StudentsReview - Bob Jones University - Life at BJU Copyright 2023 StudentsReview, Ecliptical Technologies, Inc. Life at BJU - Comments en StudentsReview: Positive Review about BJU for Computer Science Most faculty are awesome, a few aren't great but they all try and their availability is unparralelled.... Sun, 25 Sep 2022 12:13:11 GMT StudentsReview 1238-187951 1238-187951 1238 12 Computer Science Male Undergraduate Class 1922 3rd Year Positive Most faculty are awesome, a few aren't great but they all try and their availability is unparralelled. Sun, 25 Sep 2022 12:13:11 GMT StudentsReview: Negative Review about BJU for Business - Management and Administration BJU helped me learn how to dress professionally, which doesn't help me a bit as a truckdriver. It helps when I go to weddings or funerals. BJU hurt me by stealing six of the prime years of my life.... Thu, 02 May 2019 12:53:57 GMT StudentsReview 1238-184632 1238-184632 1238 7 Business - Management and Administration Male Undergraduate Alumnus Class 2000 Negative BJU helped me learn how to dress professionally, which doesn't help me a bit as a truckdriver. It helps when I go to weddings or funerals.

BJU hurt me by stealing six of the prime years of my life.
BJU hurt me by lying to me about the value of a BJU degree.
BJU hurt my parents by stealing their retirement funds.

I should have known what "unaccredited" meant.
I should have left after my sophomore year.

I recommend H.S. students avoid this place like the plague. I recommend college students run from this place.

If you are already enrolled here QUIT! Cut your loses. There is no shame in being a quitter when quitting is in your best interest. Enroll at your local instate State University and pursue your passions. Live your life now! Don't wait to start living your life at some point in the future.
Thu, 02 May 2019 12:53:57 GMT
StudentsReview: Positive Review about BJU for Accounting If you are a conservative Christian looking for a challenging academic education where faculty and administrators care about the student body, BJU is a good choice. BJU sees the value in accountabili... Fri, 19 Apr 2019 03:38:14 GMT StudentsReview 1238-184575 1238-184575 1238 1 Accounting Male Undergraduate Alumnus Class 2000 Positive If you are a conservative Christian looking for a challenging academic education where faculty and administrators care about the student body, BJU is a good choice. BJU sees the value in accountability.... so if having a good time, doing your own thing, not valuing Biblical Christianity is your thing, then BJU probably is not going to fit you.
I learned to solve problems, get along with a variety of people and get projects planned and completed timely at BJU.
Fri, 19 Apr 2019 03:38:14 GMT
StudentsReview: Negative Review about BJU for Finance Now that you are out in the field, how has your college helped/hurt you? It did nothing to help me. However, it did destroy my parents' ability to save money as they neared retirement. Now they are... Sun, 11 Feb 2018 01:09:29 GMT StudentsReview 1238-182763 1238-182763 1238 79 Finance Male Undergraduate Alumnus Class 2000 Negative Now that you are out in the field, how has your college helped/hurt you?

It did nothing to help me. However, it did destroy my parents' ability to save money as they neared retirement. Now they are both dead, and I'm driving a truck for a living. As I grow older, the more what happened to us bothers me. It was a travesty. This school grossly misrepresents itself to the hay-seeds. In my case the hay seeds were me and my well-intentioned, but 8th grade educated, Mennonite parents. BJU robbed my parents of desparately needed money and me of the best years of my life. My parents went to their graves not fully understanding what happened. They were good people, but University education was beyond their ken.

What do you think you should have known/done?

I should have known that when Bob Jones University claimed itself to be the Harvard and Yale of Christian schools that I was being lied to. The open admissions policy should have been a clue, and the lack of accreditation, and the lack of Phds on the faculty, and so on.

What should I have done?

I should have gone to a much cheaper State University and gotten a real higher-education experience that would have better met my goals and needs. But. I was a Mennonite kid who wanted desperately to remake himself as a professional man. And I knew nothing of the outside world, much less of the outside world of higher education. I was defenseless against the Bob Jones scam. Me and my parents were cruelly misled as to what this school is.

The only thing I can do now -- the only good I can salvage from this injustice -- is to steer as many naive, fundy kids (and their parents) away from this school as possible.

I no longer believe in an afterlife. But if there is an afterlife -- one that includes justice -- these people will pay a heavy price for their deceit.
Sun, 11 Feb 2018 01:09:29 GMT
StudentsReview: Neutral Review about BJU for Finance They use the Bible to fit their agenda rather than use the Bible to create a good agenda. They destroy students self-esteem if they don't drink the BJU kookaid. Girls have been sexually assaulted on ... Fri, 12 May 2017 03:32:47 GMT StudentsReview 1238-179791 1238-179791 1238 79 Finance Female Undergraduate Class 2017 3rd Year Neutral They use the Bible to fit their agenda rather than use the Bible to create a good agenda. They destroy students self-esteem if they don't drink the BJU kookaid. Girls have been sexually assaulted on the campus and they never warn anyone about it in order to protect the schools reputation.
The discipline they teach in class is a great basis for being a good employee when hired in your field.
Fri, 12 May 2017 03:32:47 GMT