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The University of Houston

Total Grad Surveys 49
Females 20
Males 29
Avg years at University 2.8
Research Quality B (6.6)
Research Availability B (6.8)
Research Funding B- (6.4)
Graduate Politics B (7.0)
Not Errand Runners B (6.7)
Degree Completion B (7.1)
Alternative pay [ta/gsi] B+ (7.3)
Sufficient Pay B (6.8)
Competitiveness B- (6.4)
Education Quality B (6.9)
Faculty Accessibility B (6.9)
Useful Research B (7.1)
"Individual" treatment B (6.6)
Friendliness B (6.7)
Safety B- (6.0)
Campus Beauty B+ (7.8)
Campus Maintenance B+ (7.6)
University Spending B (7.0)
Extracurriculars B (7.2)
Scholastic Success B (7.1)
Surrounding City A- (8.6)
Social Life/ Environment B (6.9)
Surrounding CityA-
Economics department is terrible- faculty couldn't get aMar 24 2022Economics
Economics department is terrible- faculty couldn't get a job anywhere else and don't care about teaching. They don't understand the difference between something being busy work and something being hard. Also, completely out of touch with the real world or what motivates people. The department operates in a shell that has no interaction with the other departments on campus. Racist, sexist and ageist beliefs were openly expressed by several faculty, and there was a great deal of victim shaming and inappropriate sharing/boundaries regarding students. Administrative staff throughout UH is on the whole atrocious- you're just a number, and most seem annoyed that they have to interact with you at all. No one is looking out for you, and there is no way to resolve any issues with finances/pay or poor treatment. In dealing with the parking office, I don't think I've ever met more self-absorbed, people hating employees. Also, the school only cares about sports, the engineering department and the business school. If you are not directly involved in any of these programs- GO TO ANY OTHER SCHOOL IN HOUSTON/TEXAS/ANYWHERE!
Research Topic(s): na
DO NOT GO TO THIS UNIVERSITY!!!!Mar 29 2020Chemistry
DO NOT GO TO THIS UNIVERSITY!!!! Worst experience of my life. Save yourself the trouble.
I will give a rough summary of what is going on, but the whole general case is roughly 6,000 words.
I was granted financial aid for four semesters with only three classes left to graduate. And had it all taken away for no reason what soever. After 3 months of fighting, they still have no solutions, with overwhelming evidence presented.

I fully gave every intention of what I was doing with the classes I was taking for the Fall of 2019 and Spring of 2020. In fact had to submit a SAP appeal for financial aid in the middle of the Fall semester, because I had maxed out on classes with financial aid. After submitting (1) My class schdule of the Fall of 2019 semester, (2) Master Degree Program, (3) SaP Appeal form, I was granted an additional four semesters of financial aid, Fall of 2019, Spring of 2020, Fall of 2020, Spring of 2021.

I had to change my whole years plans, now that I was going back to school for a bit. I turned down a job that paid $6,000 minimum pay up to $9,000 a month (Depending on hours). Instead I remained at a nearly dead end job, that barely pays more than minimum wage since I wanted to keep a flexible schedule.

My bank account was hacked for multi thousands of dollars. I wanted to reduce my monthly bills by someway, and was wondering if I could lower my class count to 10 credit hours and keep financial aid. Hence, i went seeking advice from Briget Jans (stay away from her, she will sabotage your entire account). I was under many false impressions with the eligibility of hours and financial aid. I was informed 9 hours, 10 hour, and 12 hours was required to maintain financial aid availability. HENCE, I reached out to Briget Jans from my school account, asking her this. She ignored the question for almost a week.

During that week I was informed by financial aid that 10 hours would be sufficient. Jans, then waited until the semester started cancelled my financial aid, stating that I needed 66 credits to graduate and it was mathematically impossible to obtain these credits. According to the MASTER DEGREE PROGRAM I only needed 9. That is three classes in four semesters. I called her out on this. A month later she finally stated that you need 12 credits for financial aid. I was already informed by the financial aid office, that 10 would be sufficient.

