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Southwest Acupuncture College - Santa Fe

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Your Degree from SWAC is not recognized byOther
Your Degree from SWAC is not recognized by any other institutions. It is extremely overpriced and you are better off going to Bastyr to get a real masters degree that you can use once you realize that making a living as an acupuncturist is very difficult. SWAC is getting a very bad reputation...and deservedly so. It is a money grabbing institution with substandard teaching. There are a few sparks in the otherwise dull embers of the teaching staff...but not worth the student debt to the tune of $90-$120,000. Those acupuncture salaries you see online are blown out of proportion. Many of those salaries are for those who teach at the schools. Go Elsewhere!
Alumnus Male -- Class 2000
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You need to be prepared to run yourOther
You need to be prepared to run your own business. If you cannot handle that, then you need to reconsider your decision to become an acupuncturist. There will not be anyone waiting to hire you after grad school. Our field does not work like that. If I had to do it all again, I would have entered medical school first, then moved onto acupuncture. The business training in the school was one class. It was not a real world class and in no way prepared the majority of the class for running a business. I have watched many classmates shut down their businesses and get other jobs and we are only 2 years out from graduation. Also...your student loan debt from the degree can run up to $123,000. Think about this and how you are going to make $1500 dollar monthly payments back to the gov.
Alumnus Male -- Class 2000
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As a recent graduate of swac, I haveAverage
As a recent graduate of swac, I have found deep regret for entering the TCM program. I feel it to be a big waste of my life, time, and money. Let me start by saying that I believe acupuncture works. However, the educational organization of this trade has become a racket. Swac is over priced. Some of the teachers were outstanding and others were horrific or inexperienced. There was a lot of reading out of books for three hours Other instructors would not teach about the course topic. There were teachers who had no experience in this field outside of school. Many classes were essentially one day seminars stretched out into semesters. To top it off, the classes just seemed to repeat themselves. The expense of the school is outrageous, as well as, the NCCAOM's licensing and testing fees. The national test is obnoxious, very subjective, and seemingly based on opinion. Think long and hard before you apply. These credits do not transfer. There most likely is not a job waiting for you when you are done.
5th Year Male -- Class 2011
Friendliness: A+, Education Quality: F
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