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The University of California - Berkeley

Student Newspapers
Berkeleyan University of California, Berkeley from the Office of Public Affairs.
Berkeleyan Weekly newspaper for faculty and staff members of the University of California at Berkeley
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Daily Californian University California Berkeley independent student publication
Heya All Im New Sup All I am New, I have been browsing around this board for a few weeks as a guest. I found it useful and it has helped out allot. I hope to stay around for some time and give something back.

Student Clubs and Organizations         
Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity  UC Berkeley's only Jewish fraternity. We offer a number of socail, philanthropic, and leadership opportunities for Berkeley Jewish undergraduates.  [Edit]
Alpha Kappa Lambda - ficial Site fraternity  National social fraternity for men whose first chapter University California Berkeley was chartered in 1914  [Edit]
Alpha Phi Omega fraternity  Alpha Phi Omega is an international co-ed service fraternity with over 75 years of college volunteerism; it is the largest fraternity in the world. Our chapter at UC Berkeley consists of over 125 active members who contribute 10,000 hours of service annually. In addition to service we have numerous events during the semester to promote friendship and brotherhood within the chapter and with chapters on other campuses.  [Edit]
Associated Students UC (ASUC society  University California Berkeley  [Edit]
Berkeley Cambodian Student Association society  Promotes the Khmer culture on the University of California at Berkeley campus through various events and activities  [Edit]
Berkeley CKI society  Chapter at the University of California Berkeley in the Cal Nev Ha District  [Edit]
Cal Corps Public Service Center society   [Edit]
Cal Libertarians UC Berkeley club  Browse club news and a listing of past activities  [Edit]
California Patriot society  An independent monthly news and conservative opinion University California Berkeley published by Berkeley Conservative Foundation Feature articles letters articles from current and archived issues staff list and history  [Edit]
California-Berkeley Quiz Bowl society   [Edit]
Chi Psi - California, - Alpha Delta Delta society  Founded in 1895 in Berkeley CA Calendar of events plus officer and member lists  [Edit]
Eta Kappa Nu - Mu society  M chapter of HKN at the University of California in Berkeley CA  [Edit]
Fellowship in Christ-Berkeley religious  Christian fellowship related to San Francisco Korean Central Prebyterian Church, with sister fellowships in San Francisco and Stanford.

A place for believers to come worship, study the bible, and encourage one another. Known for its excellent small groups and pastored by a well-trained and "cool" alumnus of Berkeley and Westminster Theological Seminary.  [Edit]
Iranian Students' Cultural Organization society  Includes the student run Iranian cultural publication Perspective Magazine Photo gallery  [Edit]
Kappa Sigma - California Berkeley, - Beta Xi society  Located in Berkeley CA  [Edit]
Lambda Theta Nu - Delta society  At the University of California at Berkeley  [Edit]
master student religious
214 evergreen ave
d.c. california 94014
blue and white house
Pi Alpha Phi fraternity  Founded in 1926 University California Berkeley  [Edit]
Queer Berkeley society  Campus happenings resources and opportunities for gays lesbians and bisexuals at the University of California Berkeley  [Edit]
Russian Club @ Berkeley club  A 500-member Russian Club at UC Berkeley  [Edit]

Sigma Chi - California Berkeley, - Alpha Beta society  News and information history alumni relations rush information  [Edit]
Sigma Pi Alpha Sorority sorority  A Chicana Latina Sorority founded in 1996 University California Berkeley Focuses on community service campus involvement and a sisterhood based on support in academic social and individual needs  [Edit]
Students for a Nonreligious Ethos society  Provides a forum in which open minded individuals may meet socialize and discuss religious topics free from intolerance Social events educational activities and the absolute separation of church and state are promoted  [Edit]
Tournament Records Archive society  Maintained by Berkeley Quiz Bowl  [Edit]
Undergraduate Political Science Association group   [Edit]
Universtiy Students Co-Operative Assoc other  This is a co-operative housing association which provides its members with food, shelter and an instant, just-add-water social life. Each co-op has its own personality, and there are houses that fit almost anyone.  [Edit]
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The University of California - Berkeley
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