I remained in 10 credits.
Eventually Briget Jans starting ignoring my emails. I kept reaching out to restore my financial aid with overwhelming evidence. She issued a "no contact order." I was never even aware of this. She then reported me to the police for sending another email.

No one wanted to help. I was reported to the police for trying to reacquire my financial aid. This is quite ridiculous if you ask me. Hence, why I am leaving such a bad review. Honestly this is the worst experience of my life, and the worst University I have ever attended. I would honestly avoid this university in general at all costs. I have had issues almost this severe ever semester with this university. Go anywhere else. Save yourself the trouble.

She is the devil in disguise.
Point #1
When I stated I had one semester left, I indicated that because I had three classes left. This is based off the fact that 12 hours is four classes and is typically considered a semester. I needed 9 hours. That is less than one semester of classes.

Point #2
Once the discovered my amount of transfer classes, I was forced to submit an appeal. THE SAP APPEAL WAS TO OVERRIDE THIS (caps lock for emphasis). I was forced to submit my master degree program 2 weeks into the semester of the Fall of 2019. I was granted 4 semesters of financial aid AFTER they figured out I had over 170 credits.

Looking at a base of 170 + 4(12)= 170+48= 218 credits
I have 6 credits of chemistry fit inside that huge gap of credits. Obviously I would have filler classes. Hence I was taking Japanese 1501 and Chinese 1501. I informed the financial aid office I would continue with these classes in the Fall of 2020. They gave me the okay for that. So my Japanese 1502 and Chinese 1502 class was approved. The then claimed 10 credits would be sufficient with the Spring 2020 semester, while Jans was ignoring my first email I sent to her in January.

I did nothing wrong here.
I still have two more semesters to take 6 classes.
Point #3
She stated in this email I had over 60 credits to graduate. Clearly in the master Degree program I have 9. Actually, I took one of those courses last semester. Hence, it would read 6 credits, not 60+.

Point #4
They said I only took 1 chemistry class over the Fall of 2019. Yes, I did. They knew this. They looked over my schedule BEFORE they approved the SAP appeal for four additional semesters. Hence, this was acceptable

Also, I only need 3 classes in 4 semesters.
Point #5
Jans said I was not enrolled for any chemistry course for the start of the Spring of 2020. No for several reasons. I was awaiting on her answer on 9, 10, 12 credits to maintain financial aid eligibility. I was told 10 credits by the financial aid office. Hence I stuck with my ten credits, awaiting Jans to email me. I was going to further ask if I should take my chemistry courses that semester or the next, since I still had two more semesters to take two classes.

I had no reply from Jans. Hence I stuck with my Japanese 1502 and Chinese 1502, ten credits, already approved from the previous semester. They knew these would be some of my filler classes.

Point #6Yes, I do want a degree, I didn't come here to not get my degree, and end up a few classes shy. I didn't see any of the needed classes that I have remaining. Hence, I can't take them. Though one is an elective, so I was going to take an elective online over the summer. Which would leave 1 class.

Oh, My God; I will edit this laterSep 26 2017Chemistry
Oh, My God; I will edit this later because there is so much to say.
They have NO CAREER SERVICES Dpt. Okay. So it's an empty shell. What that means is you have no means of applying for jobs.

Unless you're an Engineer and there is just high demand for them.
But that's the least of it.
For the reason that I complained about the student loans being way too high and ending up paying twice the initial cost.

Also How can I pay a High Student Loan if there are no jobs offered for Scientist Graduates.
And trust me the jobs offered are temp, overnight shift, and No JOB SECURITY.
You mostly have nothing. You're better off being a blue collar worker at a plant.
Unless of course you are hooked up with a job like I was for many years and made lots of money just unfairly.

I am REPEATING I WAS THREATENED TO STEAL MY DEGREE, for complaining about my student loan payment.
Dr. Bott the "Advisor" Told me to "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY OFFICE, DON"T YOU SEE I"M BUSY" when I was asking where I had to go to for the advising session.

