amazing. Housing is great and the whole faculty is truly so sweet and so welcoming. It is expensive however, but I have enjoyed my time here so far and think it is fully worth the money... Tue, 02 Jan 2024 01:14:54 GMT StudentsReview 977-188194 977-188194 977 7 Business - Management and Administration Female Undergraduate Class 1927 1st Year Positive It?s honestly amazing. Housing is great and the whole faculty is truly so sweet and so welcoming. It is expensive however, but I have enjoyed my time here so far and think it is fully worth the money Tue, 02 Jan 2024 01:14:54 GMT StudentsReview: Negative Review about Pace-New York for Psychology DON?T GO TO PACE. Just don?t do it. Save yourself the agony. I graduated 5 years ago and my degree has been useless. On top of that, I?m buried in student loans, even after they gave me a scholarship.... Fri, 13 Nov 2020 11:18:44 GMT StudentsReview 977-186560 977-186560 977 38 Psychology Female Undergraduate Class 2015 3rd Year Negative DON?T GO TO PACE. Just don?t do it. Save yourself the agony. I graduated 5 years ago and my degree has been useless. On top of that, I?m buried in student loans, even after they gave me a scholarship. With the amount of money you?ll spend at Pace, you might as well go to a top school. The negative reviews here are true. Pace is money hungry and they?re more worried about figuring out ways to get your money than to provide an effective education. You are forced to take a meal plan, and if you don?t use it, they keep they money at the end of graduation. Food at the cafeteria is overprice. Without exaggeration, I paid $8 dollars for soy milk that was $4 at the supermarket, and $11 for a box of granola that was $3 at the supermarket. I had a meal plan, so I wanted to use the money the best I could. The staff at the cafeteria was super rude. I remember a day where they opened late and a group of people were waiting for them to start placing the food. One of the employees had a basket of oranges that she started placing on the fruit area. One of the girls was running late for class, so she attempted to grab an orange to go pay for it. The lunch employee freaked out and screamed at her because she said that she had to be done placing every single one of the oranges before anyone could take one. During my sophomore year at Pace, I bought nuts in the cafeteria to
eat while studying. When I opened them, they tasted weird, and as I kept digging in, I found a bunch of spider webs in there. The same year, I also got a stomach bacteria. I later found out by other classmates that the cafeteria at Pace faced closures on previous years due to hygiene problems. Dorming is a nightmare, they?ll have you fill out a survey with your habits to find the ?right? roommate, but they?ll match you to any random person. Sometimes they?ll change your roommate without warning and send you a condescending email saying that you?ve been given the ?privilege? to know about your new room arrangement ahead of time. I spent an entire winter in a freezing cold dorm because cold air came through the windows and they told me to buy the materials to get it fixed. With the amount of money they were charging, they should have fixed it themselves. At the time, there was two girls that dormed on the floor above me that complained that their bathrooms didn?t have tiles (it was an open wall). I was in the library in my building and I heard a meeting where they were seeking students with the best looking dorms (best views, best decorations) to show parents during tours to convince them that dorms were of good quality, and in exchange, they would reward the students with perks for showing their room around. You are required to go to random floor meeting about dumb stuff that you could easily learn about over email, and if you miss you floor meeting they charge you $100. They also charge $100 if you lock yourself out of your room more than twice (thankfully, this didn?t happen to me, but I witnessed it). They have no order or rules on how to maintain a safe space. Everyone in this school gets high or drunk. Nothing is done if your roommate gets high in your dorm or brings random people to party, sleep over, or straight up have intercourse while you?re in the room. I?ve woken up many mornings with random people sleeping next to me. Throughout the academic year they also find little bits of ways to overcharge for things that don?t make sense. Professors were okay. I had some great ones and others that were notorious for their lack of teaching skills. As I said at the beginning, it has been 5 years since I graduated and I still have nightmares about Pace. Before going to Pace, I read the negative reviews and I thought people were exaggerating and that Pace deserved the benefit of the doubt - I was wrong. During my last school year, I took 19 and then 21 credits respectively so I could graduate fast and leave. I could go on and on, but I?ve explained the basics. Attend to this school at your own risk.
Fri, 13 Nov 2020 11:18:44 GMT
StudentsReview: Negative Review about Pace-New York for Nursing This program is designed without the students in mind. The professors and faculty are self-serving and it is evident that their only concern is collecting a check at the end of the day. They are purpo... Tue, 14 Apr 2020 05:46:46 GMT StudentsReview 977-186255 977-186255 977 30 Nursing Male Undergraduate Class 2000 Negative This program is designed without the students in mind. The professors and faculty are self-serving and it is evident that their only concern is collecting a check at the end of the day. They are purposeful in their actions to weed people out, and they are conniving in that they will do so in a way where you are pigeon-holed into forking up your money. The program is deceptive and the professors pretend to care, while turning around and avoiding your emails, responding to you in sarcastic and demeaning tones, and ultimately providing unclear and unhelpful answers. The dean and department director are unsympathetic to the students' concerns and will curve you any chance they get. Not surprising because they truly believe they are higher beings who are above you. If you end up with the misfortune of attending the Pace Nursing program, you will have to rely entirely on outside resources to learn the material, as the professors don't even know what they are talking about. Trust me when I say that I am writing this review as nicely as possible. This is not worth the amount of money, time, sweat, and tears that you will inevitably put into this program. If you succeed in the end, you can be extremely proud of yourself because this program and its faculty did absolutely not a single thing to get you there. Tue, 14 Apr 2020 05:46:46 GMT StudentsReview: Negative Review about Pace-New York for Nursing Worst RN-to-BSN nursing program ever! If you enjoy doing an enormous amount of reading, writing, and busy work go for it. Lets not forget the "group projects" to supposedly help you learn to wor... Fri, 08 Mar 2019 08:57:22 GMT StudentsReview 977-184353 977-184353 977 30 Nursing Female Undergraduate Class 2015 1st Year Negative Worst RN-to-BSN nursing program ever!

