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Pace University - New York

Breakdown of “Collaboration/Competitive” at Pace-New York

By Gender
By Major
Business - Management and AdministrationB
Computer ScienceB-
Perfomance ArtsB+
Political ScienceB-
School of InformationF

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Pace University - New York
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Hofstra University
University of California - Berkeley
Yale University
Cornell University
State University of New York Binghamton


Pretty good school for business and in New York city, the best city in the world. I was happy to go there and had a great college experience even thou...Read full comment
Honestly Pace is pretty cheap to other manhattan schools and they really provide a lot of financial aid if you are worried about tuition costs. That's...Read full comment
Alright, I'm going to be completely honest in my assessment. I no longer go to the university and I will try to be completely unbiased. I'm not saying...Read full comment
Basically, this university is crap. Do not support this place. Unless you basically can go here for free, do not even consider it. Most here are NYU a...Read full comment
Pretty good school for business and in New York city, the best city in the world. I was happy to go there and had a great college experience even thou...Read full comment
The only good thing "I" can say as an much older student (late 40's) good about this school is that it's located in the immediate area of the companie...Read full comment
The school is not as bad as some people say. It is a good enough school to help land you good job and be sucessful. I can't speak for the other depart...Read full comment
Now, this school was just not right for me. I thought I would like the city but turns out I didn't. It may not even be the city, but the school. Pa...Read full comment
I graduated then became a grad student. Looking back, I feel as though the university met my expectations and, in many cases, exceeded them. The goo...Read full comment
I was really disappointed with my first year at this school. I knew I wanted to transfer after being there for just a few weeks, and after sticking it...Read full comment
Pretty good school for business and in New York city, the best city in the world. I was happy to go there and had a great college experience even thou...Read full comment
Most of the reviews I have read on here are very negative towards Pace. Now I have not been here long but I really like what I have experienced so far...Read full comment
Pace U. New York is great for Business majors. It's got a good Computer Science program & school, too. Don't expect challenging work or an interesting...Read full comment
The university on a whole sucks, the Westchester campus considers themselves a different campus; the Lubin School of Business get the majority of the ...Read full comment
Pace University is a great college environment. The campus is near the World Trade Center, so following the attack,things to do in the general vacini...Read full comment
Overall, Pace is a great school. The business school is great. The faculty and professors are helpful and truly care about their students. The best th...Read full comment
What makes Pace overall worthwhile for me, a psychology major, is being in the honors college. If it weren't for the advantages of being an honors st...Read full comment
I attended Pace University for two years, then transferred out to my local state college. I enjoyed being in the city and made a great group of friend...Read full comment
Pretty good school for business and in New York city, the best city in the world. I was happy to go there and had a great college experience even thou...Read full comment
Pace is definitly the school to go attend. People are always willing to help you out and people are friendly. To not let yourself feel left out from...Read full comment
Pace University is a horrible horrible place. Please dont mistake me for someone who is failing out and angry about it, my grades are quite good. The ...Read full comment
... The competition out there is huge, and I feel Pace could do a better job with the education ...Read full comment
I find it quite funny how the majority of people who wrote positive reviews on this website tend to either be a freshmen, alumni, or in the performing...Read full comment
Pace was never my first choice school. I chose Pace as an easy safety, hoping that if I absolutely had to go here, I could at least make it work being...Read full comment
Pretty good school for business and in New York city, the best city in the world. I was happy to go there and had a great college experience even thou...Read full comment
The Biology department at the Down town New York City campus lacks a cohesive structure. There is no student support system and the department do not ...Read full comment
I really like Pace University. If you plan on attending here, make sure to get into the best professors class. Go to before...Read full comment
Please do some serious thinking before you choose to attend this school. I'm saying, you better visit, talk to the students, and get some advice from ...Read full comment
A little background: I was an honors/AP student in high school with a hefty list of extra-curriculars and a really, really good essay. I could have go...Read full comment
I enjoy Pace, it is extremely underrated because it is in a city filled with other great schools. I do not have much experience outside of the Lubin D...Read full comment
Pace University is great... there's an excellent Night Life because your in the heart of New York City... There are parties EVERY weekend (starting Th...Read full comment
I have been at Pace for two years. I have gained a lot of understand of what kind of school this is and I have a few pointers on whether or not t...Read full comment
First off I'd like to say that I never intended to go to Pace University, but I also never expected it to be this mediocre. Possibly if you were looki...Read full comment
After attending Pace University for one semester, am I more than happy to be leaving for the spring. I chose Pace because I wanted to live in the cit...Read full comment
(sorry this is gonna be long, but it's very informative!!) This is for the Pleasantville,not NYC, campus I came here by force of my parents, ...Read full comment
Pretty good school for business and in New York city, the best city in the world. I was happy to go there and had a great college experience even thou...Read full comment
What Pace University lacks in physical beauty and sports, it makes up for in it's ability to cater to every student's needs. Paperwork concerning fin...Read full comment
I actually liked the University, I applied and wanted to go here before I found out about it being listed in the U.S. News ranking of colleges. If yo...Read full comment
Great college for anyone looking to live in the city, yeah it's not an IV league school, but it's a great private university. Don't choose Pace if you...Read full comment
Pace University, NY is extremely diverse and challenging. If you want the grade you will have to work for it. Set 4 blocks away from Wall St., and a...Read full comment
Pace University - New York
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