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The State University of New York Binghamton

Total Grad Surveys 19
Females 8
Males 11
Avg years at University 3.2
Research Quality B- (6.0)
Research Availability B- (5.8)
Research Funding C+ (5.5)
Graduate Politics B- (6.0)
Not Errand Runners B (6.9)
Degree Completion B (6.6)
Alternative pay [ta/gsi] B (6.9)
Sufficient Pay C+ (5.5)
Competitiveness C+ (5.5)
Education Quality B- (6.0)
Faculty Accessibility B- (6.3)
Useful Research B- (6.4)
"Individual" treatment C (4.9)
Friendliness C (4.8)
Safety B (6.9)
Campus Beauty C (4.6)
Campus Maintenance C+ (5.6)
University Spending C+ (5.0)
Extracurriculars B- (6.1)
Scholastic Success B- (6.4)
Surrounding City C (4.3)
Social Life/ Environment C (4.6)
Surrounding CityC
Alternative pay [ta/gsi]B
A masters student atNov 01 2015Computer Science
A masters student at Bing, really awesome faculty, but the strength of the faculty can be increased, the computer science school is really good and funding is available if you are in good academic standing, research is improving and some really great work is happening in distributed systems
I was a graduate student at Binghamton University,Feb 09 2012Other
I was a graduate student at Binghamton University, however I am not going to list the department as I don't feel the need to implicate it.

Frankly the purpose of my review is to warn students (or their parents reading these reviews) to not come here. This is a harsh statement, but this university and it's surrounding area are just terrible and I don't know how a student could spend four years here.

Let me just preface my review by saying that I enjoyed the time spent at my undergraduate institution. I always received individual attention and my needs were met both socially and academically. I had visited Binghamton prior to my arrival there and researched the department. At the time, everything looked great. However, the reality of the university is much different than what it appears.

Once I was enrolled as a student I felt like a number. This may happen temporarily in undergrad, but as a graduate student I felt completely dismissed and I could tell that I was gaining no ground in the program. I believe this was due to lack of professor enagement and encouragement, where their own research interests trumped that of the students. It left me feeling as though I was completely on my own. I saw no choice but to make a move and do what was best for me- cut my losses and leave.

I truly believe that "making the best of Binghamton" is a pretty tough feat in general. Once I really got to discover the city I realized just how bad it was. Bar life was limited (I don't even go out much but seriously), I never went to a restaurant that blew me away, and while the mall was pretty good, I would say it's pretty standard for what should be located in an area of this size.

As for the students? Well, I did meet a few great people in my program as well as outside of it. I will admit that there are definitely some gems here. On the whole however, most students looked sad and defeated. To be honest, this is kind of to be expected- gray skies and a very industrial looking campus. The new dorms do look very nice but beware because this doesn't reflect the rest of the campus. For many of my classes I was stuffed in an old room that was in desperate need of renovation. I couldn't believe that so many of my classes were being held in there and overall, it felt insulting. My high school had better looking classrooms for it's students.

There isn't much more I can really say. Yes, there are a few gem student and professors here, but the overall package of Binghamton simply didn't meet my expectations. I'm very serious about my education goals and I felt that if I had stayed on I would have left with a piece of paper. At the graduate level, that is unacceptable.

I arrived at SUNY-Binghamton in early 2001 afterOct 12 2011Education
I arrived at SUNY-Binghamton in early 2001 after graduating from a large Mid-Western school. I expected great things out of SUNY-B but was disappointed from the very start.

To begin with the campus is very grim and depressing and consists mostly 1960's architecture (lots of bland and boring concrete). There is absolutely no school spirit and I found many of the students to be self absorbed and arrogant. Unfortunately life does not get any better once you get off campus, Binghamton is a giant shithole which is totally unfriendly to students. When I planned on moving to the area lots of people told me to move to the West Side of Binghamton, than god I did not follow that advise because otherwise I would have been living in the middle of ghetto.

