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The University of Illinois Urbana - Champaign

There are 205 Comments


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Experience totally depends on the program, but overallQuite BrightIndustrial Operations Engineering
Experience totally depends on the program, but overall UIUC is a great school and I have no regrets as an in-state student (despite having multiple, higher ranked options). The university got me a great, high paying job well above the industry average, and although the engineering curriculum is difficult, I've found that there are plenty of resources for help. Also, study abroad program is fantastic, and actually ended up being cheaper than a regular semester! Highly recommend the university.
4th Year Male -- Class 1921
University Resource Use/ spending: A+, Faculty Accessibility: B
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UIUC has been a horror the entire bodyBrightEngineering Department
UIUC has been a horror the entire body of education law is designed to require not ever be possible. I am still via FOIA and otherwise finding stalking, extreme criminal damage incidents mostly created by long distance remote computer UIUC staff stalking with my DOB/SSN/other protected details, rage gender screaming for "make them into inappropriate gender jobs" and violent endangerment currently attempting to impose criminal fantasies from the UIUC on other parts of the US as if we are living as rich housewives and don't feel pain and some form of ugly unethical illegal witch burning including repeating "swearing" involving UIUC staff that my entire degree transcript awards lifetime income etc do not exist and are "gender looney". Waste of time and money that was 99.9% of the costs for pointless wreakage. Staff employees assault for life and stalk. Quit and go somewhere else but do it fast before they get this much information about who you are to keep stalking you with the UIUC computer systems that turn into public internet postings outside when UIUC admin takes them down, and are currently public internet posting any FOIA requests of the school to make the point of shut up or get this out of the UIUC.
1st Year Female -- Class 1922
Useful Schoolwork: A+, Individual Value: F
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Engineering Department
Best School Ever!
Alumnus Male -- Class 2000
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The University of Illinois Urbana - Champaign
The University of Illinois Urbana - Champaign
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