Of course I was told to go in his room by the receptionist.
That is the real face of University of Houston.
They not one research group in Chemistry worth anything on any research level.
One big Shell Scam. I'd say on the level of Trump University. I think Trump University is better than this.

Their only saving feature is Engineering and that is only because we live in an Oil town.
The Lab reports are leaked too as long as everything else.
You speak out against this. They punish you by lowering your grade arbitrarily.
This is the Saddam Hussein Family University.
SHUT THIS PLACE DOWN and do yourself a favor and go to A&M, UT, or Rice.I am trying to save your LIFE here. I have no reason to hate them I have a good grades. I am just trying to save as many LIVES as possible

Research Topic(s): Total Synthesis
Aug 08 2017Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical engineering department esp. Graduate program is highly research oriented. No industrial applications relevancy.
Dec 18 2016English
Provides an education that will set up a student for a good job, if that stdent makes the effort.
I am an international student doing PhD inJul 12 2016Geography and Geosciences
I am an international student doing PhD in Earth & Atmospheric Sciences. This is my third year here. Though there are a few good things about this university, those can be easily overlooked by the number of negative points. First of all, as a TA I am supported for only 9 months, there is no funding during the Summer. Though the department has few Summer TA positions, it is mostly reserved for the american students. It is much harder for an international student to find a job during the Summer compared to an american student.Now coming to the health insurance, it has been increased by 75% over the last three years. Yes, you read it right, 75% and there is no extra benefit for that. International students are bound to take that health insurance decided and imposed by the university authority. Now it doesn't end here. The cost for the parking permit has increased by 66% while they have closed some of the easily accessible parking lots, RIDICULOUS!!!! So, just to give an idea, as a PhD student I get paid $15840 (in hand) per year.

Here is a list of yearly expenses-
Rent $ 10200
Health insurance $2096
Car insurance $ 960
Ph bill $300
Gas $ 1200So, I am left with only $90 per month to do the rest of the things, or do not live a decent life at all. Should I feel lucky that at least I have a roof on my head?

Aug 04 2015Education
UH Higher Education program sucks. DO NOT waste your hard earned money here. Go elsewhere!
I earned my PhFeb 26 2015Chemical Engineering
I earned my Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Houston - Main Campus. Over the 5 years of doctoral program, I had a number of experiences, that I can see in positive light nearly couple of years after my gad-walk. While not everything was easy and straightforward (good Ph.D. programs are not supposed to be easy), it was worth all the efforts it took. Doctoral program was fully supported financially by TA/RA duties. The Professors were very approachable and there to help you when you needed them. Most of all, I and my peers were focusing on research without much of running from pillar to post in order to get things done. The resources for computational and experimental research were phenomenal and available to graduate students easily. A great number of faculty members have NSF CAREER awards and other prestigious faculty awards to ensure plenty of funding available to graduate students. Some of the courses had actually higher difficulty levels than I expected them to be, but in the end it was all manageable with the help of Professors and TAs.

After my experience at UH-ChBE, I can definitely say that US News rankings of this program don't reflect the program quality. The NRC rankings (that put this doctoral program in top 20) do a better job at accessing the real potential that this program has. While landing a suitable job requires some effort, most of the doctoral candidates have an offer or two before walking at the commencement ceremony. If you have a background in Chemical Engineering, I don't have to explain you why Houston is the best place to be. I myself had a summer internship at an Oil & Gas super-major, and later on found R&D position in Houston.

Ph.D. life isn't easy... I guess that's how it's supposed to be. Ask any graduate student nearing graduation and you might hear a lost of reasons why you should not be doing Ph.D., but that feeling does go away. What really matters is the feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment you get when you look back at all that you did during those years. I really feel proud for all the publications and research that I have done and for that I am thankful to the support provided by the UH ChBE Professors and peers.The UH-ChBE doctoral program is an underdog, usually rated much lower than it actually deserves to be. If you are considering doctoral studies in Chemical Engineering, I'll unequivocally recommend you considering University of Houston - Main Campus.

