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Pace University - New York

Business - Management and Administration Scores
Students who would return
Would not - 16/11
Student Surveys
(in Business - Management and Administration)
Males: 15, Females: 12
Average Yrs. Completed: 1.7

Education Quality Vs. Competing Schools

Pace University - New York
Average of All Schools
Average of schools in class

Harvard University
Fordham University
Hofstra University
University of California - Berkeley
Yale University
Cornell University
State University of New York Binghamton

Student Expectations

Expected coursework difficulty:3.9 High
Actual difficulty:3.5 Medium
Students found the coursework to be easier than expected.

Educational Quality vs. Student Intellect

English Speaking

Percent of teaching staff that does not speak satisfactory English0-10%

Student Personalities

Faculty Personalities

Business - Management and Administration:

I have been at Pace for two years. I have gained a lot of understand of what kind of school this is and I have a few pointers on whether or not t...
Pretty good school for business and in New York city, the best city in the world. I was happy to go there and had a great college experience even thou...
This is the worst school in the world! ASU, is better. Biggest rip off, ever! The students here are a bunch of assholes who only care about how they l...
Pretty good school for business and in New York city, the best city in the world. I was happy to go there and had a great college experience even thou...
This school is very unorganized. The staff and faculty do not know what they are talking about and they give off a careless attitude when asking for h...
I think this university has lots of potential, only if all work together to further the goals of success and academic excellence. I think if all will ...
I really like Pace University. If you plan on attending here, make sure to get into the best professors class. Go to before...
Great University! Teachers are friendly, helpful, and concerned about the students. Bureaucracy is abundant, but matters are solved very fast and effi...
Pace University, NY is extremely diverse and challenging. If you want the grade you will have to work for it. Set 4 blocks away from Wall St., and a...
Overall, Pace is a great school. The business school is great. The faculty and professors are helpful and truly care about their students. The best th...
(sorry this is gonna be long, but it's very informative!!) This is for the Pleasantville,not NYC, campus I came here by force of my parents, ...
Pretty good school for business and in New York city, the best city in the world. I was happy to go there and had a great college experience even thou...
I loved Pace. I have great memories of the students I met, and the experience of working for the school in both the registars office part time and Pac...
Pretty good school for business and in New York city, the best city in the world. I was happy to go there and had a great college experience even thou...
It?s honestly amazing. Housing is great and the whole faculty is truly so sweet and so welcoming. It is expensive however, but I have enjoyed my time ...
I found the education offered at Pace University to be excellent. I was able to attend at night and apply what I learned during the day at my job. I...
Pretty good school for business and in New York city, the best city in the world. I was happy to go there and had a great college experience even thou...
This school is such a waste of time. I hate the students here because most of them do not care about school but how they look instead. I feel like I a...
I feel the Lubin School of Business Marketing Program was strong. Although the first two years were mostly electives and pre-reqs, once you began taki...
Please do some serious thinking before you choose to attend this school. I'm saying, you better visit, talk to the students, and get some advice from ...
Pretty good school for business and in New York city, the best city in the world. I was happy to go there and had a great college experience even thou...
The Business program at this school is great, except for you occasional foreign professor that you cant under stand. But the school its self is awful...
This school is a waste of money. Over 50K a year for the same education that you can get somewhere else. The professors do not show up to class. But t...
A total waste of time and money.
I find it quite funny how the majority of people who wrote positive reviews on this website tend to either be a freshmen, alumni, or in the performing...
Ok. Please read this. It's worth it. I am a senior at Pace who has attended the school for 2 semesters as a junior transfer student. I got into Pac...
They shot down the water without prior notice
I do not really recommend Pace because its price definitely does not match its value. If you get a good scholarship and financial aid and your tuitio...
Love Pace University. Transfered in there and was the best thing that could happen to me. Love all the friends I made plus everyone I learned...
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• On the Student/Faculty Ratio

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• FAFSA: Parent Contribution
• FAFSA: Dream out of reach

• College Financial Planning
• Survive College and Graduate
• Sniffing Out Commuter Schools
• Preparing for College: A HS Roadmap
• Talking to Your Parents about College.
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