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The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor

Fall 1999 (when the photo was taken)
The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
Student Description
This is North Campus, looking down at the strangely phallic and always out-of tune clocktower to which everyone else is oblivious. They made a big fuss about how this was the most recent carillon tower in the world when they put it up, but really, on the north campus (the engineering campus), it should have been a technological marvel.

This tower was also built about 2degree off (i.e. leaning).

Anyway, its a nice day when I took this picture & you can see the students walking back and forth between the engineering bld (behind me) and the north dorms & the bus stop. Notice how no-one is playing on the grass despite it being such a nice day. anyway, this scan didnt come out as nice as the picture itself.

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The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
These are the main tennis courts on campus. All the courts
The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
This is the university of michigan hospital. This
The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
Just a cool pic I took
The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
Beautiful picture of the engineering building.
The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
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