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The University of Pennsylvania

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The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences isQuite BrightComputer Engineering
The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences is an absolute meat grinder. Most of the students form cliques and view other students as the enemy. First year classes were ok. Second year was stunningly difficult with bad instruction and lousy textbooks contributing to make is extremely time-consuming and difficult to learn the material to a high degree of proficiency. Junior and senior year when I specialized things were much easier. I also took courses in the College of Arts and Sciences (liberal arts). About half of the professors there will give a student a B and reserve an A for liberal arts students. That pissed me off a lot. And I took 5 classes in Wharton. The Wharton classes were incredibly easy compared to engineering classes. In fact I would say that engineering classes are 5x as difficult as Wharton classes.

Philadephia is a dangerous city. Very dangerous. I had some incidents which led to me confining myself to campus as much as possible. Even on campus, it was not safe. The local people (welfare people) would come to campus and commit crime. And the homeless problem in Philadelphia is unbelievable. The whole place smells like urine. Do not leave campus in groups of less than 6 males.

Job recruiting and career planning at Penn were half-arsed. You better have your own goal, direction and self-management. Do not expect the school to help.

This is a school that prides itself on graduating the leaders of business, finanance and industry. And it graduates some of them. But the other 90% of the students are ripped apart by the experience. I would say that more than half of the students suffer from depression but try to put a happy face on it, pretending that everything is great. The administration does not care because they are at Penn for a 3-5 year stint and then will move on to another university and a higher paying job.

Financial aid at Penn is modest to meager. Realistically, you need to be either poor or rich but not in between. The students from poor families got everything for free. And that was often a joke. Students from restaurant families simply reported no income on their taxes for a few years and got a free ride even though their families owned several rental properties through trusts. The financial burden on the middle class is crushing, with parents emptying 401(k)s and taking out private loans to cover school costs.

Wharton is a great place to get into the Wall Street scene. The College (liberal arts) is a waste. Engineering is great for those who already know the first 2 years of material, but not for a regular Joe. Then there is a diversity issue. Non-diverse students are constantly pummelled with propaganda which implies that they are somehow bad and must make up for it by making room for and supporting less-qualified and unqualified diverse students. When I went there, the diverse students had scant chance of graduating due to being cognitively underpowered for the task.

4th Year Male -- Class 1988
Useful Schoolwork: A-, Innovation: F
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UPenn is a wonderful place for those academicallyNot so brightAgriculture/Horticulture
UPenn is a wonderful place for those academically motivated and seeking to learn at the highest possible level. I have been attending UPenn for two years now and I can with confidence say it had been the worst two years of my life. My first day I was walking into the freshmen dorms and I walked into a toile that was cemented to the sidewalk. I broke my foot and lie there for half an hour until somebody came to my aid. When they did they simply took a video of it for snapchat and kept walking. My phone had no service due to the absolutely terrible reception on campus. After that though it got much better. The toilet was removed and my foot healed. But not before I got my nickname, "Larry the Limp". Not much better. UPenn students are mean and always make fun of my height. I'm really not that short if you think about it, 4'10 is below average for sure but I can still reach most things if I have access to a step ladder. This ties in perfectly to dorm food. I used to say, eat some of that rocket fuel and you will be boosting for the rest of the day. Freshmen 15 took on a whole new meaning when I took 15 trips to the bathroom in one day. 10/10 do not recommend. Make sure to pack a lunch if you are coming to school next year. Hope this was helpful, I really love this school and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Shoutout to Ms. Buchannon for helping me get over my fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of my mouth. Hope this was helpful! Smash that upvote.
2nd Year Male -- Class 1921
Social Life: A, Innovation: F
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Taking classes at University of Penn was great.BrightBiology
Taking classes at University of Penn was great. Philadelphia doesn't get enough credit as what a GREAT University and working town it is.Catch yourself making great friends for life, getting that cup of coffee 11:00 at night. Very impressed with fratermity graduates and members. Healthy and happy sorority life.
1st Year Female -- Class 1920
Education Quality: A, Useful Schoolwork: F
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