I do not recommend undergraduate or graduate studiesApr 15 2013Education
I do not recommend undergraduate or graduate studies at the University of Houston, College of Eduction. I do however recommend the University of Houston's other colleges as I received my undergraduate degree from this institution. The College of Education at UH is a JOKE! I have met with them in person twice to find out the exact requirements for graduate studies. Both times I was given information that clearly was misguided. I even had a professor within that college tell me their program sucked and they were very disorganized. I did not want to believe this, but after careful review and past communication with them I strongly encourage anyone NOT TO APPLY TO THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION at the University of Houston. The communication I had with Dr. Margaret Watson was the final decision not to pursue studies at UH. Her careless tone and incorrect grammar gave me great certainty I can HONESTLY say this is no longer my first choice for grad school.
I have worked at this university for 3Jun 24 2012Education
I have worked at this university for 3 years. I have been a student for 6 long years. For graduate students in the College of Education Higher Education program there is no support. All along the process I felt kind of alone even though I met with my professors often. When it came time to submit my candidacy and I needed more than a casual pat on the back I was encouraged to "hire an editor". Are you kidding me? After spending thousands of dollars I discovered that the program did not prepare me to do what I needed to do which was write a dissertation. And there was NO ONE who was willing to help. Professors are paid to advise and mentor their students,however, at this institution, I was treated like a step child. I WOULD NOT recommend this university and especially this program to my worst enemy.
While I think theAug 06 2011Other
While I think the Law Center has a great value for the education you get I do think they should definitely invest on a new building for the law school. The facilities could be a lot better.
Research Topic(s): Energy Efficienc buildings
Definitely not worth the experience! The department isJul 13 2011Civil Engineering
Definitely not worth the experience! The department is hopeless. We never had important relevant courses. Many courses were even outdated. The faculty strength is below minimal. Most unhelpful. Most students are not employed for more than a year now. No funding, no useful research projects! Please choose a different place that is worthwhile.
When I first saw its US-NEWS ranking (ComputerDec 14 2010Computer Science
When I first saw its US-NEWS ranking (Computer Sci.), I was disappointed a little bit. But once I started studying at UH, I've really appreciated the destiny which brought me here. Let me go one by one:

- Great research opportunities,
- Kind and helpful staff,
- Amazing recreation center (it has the biggest gym I`ve ever seen) and lots of activities,
- Diversity,
- Employment opportunities, etc...
And the good news is UH is getting Tier-one research school very soon :)

THIS UNIVERSITY IS HORRIBLE!!!! I wouldn't send myApr 02 2010Chemistry
THIS UNIVERSITY IS HORRIBLE!!!! I wouldn't send my dog to take a dump here. Not only would you probably get robbed..the professors are absolutely horrible. They usually aren't there during office hours. You won't learn much as the professors are more concerned about their research than actually teaching classes. Professors here don't realize that we are STUDENTS...and they are TEACHERS...instead they think we know everything and they can put up their powerpoint slides and get through 100 pages of notes in an hour and a half(I'm not joking) and we've retained everything they've gone through...This university isn't worth attending unless you like feeling like an idiot everyday you are there.
I actually got rejected from this school forMar 07 2009Engineering Department
I actually got rejected from this school for the PhD program, because (the letter says that) I do not meet their high standards of GPA and GRE requirements. In contrast, I received a letter from X (top 5 in the US), Y (top 3 in Canada), and Z (top 2 in the UK, and had phone interview with the research council members and the research manager and head of the department) schools that they were intrigued by my initial research proposal and the subject, and accepted with full tuition waiver with research assistantship (conditional upon the evaluation after each year's performance). I just had a good laugh.
need gmat at leastJan 23 2009Finance
need gmat at least 550 to get in master finance except master of accounting ,which is easier to get in. they dont car eif u have high gpa if ur gmat is less than 550.not a good of a school in terms of faculty. I only found very few good professor who can explain well.
classes are not availableDec 11 2008Education
classes are not available when your about to graduate. I had to leave ...and had to start over again at another school in the same system!
Without getting lengthy, I'll just say that IFeb 14 2008Public Policy
Without getting lengthy, I'll just say that I spent half of my time in the Master of Arts in P.A. program and the other half in the M.B.A. program; the difference in professor quality is astonishing. They recently put one Dr. Weiher in charge of the former, who is dry, uninspiring, and one of those tenured guys who is just sucking, sucking, sucking. On the bright side, the university in general hands out money like it's going out of style. Scholarships, teaching assistantships, and jobs are relatively easy to obtain.

