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Pensacola Christian College

May 2005 (when the photo was taken)
Pensacola Christian College
Student Description
This is me graduating in 2005!

commentEnjoy your useless diploma.
responseJust like your comment points to the fact that you're enjoying your useless brain. There is nothing useless about a diploma from PCC.
responseAww thats awful thing to say, it is useless, but now PCC is accredited. so talk about pensacola christian college. make your own comments about pensacola christian college, check out the pensacola christian college forum
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Pensacola Christian College
Picture of the new state of the art Crowne Cente
Pensacola Christian College
me a friend and mr briney
Pensacola Christian College
Just a picture taken for our church directory. Victory
Pensacola Christian College
Dr. Rammel me and some of my friends. visit
Pensacola Christian College
This is a pic of the campus.
Pensacola Christian College
Something that is not allwed on the campus of PCC even though
Pensacola Christian College
Pensacola Christian College
Pensacola Christian College
Pensacola Christian College
Pensacola Christian College
Pensacola Christian College
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