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The University of Illinois Urbana - Champaign

UIUC Summer Programs

WaterTEC is a one-week program full of educational and fun activities for students interested in learning about water information, experimentation, and recreation.  Through fields trips and classroom sessions students will explore nearby reservoirs, filtration facilities, and swimming pools to learn how water is treated and delivered for public use.  Students will also learn about the vital roles that science, technology, and engineering play in water quality, safety and conservation. 
Program Cost:


Deadline: 07/01/05

Exploring Your Options in Engineering
Exploring Your Options is a week-long residential program that introduces high school rising juniors and seniors to the field of engineering.  EYO is held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  Participants will interact with engineering students and faculty members, plan and build a project, and engage in hands-on activities prepared by departments within the College of Engineering. 
Program Cost: $600

Phone: 217/ 333-2560

Deadline: 07/01/05

Illinois Aerospace Institute
The thirteenth annual Illinois Aerospace Institute is a residential program for students entering grades 9 - 12.  The institute provides an outstanding introduction to aerospace science and engineering.  Institute activities include talking with a NASA astronaut, flying at the Institute of Aviation, co-flying radio-controlled model aircraft, and designing, building, and flying model gliders and rockets.  Cost: approx.  $700.00 (No credit)
Program Cost:

Phone: 217/ 244-8048

Deadline: 07/01/05

G.A.M.E.S. Computer Science Camp
G.A.M.E.S.  Computer Science Camp for FA2004, 8th and 9th graders Girls' Adventures in Mathematics, Engineering, and Science (G.A.M.E.S.) Camp

G.A.M.E.S.  is an annual residential camp conducted through the College of Engineering.  It is designed to give academically talented young women an opportunity to explore math, engineering, and science through exciting demonstrations, classroom presentations, hands-on activities, and direct contact with female professionals from technical fields. 

The 2004 Computer Science G.A.M.E.S.  camp will explore computer programming, electrical engineering, and computer science through hands-on robotics design and programming projects.  Cost: $575.00 (No credit). 
Program Cost:

Phone: 217/ 244-3517

Deadline: 07/01/05

Research Apprentise Program
The Research Apprentice Program I (RAP I) provides two intensive three-week academic and career enrichment experiences on the UIUC campus for current high school freshmen and sophomores.  Participants will learn about math, science, research, and business majors, as well as careers related to the agricultural, consumer, and environmental fields.  They will observe and participate in various laboratory activities in the Colleges of ACES and Veterinary Medicine as well as in seminars and industry tours.  Academic enrichment consists of instruction in microcomputer applications, writing and reading skills, and discussions of ethics.  The program targets under-served ethnic/racial groups and students from disadvantaged backgrounds.  No cost.  (No credit)
Program Cost:

Contact: Jesse Thompson
Phone: 217/ 333-3638

Deadline: 07/01/05

Research Apprentise II Program
The Research Apprentice Program II (RAP II) is an intensive seven-week laboratory experience on the UIUC campus for high school juniors.  Participants will learn about professional and research opportunities in the food and agricultural sciences by working under the guidance of faculty, their graduate assistants, and research technicians in the Colleges of ACES and Veterinary Medicine.  The program will feature hands-on laboratory projects conducted by students as well as oral presentations and project posters developed for display.  The program consists of special seminars, instruction in microcomputer applications, and assessment of math and communication skills.  Priority is given to RAP I participants.  The target audiences include under-served ethnic/racial groups and students from disadvantaged backgrounds.  Cost: Summer stipend provided.  (No credit)
Program Cost:

Contact: Jesse Thompson
Phone: 217/ 333-3638

Deadline: 07/01/05

Discover Architecture
Discover Architecture is a unique opportunity for high school juniors and seniors, and for beginning college students interested in pursuing a career in architecture.  Students will learn about the roles and responsibilities of today's architects.  Studio projects, daily seminars, demonstrations, slide presentations, films, and field trips give students “hands on” experience and knowledge of what will be expected of them in architecture school and the profession.  Cost: $1,200.00 per session in addition to a non-refundable $25.00 application fee.  Payment includes room and board, drawing supplies and equipment, and a studio fee.  Additional cost for non-academic functions are not included.  (No credit)
Program Cost:

Contact: Arthur Kaha
Phone: 217/ 333-7720

Deadline: 07/01/05

Illinois 4-H Leadership Convention
The Illinois 4-H Leadership Convention provides a fun-filled weekend for teens, ages 14-18, who have an interest in developing their leadership skills.  Workshops focus on team-building, communication skills, leadership development, diversity, career preparation, and more.  Some tours of University of Illinois facilities are included.  Teens also have an opportunity to discuss issues and design action plans for their communities.  Outstanding speakers, recreation, dance, talent show, and a special banquet are also included.  The Illinois 4-H Leadership Convention will be held at the Chancellor Hotel & Convention Center in Champaign.  The program starts with registration on Friday morning and ends Sunday early-afternoon.  Membership in 4-H is not required to attend.  Information can be acquired via the 4-H web site, State 4-H Office or your local University of Illinois Extension office.  Registrations are due May 12 to local Extension offices.  Transportation can be coordinated via local Extension offices.  Cost: $150.00 includes hotel room, four meals and the entire

program.  (No Credit)
Program Cost:

Contact: Debra Stocker
Phone: 217/ 333-0910

Deadline: 07/01/05

Illinois Summer Youth Music (ISYM)
The Annual Illinois Summer Youth Music (ISYM) is a performance and educationally- centered music camp for young musicians from grades 7 through 12.  Band, chorus, orchestra, and jazz ensembles are complemented by specialty camps in flute, piano, musical theatre, percussion, and trombone.  Seven and eight-day sessions are available.  (No credit) Cost: $575.00 resident (8-day); $310.00 commuter (8-day); $490.00 resident (7-day); $270.00 commuter (7-day).

Contact: ISYM office, Ruth Stoltzfus, 217-244-3404, or
Program Cost:

Contact: Ruth Stolzfus
Phone: 217/ 244-3404

Deadline: 07/01/05

The University of Illinois Urbana - Champaign
The University of Illinois Urbana - Champaign
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