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Cornell University

Student Newspapers
Business Student newspaper Johnson Graduate School Management Cornell University Ithaca New York
Cornell American
Daily Sun Ithaca New York s oldest morning daily from Cornell University First collegiate member Associated Press independent since 1880
Student Clubs and Organizations         
Alpha Chi Omega sorority  Zeta Phi Chapter  [Edit]
Alpha Delta Phi fraternity  Fraternity  [Edit]
Big Red Marching Band other  The only REAL marching band in the Ivy League!  [Edit]
Cornell Coalition for Life (CCFL club  Non partisan non religious organization dedicated to educating the Cornell University community about abortion euthanasia and infanticide Campus events officer contacts local crisis pregnancy centers and club news  [Edit]
Cornell Concert Commission club  CCC is the one of the best respected college concert groups in the industry. As such, they have regularly drawn major acts for the past thirty years such as Bob Dylan, the Grateful Dead, No Doubt, and Ben Folds Five. Students pick the groups and staff the concerts.  [Edit]
Cornell Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Resource Center society  Coordinates the efforts of the entire Cornell University community Events calendar services and list of groups  [Edit]
Cornell Minds Matter group  CMM promotes mental health awareness and advocacy, and strives to abate the stigma surrounding mental illness.  [Edit]
Cornell Rugby club  Links to the men s and women s rugby clubs at Cornell University as well as other local clubs and the New York State Rugby Union  [Edit]
Cornell University Program Board group  CUPB is a student run organization that brings major lecturers and comedians to the Cornell campus. Students pick the acts and staff the shows. In 2005, the group brought Morgan Spurlock, John Cleese, and Jon Stewart.  [Edit]
Delta Chi - Cornell society  Alpha Chapter Cornell Chapter at Cornell University in Ithaca NY  [Edit]
Foraker, Joseph Benson - New York Alpha society  Official United State Senate page this late Senator from New York who was initiated Cornell University chapter  [Edit]
Greeks United Against Homophobia society  A social and support network at Cornell University interested in providing a positive experience for lesbian bisexual gay and questioning members of the Greek community Overview history mailing list and resources  [Edit]
Haven society  Administration for the LGBTQ oriented student social support and discussion groups at Cornell University List of groups and other related resources  [Edit]
Kappa Alpha Society (VC society  At Cornell University  [Edit]
La Unidad Latina - Ithaca, NY - Alpha Chapter society  At Cornell University Colgate University and Ithaca College  [Edit]
La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Incorporated fraternity  Founded Cornell University in Ithaca New York on February 19 1982  [Edit]
Lambda Chi Alpha - Omicron Zeta society  Est October 11 1913 Cornell University in Ithaca NY  [Edit]
Lambda Pi Chi sorority  National website for Latinas Promoviendo Comunidad a national latina sorority founded in 1988 Cornell University in Ithaca New York  [Edit]
MEChA at Cornell University society  Chicano student organization at Cornell University with articles and poetry  [Edit]
Mortar Board - Der Hexenkreis society  At Cornell University in Ithaca NY Public and members only sections provided  [Edit]
Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI) fraternity  Kappa Nu chapter at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY  [Edit]
Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity society  This unique co-ed honor fraternity is based on a tripod of leadership, scholarship, and fellowship, which works out to be a balance of service organization, honor society, and social fraternity. There is a GPA requirement, and students can start rushing spring of their freshmen year. This is not a greek fraternity and membership in PSP does not conflict with any greek membership.  [Edit]
Skits-O-Phrenics group  Cornell's oldest (and best) sketch comedy group. We perform 3-4 of our own shows (written, produced, and directed by us) per year on campus and also participate in a number of comedy festivals across the East Coast.  [Edit]
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