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Texas A & M University - College Station

Total Grad Surveys 20
Females 7
Males 13
Avg years at University 3.0
Research Quality B+ (7.7)
Research Availability B+ (7.3)
Research Funding B (6.6)
Graduate Politics B (7.1)
Not Errand Runners B (7.2)
Degree Completion B+ (7.8)
Alternative pay [ta/gsi] B (7.1)
Sufficient Pay B+ (7.6)
Competitiveness B- (6.3)
Education Quality B+ (7.7)
Faculty Accessibility B+ (7.8)
Useful Research B+ (8.0)
"Individual" treatment B (6.8)
Friendliness B+ (7.6)
Safety B+ (8.0)
Campus Beauty B (7.0)
Campus Maintenance B+ (7.7)
University Spending A- (8.7)
Extracurriculars A- (8.4)
Scholastic Success B+ (7.5)
Surrounding City B- (6.2)
Social Life/ Environment B- (6.2)
Social Life/ EnvironmentB-
University SpendingA-
As a whole if your political views areApr 30 2018PreVet and Veterinary
As a whole if your political views are not conservative and if you have any opposition on matters you will face great adversity here. That is how this university prepares you for the word. Also if anything does go wrong and you report it there is no structure on getting it resolved the matter just gets swept or forever prolonged unless you family has money, then that's a different story.
I came to this university and department toMay 11 2011Anthropology
I came to this university and department to get my Ph.D. During my stay, they changed the curriculum so many times and did not inform graduate students about it. Student advisor kept changing every semester; not helpful at all.

There are huge political gaps between nautical program, CSFA, and the rest. Political issues in the department seem more important than teaching and training students. They are mainly evaluated based on how much money they bring to the university and the number of publications, so they have no reason or motivation to care about students, unless their personality or belief or philosophy drive them to do so.

There are good professors and bad professors. Bad ones treat their OWN graduate students like disposable. No compassion. And they call themselves Anthropologists...ironic. Others fall between OK to good and empathetic towards their students.

In the department, unfair and unreasonable treatment of students happened in the past. If you are on the wrong end, you can get kicked out of your program without notice. Department doesn't take any action about it. I don't recommend this department for graduate degrees.

The University itself gears towards diversity, but sadly it is only superficial diversity, just trying to increase the number of people from diverse background without facilitating the support system. If there is, it's hiding somewhere, not easily accessible. New international students remain mainly clueless unless they contact the student association of their nationality before they arrive. Chinese, Indians, and Koreans comprise most of the internationals. White Republicans dominate undergraduates and the campus. Very conservative. But don't get me wrong. Of course there are a lot of good-hearted people in the university and community who really care about people. You treat people with respect and care, they treat you with respect and care. I've been helped a whole bunch when I experienced tough times. There are really selfish arrogant people too. It's just like everywhere.

I pay state taxes for this ???!!!Jul 29 2010Education
I pay state taxes for this ???!!!
I am a white, over 40 female with 15 years teaching experience. Decided to get a PhD- bad choice of schools.

Faculty at A & M are there for international students -
Have been ignored, stood up and delayed by my committee chair. I think it's because I am not connected to an influential male, or married to someone in academia. Basically I have no political connections- so I am just grist for the mill.

Faculty only pay attention to grad students who are working for them, international students, students of color, and spouses of influential people in academia.If you are a white adult- not working for the university- go someplace else. This program just stalls amd wastes your time!

I had a good experience at Texas A&M,Apr 09 2010Architecture
I had a good experience at Texas A&M, although the undergraduate advising isn't the best. As long as you don't mind creating your own path and knowing which classes to take during certain semesters you should be fine. The profs are really cool and love to help, but they can be a little condescending (its architecture so everyone has an ego!). The graduate program is very competitive so even with a decent GRE score, if you don't have a good portfolio you might as well not even apply.
Pros: The university is very rich, full ofJan 27 2009Other
Pros: The university is very rich, full of resources and will not let anything lacking for the student that knows where to ask. Unless it is something that cannot be bought, like everyday information.