As for my degree I found it not worth the time and money. While some of the professors were excellent these were few and far between and the great majority were unhelpful and condescending. There was one class I took the first semester and too this day I have no idea what the class was really about, it seemed like education for the sake of education and yet somehow I ended up getting an A in the class. In the end I did get my masters degree but felt that it did not prepare me at all for my career. To this day I regret attending SUNY-Binghamton and wish I had stayed at my big Mid Western school.

The university is great except for their wellness/gym/recreaAug 29 2011Anthropology
The university is great except for their wellness/gym/recreation facilities area. I've attended two other universities (I'm here for a phd) and their resources are subpar. This is more like a high school compared with other schools I've attended. Additionally, there is a $50/month membership to the university gym despite paying recreation fees that supposedly cover the cost of recreational activities.
Mar 20 2011Philosophy
I was completely misled about what this program was going to involve.
Art History department has very little about artDec 13 2010History/Histories (art history/etc.)
Art History department has very little about art. Much about Marxism, though and how it applies to art. Be prepared to present Marxist perspectives on things whether you believe them or not.

Terrible program if you're interested in art.
Fantastic program if you want to throw a Marxist spin on everything and hang around with like-minded people. Of course if I were a tenured professor at a public university I could afford to be a Marxist, too.

I am not currently student but know theJul 03 2008Psychology
I am not currently student but know the school well and have taken courses and worked there. I think it is a horrible place but some people like it. Many of the undergraduate courses are huge and students sit in large lecture halls using their PSPs and texting. Faculty are discouraged from spending effort on courses and those seen as less productive are saddled with more courses. So faculty are punished for not publishing enough by teaching. Tells you what administrtors think of teaching and tells you how important they see the undergraduate education. If you like the sky to be gray most days with rain, snow and sleet most of the time and snow in May, you may like it here. The campus has a utilitarian look to it. Looks like a giant factory.Big factory clock in the center. Ugly modern brick buildings that are nothing like the old brick buildings you see in schools with excellent reputations. This is just my opinion. I think it would be hard to find an uglier campus in an uglier more economically depressed community but some people do not care about those things. The tuition is cheap and the school is cheap. You will not confuse an education here with an education at a private school or at a top notch public school. In my opinion it is neither. The adminstration screams poverty when the economy is up and when it is down and there has not been a year when there have not been threats of cutbacks. Many staff hate the community and living in the area and so it can be a fairly unhappy place to be. If you want a cheap education and do not mind 4 years in a climate that is brutal and the aesthetics of the campus do not bother you and being in a chronically economically depressed area is not a problem for you, than this may be a good place to get a degree. It may be worth going here because it is cheap and you may have fewer loans when you get out. It is just four years and most people can put up with anything for a limited time.
May 17 2008Education
avoid the mat program at all costs
I entered the MA/PhD program with a BAFeb 22 2008Political Science
I entered the MA/PhD program with a BA and finished in 5 years (standard expected time). I experienced no funding difficulties. Upon completion, I had multiple job offers and currently teach at a research institution. With respect to political science, I disagree with earlier comments. I would definitely recommend the school to others
When one considers bothMay 22 2007Sociology
When one considers both the affordable price, and the prestige a degree from this "public ivy" university carries, it really can not be beat! ; )
Binghamton University gives students a unigque chance toMar 26 2006Other
Binghamton University gives students a unigque chance to spend time in a community in this country that is devastated by unbelievable poverty and hopelessness-and then to be able to leave the area. It furfills every idea you had about Appalachian Mountain region without having to leave the northeast. After even a short time here students gain an appreciation of every other place. A few months here and you will think of places like Trenton and Newark New Jersey or Toldeo Ohio or Detroit and Flint as prosperous beautiful places filed with fun things to do. Here the only growth industry is poverty but it is created in great amounts and the word is that there will be no shortages of it in the future. People here are so old that you will leave thinking Boca is restricted to young'uns. So you may want to experience this if you want to study health and disease, sociology, gerintology, and anything along those lines. The university is a cold impersonal place so you can really feel great when you leave. If you plan to work in a huge corporation and have a cubicle, this place will be great training. It is also a place you can get great use of your winter clothes. With snow from September to May and rain from June to September you never have to worry about draught or sun burn.
