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The Georgia Institute of Technology

GIT Summer Programs

During the summer of 2007 Georgia Tech School of Biology and Center for Education Integrating Science, Math and Computing offers BIO@TECH, an intensive three-week investigative biology experience for high school students with strong interests in the biological sciences.  Topics included in each session will vary, and include selections from the following:

* “Glow Germs “ - creating bacterial cells that glow in the dark.

* “CSI: GT” - DNA forensics.

* “Power of the Plankton” - ecology of oceanic and freshwater plankton (includes field trip).

* “Daughters of Eve” - mitochondrial DNA ancestry.

* “Life on the Edge” - microbes found in harsh and extreme environments.

* “Breaking the Code” - DNA sequencing and identification.

* “Green Genes” - detecting genetically modified foods.

When and Where

Two identical three-week sessions of BIO@TECH will be offered this summer.  Session I begins June 4, 2007 and runs Monday through Friday until June 22, 2007.  Session II begins July 9, 2007, and runs Monday through Friday until July 27, 2007.  Students participate in lectures and laboratory experiments from 9:00am until 4:00pm at Georgia Tech's School of Biology.  There will be short breaks in the morning and afternoon of each session as well as a lunch break.


BIO@TECH is taught by Georgia Tech faculty and instructors in the School of Biology, and by Patricia Mote of Chamblee High School, recipient of 2003-2004 Siemens Award for Advanced Placement.  Under the direction of these faculty, students explore key breakthroughs and issues in current biology, as well as the challenges they represent to society.


Applications are available from Kevin Roman at 404-385-717 or fax (404) 894-0519 and can also be downloaded and printed here(in Adobe PDF format.  Get the free Acrobat Reader here if you need it)

The complete application portfolio includes:

* An Application Form

* A Student Essay

* Two (2) Teacher Recommendations

(Please remember to specify whether you can attend Session I, Session II, or either of the two sessions).

Fifteen to twenty-five rising 11th and 12th graders with a strong interest in biology, chemistry, or biomedical sciences will be selected based on a review of their portfolio.  Exceptional rising 10th graders will also be considered.  Interested students should have completed at least algebra and one year of high school biology.  Applications are encouraged particularly from students historically under-represented in the fields of science, mathematics, and engineering.

Two letters of recommendation, at least one from a recent science teacher, should be written on the forms provided in the Application Packet and sent directly to the Georgia Tech Summer Biology Program address listed under APPLICATION DEADLINE. 
Program Cost:

Phone: (404) 385-7137

Deadline: 04/30/07

Design Your Career in Engineering
Engineers today require Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing skills to implement ideas, concepts, and innovations, in a challenging, ever changing workplace.  This 2-week program hosted by the IPLE Lab at Georgia Tech is designed to involve rising 11th and 12th grade students in Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Manufacturing technology; and to provide students with engineering experiences.  Training and implementation of Dassault Systemes Version 5 CATIA and DELMIA Project Lifecycle Management design manufacturing software will be the core of the sessions.  Version 5 CATIA is the number one design software used throughout the aeronautical and aerospace industries.

The program will be a combination of lecture, one-on-one personal attention, and hands-on interactive teaching, and will include a demonstration of rapid prototyping.  Designing parts for change and manufacturing will be the core of the class.  By the end of program students will be able to create and modify solid three-dimensional models, develop assemblies of component parts, and create drawings using industry-proven best practice techniques.  All projects are designed to give students real-world applications of CAD Design and Engineering.  Students will also visit area businesses that utilize the software to successfully design and engineer component parts. 

Applications require a $15 non-refundable Application fee, the submission of an essay written by the student, one teacher recommendation from a math, science, or technology teacher, and a copy of first semester grades.  Program Fee: $600.00 - must be submitted no later than two weeks after being notified of acceptance.  (Refundable up to three (3) weeks prior to the beginning of the camp.) Fees include instruction, lab tours, materials and supplies, lunch, and a t-shirt).  This course is taught by technical college faculty and Georgia Tech graduate students.  Qualified students are accepted until program fills up.  See Admission Requirements for more details.  Enrollment limit –17 students. 
Program Cost:

Phone: (404) 894-0777

Deadline: 05/15/07

The Georgia Institute of Technology
The Georgia Institute of Technology
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