Cons: College Station is a difficult place to live in for a foreigner. The clerks that should provide information to get you familiar with the place are too much concerned about their own lives to try to know anything like how the buses work. In short, the entertainment is really difficult to find, the heat s*cks from mid Spring to late Fall (!), so there is no escape for those who don't drive, and the only bus out of town leaves from the neighboring city, once a day, and takes 5 hours to get to Austin.

Although it is possible to move around by bike, at some point one gets tired of buying groceries that way. The city is horizontal so unless you live really close to campus, bikes are not really a good option.

The students are friendly, but there is no denying, this is a redneck land and the minute you put your feet out of the campus, you are a foreigner and will be treated as such.

Despite the university's strong efforts to promote diversity, still it is like living in the Melrose sitcom. There is even a place called Melrose.The city is not built for those who need a little more urban lifestyle. The cultural life is close to zero. It is so boring that even undergrads work on Sundays.

I came from a big city and wentJul 19 2008Education
I came from a big city and went to A&M for my undergraduate degree. After graduating I moved back to the big city and ended up missing College Station and moved back to go to graduate school. I love the city and how it only takes you about 10 minutes to drive anywhere.

The University has made great accomplishments in diversity. The student population is becoming more diverse every year. I have made many white and non white friends during my time here. If you are into the traditions here have fun and do as many or as few as you want. I know plenty of people who like to do some but aren't super hardcore and everyone gets along fine...just keep an open mind.

The secret to succeeding in classes is to get to know your professors. Introduce yourself the first day, sit in front, ask questions and visit your professor during office hours. They'll get to know you and realize that you are making an effort in their class. Also try the numerous clubs, groups and activities that the University has to offer. You'll get to meet a lot of people and make some friends who you will keep in touch with the rest of your life. Try out as many as you can at first and then stick with the couple your really like. Sports Clubs, for example, is a great place to keep in shape, learn a new sport or continue with one you've done before. Most are competitive but also have members that just do it for fun and for the camaraderie. I think over all our experience will be what you make of it.

Mar 30 2008Electrical Engineering
In overall it's ok, the problem is that it's only ok...
It's a huge universityNov 04 2007Kinesiology
It's a huge university in a small town, if you want to study science, this is a perfect place for you. But, be prepared in advance for the boring life here.
I did my masters from Texas A&MOct 24 2007Engineering Department
I did my masters from Texas A&M.
The biggest positive is the quality of faculty and their willingness to help the students with their questions.

The other positives are the quality of other facilities like rec center, arts and crafts studio.I have gone back to school after working for a few years and this school is not Texas A&M. And I appreciate the positives of Texas A&M even more now. Another thing about Texas A&M that I appreciate now is the dedication and ethics of my fellow students at Texas A&M, which is unfortunately lacking in the school I am currently attending.

Do not pay any attention if you everJun 28 2007Other
Do not pay any attention if you ever hear about racism or ethnic segregation in this university. This university is all about its traditions, and it sticks to it, but it does not mean that international students are excluded. There are people from all over the world here, and the university has the objective to increase it even more in the next years. Research funding is huge for Petroleum Engineering, as this is one of the best universities for this career, thanks to this you can get your tuitions paid and live decently
Apr 05 2005Art & Design Department
I love A&M and i'm glad i went
Research Topic(s): artist
Grading steps are tooMar 29 2004Mechanical Engineering
Grading steps are too wide, you either get an A(4) or B(3) This makes things bad when you are too close to an A yet not having the cutoff..
Research Topic(s): Solid particle transport behavior and the effect of aerosol mass loadi
TAMU (Aggies) are aAug 08 2003Chemistry
TAMU (Aggies) are a very proud bunch and take work and play seriously. Is a larger school yet has a small town environment and a very stong identity. At the time I went to school, it was the most cost effective yet one of the most resourceful state school in Texas!. I love TAMU
Research Topic(s): Polymer-Bound Homogeneous Catalysis
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