Costs are lowMar 22 2006Psychology
Costs are low. You need to be careful about where you live even though there is no really nice section of town. There is not too much in the area so all time can be studying. If you need services like medical or dental help you can get good services in New York City or Boston.They are 200 miles away but it is easy to drive there. It is very hard to fly there because the weather is bad and flights are not direct. Others commented about the weather so it is true that sun is rare here. You should ask the professors how long it takes the students to get their degree. You may find that students of some facullty usually take 8 or 9 years to get done. The printed inform may not be accurate. Thats alright if students are going part time and living in a city but here it is full time and they may be working on facullty publications for all those years and working at a low pay and maybe testng patients for facullty. If you sak the Professor he may say that is the student's choice.
Sometimes students have many offers to graduate programsJan 11 2006Psychology
Sometimes students have many offers to graduate programs and have to choose. Some things that may be important may not be obvious. If you are a female or black applying to clinical psychology programs look at the faculty. How many of the FULL TIME TENURED CLINICAL faculty are black or female? What is the proportion of males to females and whites to individuals of color? Do these ratios match the ratios for the department and the university? If not, how is that explained? How many women and black faculty have been tenured in the past decade or two or three? Are excuses or are you told that areas outside clinical or adjuncts fill those needs? Do the male white faculty claim to be sensitive to these issues and claim they cover any multi-cultural needs? Do they rely on films and outside speakers to fill the need? Have there been a string of female junior faculty who have left? What about junior faculty of color? How are the women in the clinical area treated? How are faculty from different minority groups and cultural backgrounds treated? Have they been marginalized? Do the faculty say things that downgrade the achievements or activities of the female faculty or of the African American faculty? Do they discourage students from working with them? How many graduate students do the tenured women and African American faculty have working with them? What excuses are given if things do not look right? What do the tenured African American faculty and women say about their experiences there? These questions should be asked by all students applying to any program since the answers will give you some insight into the values of the program, the mentality of the faculty and how you may be treated in the future if you choose to attend that program.
Jun 13 2005Education
The place is a toilet.
The program has good funding so I amMay 08 2005Psychology
The program has good funding so I am not in debt. Most of the students are female. The program has a very bad history with women faculty. The few male students get all the breaks and offers. They have advisors looking out for them. There are no minority faculty and almost no women. Since the field is primarily female and diverse the faculty is bizarre here and not supportive. They are arrogent and self centered.
started in a neuropsychology labApr 04 2005Psychology
started in a neuropsychology lab.wrote and got grant with local practitioners. Got the funding but advisor tried to take credit and change the project.did not want female graduate student getting credit maybe. Lucky to be able to move to another profs lab but he insisted on credit for project anyway. he runs the program now. women can not have leadership positions in the program. they are treated poorly. Hear there is a brand new female prof. good luck to her. others last only a few ye

ars. Terrible atmosphere for women. dont think any get tenure or promotion. Look out for the male faculty who have been there a long time and have all traded in 1st wives for newer editions. bad place. I work at a university that treats women well. there are some. go to those.

I spent four years here as an undegradFeb 19 2005Education
I spent four years here as an undegrad student (History) and then 2.5 years as a grad student (Literacy Education). Loved every minute of it and would do it again in a minute... I got a quality education at a fantastic school for extremely low tuition. I stayed in Binghamton after graduating and now, while working full-time, I'm still taking courses just for sheer enjoyment and fulfillment. I HIGHLY recommend Binghamton for both undergraduate and graduate work.
Bottom line is thatFeb 13 2005Political Science
Bottom line is that Binghamton University was not set up as a research institution. There are lots of malfeasance with administration and the professors. If you are a bright students seeking a grad. education, you can do much better. Be VERY careful with this institution.
The State University of New York Binghamton
The State University of New York Binghamton

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