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The University of Louisville

How this student rated the school
Educational QualityC- Faculty AccessibilityC
Useful SchoolworkF Excess CompetitionD
Academic SuccessD Creativity/ InnovationC-
Individual ValueF University Resource UseC-
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyB FriendlinessD+
Campus MaintenanceC+ Social LifeB+
Surrounding CityA Extra CurricularsC+
Describes the student body as:
Friendly, Closeminded

Describes the faculty as:
Arrogant, Self Absorbed

id='quarter' class='snapshot' style='color: #970016; line-height:80px';float:left;
Lowest Rating
Useful Schoolwork
Highest Rating
Surrounding City
He cares more about Useful Schoolwork than the average student.
Date: Aug 29 2011
Major: Chemical Engineering (This Major's Salary over time)
I am a freshman at this university and to be honest, it is the worst thing imaginable. None of the networks work even a day without crashing, not blackboard, ulink, mymathlab, nor dyknow. NOTHING WORKS, and according to the administration everything is my fault because I'm the only person to report it. There is a FACEBOOK page dedicated to the exact problems I have reported. Along with this the Dean of Students in charge of the Speed School essentially called me a liar to my face. He said "If there were this many problems going on more students would have reported it, I'm sure you just have a connectivity problem wit your computer.". I am sincerely FED UP with this school after the first week.
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