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Pensacola Christian College

4/16/06 (when the photo was taken)
Pensacola Christian College
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Something that is not allwed on the campus of PCC even though it is full of young adults who should be capable of making their own decisions in life wether it be how far you are going to go with the opposite sex or what time you are going to go to bed! Pcc has taken this choice away and that is not life.

commentOh My! The satement you made about adults being able to make thir own decisions in life wether it be how far you are going to go with the opposite sex, shows you have no desire to follow the Lords leading in your life by living pure. PCC's desire to to follow God in all they do. No place is perfect…and neither are you or me. This picture and addition to the website you have made is something you are going to be held accountable for. Evaluate your heart and the heart of God and see if they are the same.
responseShut the fuck up. Fucking Christ man.
responseI don't remember in the Bible anything about hand-holding being impure. Or for that matter, anything about a courting couple going on a date alone being evil.

But what do I know? I only went to an A Beka school for eight years.

responseYeah man right on. ive dated plenty of good christian girls all of which were very naughty (including preachers daughters). My grandfather always told me do not postpone joy and happiness for life is too short. well if life is too short then im going to enjoy my damn life and just wait and see what im held accountable for. if im saved and im going to heaven whats it matter if im held accountable for shit ive done. your salvation cant be taken from you. so kiss away i will touch away i will. besides you cant rape the willing just an fyi
responseI went to PCC for four years and i think this picture is sin. You are very evil and you are going to need to be spanked by dean ohman and Mullenix for your actions!!!!!! SIN!!!!!
commentThis is not pcc. the dorm room is too nice..
commentYeah this is so not pcc because pcc dorm room are in bad shape; and pcc will be held accountable for forming a cult brainwashing people and not telling people the truth and not being open minded. The world does not revovle around pcc there are real peopl out there who breathe and bleed just like the people at pcc. People should not be treated different because Jesus Christ treated everyone the same. He did not hate anyone; He loved everyone but hated the sin. Now let's see this put into action. PCC does everything else except for the right thing; and they think they are holy than thou but are not. If only people knew what really goes on behind closed doors; they would be in shock and I have stories that are true about that school.
responseI don't get it. If PCC "brainwashes" people, then how could there be any dissent? Obviously the writers either have never been students there - in which case they have no idea what they're talking about - or else they haven't been brainwashed - which makes their statement invalid. Nobody forces people to go to PCC. The rules are plain enough. If you don't like it, don't go there. But quit the critical attitude already.
responseYou know what i feel bad for people going to PCC i an now 40 yrs i went to school there and there absoluting nothing related to Jesuschrist in that school Jesus would not stay for a day
It is worth waiting for. Don't give yourself to every girl you think is cute. You will regret it later. "rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft". Many students that go to PCC are just glad they are out of mom and dad's authority. Now they balk any authority that is over them…boss…college…They are not fully capable of making decision totally on their own if their parents are paying the college bill. It is a heart issue. Try joining the military and see if you can get away with disobeying orders! Grow up…
commentWhat a pointless post! Bet the idiot in the picture and the chick have contracted STDS by now or divorced. Why even attend these schools if your intent is NOT to earn a education and respect a RELIGIOUS institute? No one pulled your arm to attend there! Holding hands is no big deal but they don't want students acting like married couples when there are 0 papers involved and missing out on their education cus their too busy flirting like stupid teenagers in a smelly dorm.
commentWhat a pointless post! Bet the idiot in the picture and the chick have contracted STDS by now or divorced. Why even attend these schools if your intent is NOT to earn a education and respect a RELIGIOUS institute? No one pulled your arm to attend there! Holding hands is no big deal but they don't want students acting like married couples when there are 0 papers involved and missing out on their education cus their too busy flirting like stupid teenagers in a smelly dorm.

Clearly the OP that posted this in 2006 was going through some "OUT THE HOUSE" rebellious state. Their probably regretting it now with divorcee papers lol!

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