Stay away from Dr. Yuasa. He doesn't speak English. It was a struggle. You have to take one class from him to graduate.

It is true that you get what you put in, but I don't know whether that makes things better. I would only join this program if you get a T.A. job and then never work for Yuasa. I graduated just fine and made good time. I'm still looking for work. I've applied to 12 jobs in two months and I'm still waiting to get a first interview. Hope this helps someone out there:)

OMG where can I startJan 21 2008Biology
OMG where can I start.....
well Ill start with faculty,
faculty at the biology department are really bad, they dont care about the student's wellfare at all all that they care about is having you do whatever they want at their lab like "slaves" with no regard to whats best for you, you are forced to take only the courses they see fit for you to do what they want you to do;

one faculty actually said once: you must not take courses that prepare you for the future or you feel interesting you should take what we tell you to take!!

2nd most of trhe faculty here dont have money! I guess because they are self absorbed and crybabies that they cant follow whats going on in research to get grants but instead keep on cursing NIH because "the director is an MD and doesn't understand research" how pathetic is that?

now the department if full of politics and turf wars even though its a pathetic department with such a bad overall ranking among departments!! you can check out the statistics.

three new professors are now in charge of the graduate committee and again all that they care about is proving they are better than previous profs and controlling students. plus they, and thats from personal experience, will twist the rules lie and bully junior faculty into doing whatever they want just because they dont like you or feel they need to teach you a lesson!! its scary I am not kidding

pay is the lowest among all Texas schools!! and most probably you have to teach because most profs are bad at what they do so they don't have money, and yet they expect you to be in the lab all week!!! and weekends, which is fine if you were at a decent school or doing decent research or even if you feel they care for your general welfare but they dont give a damn!

overall it was bad decision to come here but when I joined things werent as bad, the department is headed in the wrong direction because of the "new management" so if you can find a place anywhere else do yourself a favour and dont join here unless you very desperate and cant go anywhere else, because in this department its all aboutthem and you or your future career isnt wortha nickle to them.

I came for a PhD degree in thisAug 18 2007Biology
I came for a PhD degree in this Univ in the Biology and Biochemistry Deptt. Its horrible and FUCKING experience. Never in your nightmare think of coming to this place and particularly this deptt. Look at the profs profile, publications and work. All junk except one or two. Most of the good professors left because of the internal politics. The course structure does not even matches with what the profs teach in the lab. All will talk about there rubbish. Here is an Optiometry dept. I lastly joined there because the prof is adjunct faculty in Biology and Biochemistry Dept.

Don't even ask me about TA. They ask you to work like a slave for a monthly TAship of $1650. And moreinterestingly in a year you have to end up paying $3000 approx for tution fees. Now you understand what they pay............

The profs are as expected with there junk projects have no grants for years and they are not bothered about. They are all tenured and old FUCKING guys sucking the salary of prof and have no output.

Well they have two qualifier as if it is Harvard. And if u can't satisfy your FUCKING prof you are more likely to go out with a MS.

So if you are`planing for a PhD then please don't join here. Life sucks here. Believe me.

