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The University of California - Berkeley

08/04/2003 (when the photo was taken)
The University of California - Berkeley
Student Description
The beautiful view of the best campus of the world. Enjoy undergrads!

responseLovely chapel, but that's Stanford and not CAL.
The only pretty spot in the whole of this jr. university. The rest is dull as dirt, unless of course you like El Camino Real right next to it with lots of chain stores and all the other mind numbing suburban garbage. Escape from here on bike and you can enjoy some lovely foothills but then there is only so much bucolic dullness one can stand. Stanford is like Wonder Bread.
commentYep, that's definitely Stanford.
responseUmmm, that's Stanford
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The University of California - Berkeley
The University of California - Berkeley
Soda Hall, computer science building. Our secondary home.
The University of California - Berkeley
Soda Hall from the North Side.
The University of California - Berkeley
Beatiful night scene with Sather Tower.
The University of California - Berkeley
The famous Sather Gates.
The University of California - Berkeley
The University of California - Berkeley
The University of California - Berkeley
Main Library Glade on a typical late afternoon.
The University of California - Berkeley
This is the view from the Lawrence Hall of Science…very
The University of California - Berkeley
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