If you enjoy doing an enormous amount of reading, writing, and busy work go for it. Lets not forget the "group projects" to supposedly help you learn to work well with other. This program is for working professionals, we already work well with others, otherwise we wouldn't have a job as an RN. The level of work in my opinion is at an MSN or DNP level, but the amount of work that is expected of you is as if you are a brand new nursing student just starting college straight out of high school. This is not a program for working professionals, especially if you have families, this is a program for students who have absolutely nothing else going on in their lives.
When i was at Pace, many of us left the RN-to-BSN program and went to other/better colleges and graduated.
Fri, 08 Mar 2019 08:57:22 GMT
StudentsReview: Negative Review about Pace-New York for Communications Pace was never my first choice school. I chose Pace as an easy safety, hoping that if I absolutely had to go here, I could at least make it work being in the city. I have never felt so wrong. I was ap... Thu, 19 Jan 2017 09:12:24 GMT StudentsReview 977-178237 977-178237 977 54 Communications Female Undergraduate Class 1920 1st Year Negative Pace was never my first choice school. I chose Pace as an easy safety, hoping that if I absolutely had to go here, I could at least make it work being in the city. I have never felt so wrong. I was apprehensive about entering Pace, but nonetheless it is where I ended up sending my deposit, so I figured I would enter with an open mind.

Most of the kids here walk around with a stick up their ass, the majority of which seem to be because they either have a good sense of fashion, or they are a performing arts major. Being in New York, Pace clearly has made quite a name for itself in the theatrical as well as business world, but sometimes I struggle to understand why. I have seen a few productions here, and most of which have yet to impress anyone who has seen them. And I know quite a few students in the Lubin School of Business, and there is nothing exceptional about their capabilities.

I can't speak for the entire school, but from my personal experience and after talking with friends, the academics here do not seem to be worth the amount of money we are all spending on this school. Often it feels like we will take away from the University what we are willing to put in, and nothing more. There is a missing drive and rigor from both the faculty and students, both of which just scrape by to say they are doing so. I have had professors that are the heads of their department, and their lack of care as well as motivation is outstanding. The workload is definitely manageable, and for the small percent that attend 90% of their classes it is even easier.

There is a clear reason why this school has such a high transfer-out rate. Sometimes it can be difficult to describe, but I think at the end of the day it is because of students who are looking to get more out of an education than they have been given. Just after one semester I can list many students who will never be returning back to the University. Those who stay usually seem to have given up on the transfer process and see it as too much of a hassle.

The one dining hall is not very good and most definitely overpriced. The library, like most of the other facilities on campus, is very beaten down, and is rarely quiet enough to focus and get work done. Kids generally yell, take phone calls, and do whatever they please here because once again, the overwhelming feeling of disregarding responsibilities is clear. One of my favorite quotes that I have seen from the Pace library was scratched into a desk and it read, "Everyone at Pace is just offended because they aren't lucky enough to be spending $80k a year at NYU". While humorous, this statement still has a lot of truth to it. Most of us at this school were waitlisted at schools like NYU and were made to feel better by the "amazing" scholarship we are receiving to attend Pace. I have a sibling at NYU and at least with that school my parents are able to justify their spending because of the education that is being received.

If you are looking to easily get by in college and pay way too much not only on your education, but also on your life in New York, then you should definitely consider Pace. Some kids love it, but they are often the minority here. It is no coincidence whenever you hear about someone who went to Pace but they happened to transfer out because they hated it. The Admissions Office is very good at convincing potential students that people here are happy with their education and their lifestyle here. If you pay attention to comments and websites like these, you will learn very quickly the truth about this school. Don't let yourself fall victim to this school.
Thu, 19 Jan 2017 09:12:24 GMT