May 21 2007Mechanical Engineering
Excellent University! A great place to challenge your mind and find out what it is you want to become.
This school does not have the reputation itOct 08 2006History/Histories (art history/etc.)
This school does not have the reputation it deserves. It has wonderulf faculty who are very helpful, and the class sizes are much smaller than other state universities in Texas. The wonderful diversity at the school provides a unique environment that stimulates intense learning, interaction, and cooperation
I graduated from Computer Science and then haveSep 13 2006Computer Science
I graduated from Computer Science and then have been working here for 3 years. Let me tell you a little bit about my experience over here from a general accademic point of view. I graduated with an MS but took 3 undergrad courses as well. Over the last 6 years the university has transformed drastically. It used to be a little conservative. Now (2006) its like girls gone wild. Its just a place where students are entirely engrossed in their social lives and dress sense. If you think mtv is outrageous you should check out this place. summer or winter the girls are wearing almost nothing. honestly there are girls roaming around in bikinis here.

this place reeks ghetto. the student body is diverse. but all the students are extremely trashy and ignorant. all they care about is partying and getting drunk. just take a walk aroiund campus you will see what i mean.

the course work here is extremely easy if you have any iq at all. Its designed that way to keep these trashy ghetto students from failing. my friend was a math teacher and he told me about some guys on foot ball scholarships not knowing how to use a calculator in their junior year.if you want any kind of successful career stay far away from this place. except for the law school and perhaps optometry the rest of the programs are way below average. IF you want a career at walmart or target as an assistant cashier or any other low paid job then this is the place for you.

The Faculty needs to start taking the studentsFeb 26 2006Computer Science
The Faculty needs to start taking the students and research more seriously. Things have improved in the past few years but "High Quality" education is still more a "Department specific" feature. There are a few good Departments and a few good instructors in some departments but on the whole things seem a little laid back. This is a great university with one of the best Financial Aid and Graduate Student Worker programs in place. There is a need for the University to adopt "excellence in every field" as a way of life and not just be content with a few sparks of excellence here and there.
I got my MBA in Finance at nightDec 07 2005Business - Management and Administration
I got my MBA in Finance at night while working full time during the day. I went to one of the highest ranked engineering schools in the country on the east coast for my undergrad degree and can honestly say UH is a great school. In earning my degree, I was able to participate as a Portfolio Manager in the Cougar Investment Fund. UH is one of only 3 schools in the country that actually trades with real money.
Mmm.Sep 10 2004Mechanical Engineering
Mmm. I will define UH as the University of "HOS". There are so many PROSTITUTES here at UH going for their graduate degrees! Its no WONDER why they get straight "A" in their classes! Lonely and stupid professors and students just want to FUCK, FUCK, FUCK the prostitutes all day long! Hey, why don't UH become the next strip, I mean FUCK club?
I got master's degree from this universityApr 16 2003Computer Science
I got master's degree from this university. I took 15 classes in total. Among them, about 3 classes' instructors were good. I learned something. The rest of the classes are just for the credit. The competition in the class was surprisingly high. Sometimes it was stressful. Very few instructors were good. You have to learn it yourself.

In terms of the administration of the whole school, I'll give 6 out of 10. I remember only for the school ID, I went to UC for 4 times. Almost took me whole afternoon. Don't mention other chaotic situations. Only one thing, if you are an international student, you might want to come, since they have very good international center. Very nice people over there. So, my main point is if you have other schools to go to, don't come here.

Something needs to beFeb 07 2003Electrical Engineering
Something needs to be done. Its really bad out here. Compare the education to other universitites. no human value. I came here for a PhD. This is just my 2nd sem. Im not even sure if I will complete it
UH is a great schoolApr 23 2002Business - Management and Administration
UH is a great school. I finished my MBA and my BBA there. There is always something to do at the school or in the city. I have made many friends. I have enjoyed working with my fellow students and I have learned a lot from the faculty at the College of Business.If you are thinking where to go in Texas, just come to UH. You won't regret it!
Mar 12 2001Electrical Engineering
Great place. A hidden treasure.
Feb 23 2001Mechanical Engineering
This is the best university that i have attended.
The University of Houston
The University of Houston
The University of Houston
Compare UHoustonSave UHouston

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