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The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor

Student Newspapers
Michigan Daily Student run newspaper of the University of Michigan.
Michigan Daily Online University Michigan Ann Arbor
Student Clubs and Organizations         
Blue Party for Student Government group  The Blue Party is a campus political party dedicated to making concrete changes in the University bureaucracy which benefit students directly. We are responsible for such notable changes as Fall Break, academic minors, later CCRB and NCRB hours and expanding entree plus to Michigan Stadium. For more information e-mail or visit our website at Go Blue, Vote Blue  [Edit]
FOKUS - Fighting Obstacles Knowing Ultimate Success club  Fighting Obstacles Knowing Ultimate Success (FOKUS) is a student organization whose mission is to bring together students at the University of Michigan using the arts as the common medium. We will spotlight student arts(visual, literary, music, fashion, etc) and provide the opportunity to display student talents to large audiences. We will also expose students to various art forms for education, entertainment.
FOKUS wants to provide an outlet for talented students to showcase their talents. We want to help students realize their dreams as much as possible. We have also created a newsletter to allow aspiring writers and editors the outlet to get first hand knowledge.
It also gives an outlet for any other talents, by having various sections ranging from original comic strips to a focus on fashion. Check out the site at


Gimble A Cappella group  Awesome co-ed a cappella group that sings a wide variety of music. They offer a fall and spring concert each year as well as various gigs around campus. Check out the website for upcoming events and auditions!  [Edit]
Society Physics Students society  The Society of Physics students focuses on outreach & education of the student community (both k-12 and oncampus) on the joy and excitement on physics in everyday life... not to mention on exams.  [Edit]
Theta Phi Alpha fraternity  Women s fraternity founded on November 16 1912 University Michigan Ann Arbor  [Edit]
UM Alpine Ski Team club 
The Michigan ski team is a club sport open to any and all skiers that attend the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. The team competes about 6-7 times a year at a number of resorts in northern Michigan and Canada. The noncompetitive atmosphere typically revolves around having as much fun in a weekend of racing as possible with little stress on individual results and placing. The team consists of both a men's and women's team and an A and B team. The top five racers from past results will typically be A team racers which will represent us at the regional meet at the end of the year. We race in the United States Collegiate Snowsport Association (USCSA) along with Michigan State, Western Michigan, Notre Dame, Grand Valley State and other local schools.  [Edit]
UM Anime Society society  University of Michigan Japanese Animation Society.
We welcome you to join us as we continue with our monthly screenings into the nice and comfortably warm spring/summer months.  [Edit]
UM Club Tennis Team (Intramural club  The University of Michigan Tennis Club Team is a competitive organization established by the Department of Recreational Sports at the University of Michigan. We compete against other university club teams and university varsity teams throughout the country  [Edit]
UM Kokikai Aikido club club  Practice is usually with empty hands; occasionally we may use wooden staff, sword, or knife.
M, W 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Sa 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
IMSB Mat Room G21
UM Listing club sports club  If you are looking for more information on a club, please go to one of the club's practices or contact the person listed.  [Edit]
Umich Tae Kwon Do Club club  The University of Michigan has a long tradition of athletic excellence, shared by the U of M Taekwondo club, the oldest continuous martial arts group on campus...  [Edit]
Undergraduate Psychological Society society  The Undergraduate Psychological Society, open to any student interested in psychology, hosts academic events, such as grad student panels, professor Q and A sessions on a wide range of topics in psychology. We host social events for members (pizza parties, member dinners, etc.) We also sponsor and facilitate member participation in communities service events. Check out our webpage!  [Edit]
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The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
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