Student Newspapers |
Hello54 | СпаÑибо за такой нужный Ñайт. Ð’Ñ‹ делаете очень хорошее дело. Recpect
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Technique | Georgia Tech
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Technique - Online | Georgia Tech newspaper
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Student Clubs and Organizations |
Academic Team | society |
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Alpha Chi Omega - Georgia Institute of Technology - Epsilon Phi Chapter | society | Founded in 1975 at the campus of Georgia Tech in downtown Atlanta GA
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Alpha Epsilon Pi - Georgia Insitute Technology - Zeta | society | Z chapter of AEPi at Georgia Tech in Atlanta GA
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Alpha Gamma Delta - Gamma Phi | society | Located in Atlanta Alumnae news announcements contact history member directory photos recruitment information and sisters only section
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Alpha Phi Alpha - Georgia Tech - Nu Mu | society | History events famous Alpha s roster pictures
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Chi Phi - Omega | society | Founded June 2 1904 in Atlanta GA Overview news and event information
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Chi Psi - Alpha Iota Delta | society | At Georgia Tech in Atlanta GA Includes a history a directory of members photographs recruitment information and a section for alumni
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Chi Psi - Alpha Iota Delta Alumni | society | Alumni directory calendar of events and information about AID of Chi Psi Inc and the Robert B Plunkett Educational Trust
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Delta Chi - Georgia Tech | society | Georgia Tech Chapter at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta GA
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Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity | fraternity | visit website for more information
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Delta Upsilon | society | Chartered October 26 1957 at Georgia Tech in Atlanta GA
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DST - Xi Alpha | society |
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Epsilon Theta Tau Beta Sigma | society | TBS chapter installed in 1975 Comprehensive site includes full roster of all current and former members chapter constitution officer and committee lists upcoming events calendar and an alumni information update page
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Freshman Council | group | Freshman Council is possibly the most unique organization among all American universities. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Basically, it is thirty of the best incoming freshman leaders (15 men, 15 women), put together to accomplish whatever they want to. There is no set goal, no set structure, no set anything. They create everything from scratch, with the assistance of five advisors from the previous Council. FC takes leadership skills to the next level, allows you a great opportunity to network with faculty, staff, alumni, and past FC members. It is a journey like no other. You have one year to accomplish whatever you want; the sky is the limit.
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Georgia Tech Equestrian | society | Contains membership details news items related links directions a picture gallery and a calendar of events
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Georgia Tech Students Objectivism | society | Sporadic Meetings
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Iota Kappa Kappa Psi | society | KKY chapter site Includes member rosters calendar of events midi files chapter documents and many large photo albums
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Kappa Sigma - Georgia Tech - Alpha Tau | society | Located in Atlanta GA
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Lambda Chi Alpha - Beta Kappa Zeta | society | Atlanta GA
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Omega Pearls - Georgia Tech - Delta Kappa Chapter | society | In Atlanta GA
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Omega Phi Alpha - Nu Chapter | sorority | OPA is a national service sorority that participates in 2-6 service projects a month. We also have formals, retreats, and sisterhood outings.
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Omicron Delta Kappa - Alpha Eta Circle | society | AH circle of ODK at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta GA
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Phi Kappa Theta - Georgia Gamma Tau | society | At Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta
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Phi Mu - Theta Zeta | society | Phi Mu s chapter at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta GA
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Pi Kappa Alpha - Alpha Delta | society | Located in Atlanta Georgia
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Psi Upsilon - Gamma Tau | society | Established December 19 1970 at Georgia Tech in Atlanta GA
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Sigma Chi - Beta Psi | society | Located in Atlanta GA
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The new GALA community | society | The Gay and Lesbian Alliance GALA at Georgia Tech University Includes activities of the group and contact information
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Theta Xi | fraternity | Christian Fraternity, really.
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Zeta Tau Alpha - Iota Theta | society | Site includes information about philanthropy rush sisterhood pictures and more
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